Chapter 14

The adventure begins for the young ladies as they set off to find Noemi's very interesting find. Being completely demoralized, she steps back while it is Aurore who leads the way. They all advance at a steady pace, but no one notices Kelly's absence. The girls discover this place which is unknown to them as they walk and, after more than twenty minutes on the road, they arrive in front of a large open gate in front of which is inscribed "Villa du bonheur". Deciding to enter, they all have a crush on her by stepping into the entrance. Even if the place seems deserted, they are still afraid of falling on someone dangerous, they enter the courtyard where they find a large path whose edges contain flowers. A hundred meters further, a small glass fence opens the way to a swimming pool which, it seems, has not been maintained for a few days, considering the amount of dirt in it. They have not yet entered that they are already enjoying it.

- This hostel is beautiful! launches Chelsea, all amazed.

- It's true, adds Aurore, unable to help but look around her. I hope we'll be able to live there...

- I wonder what could be going on on this island so that there's no one there, says Brittany, also fascinated by what she sees.

- Do you think it's a good idea to come in? Amber asks them, not very serene. I mean, there's gotta be something wrong going on around here so there's no one left. Would you leave your house if there was no danger?

- Here! Look who's freaking out! When Brooklyn was scared on the yacht, didn't she laugh? Swim back to Heartland if you want to get home so badly! snaps Noemi curtly.

Amber immediately understands the youngest's prick and prefers not to answer.

- The island itself is deserted. It would be a big mistake not to go there. With a bit of luck, we'll have more appropriate clothes to put on, Chelsea explains to him, ignoring Noemi's words.

- You have no idea how much I can't wait to take a hot shower, Anais goes on. It would be great if the water flows normally.

- I doubt that there is water, suddenly launches Chelsea. The island is deserted and I don't see why there would be water... Hot too! On the other hand, Amber is not wrong. We must remain on our guard. There must be a reason the island is empty.

- Look at this entrance girls! exclaims Anais, captivated by the beauty of the place. I don't know about you, but there's no way I'm leaving such a paradise. If there is nobody, it will become my house and too bad if I have to live there alone.

Anais can't stay still. If the others are still chatting without rushing, she allows herself to enter. As was the case on the outside, she is equally in awe of the beauty on the inside. The living room is very large. There is a large glass table on which are placed a newspaper and a flower vase containing natural plants. The sofas are arranged so that people can have a nice view of the outside. The walls, painted beige, are clean and there is very little dirt on the marbles. Anais, who is completely frozen, comes out of her dream as soon as the others enter.

- Wow! Chelsea exclaims. It's not possible, I'm hallucinating!

- It's beautiful, isn't it? Anais asks him with a smile. I feel like in a dream. I've always wanted to vacation in a place like this and I can't believe my dream is coming true. "Too bad it's on a desert island..."

- I still can't understand why this island is deserted, Chelsea says, beginning, like Amber, to find it strange. At first, I found it normal for a small island like this to be deserted, but now I don't understand anything. It can be seen that the inn has been maintained until very recently. I don't think a person would waste that much money to leave behind anyway!

- I knew what's going on, Amber says, holding a recent newspaper in her hands. All residents were evacuated.

- Evacuated? Anais is surprised. Why?

- It's amazing! We are in Greenland! Previously it was 2km2 and from year to year, with successive storms, it greatly decreases in area. The authorities had no choice but to leave their island. "It's very small! It won't be complicated to find Daphne, Gabriella and Sophie!"

- It won't be complicated to find Anne-Sophie and the two others, realizes Aurore. If you're quick, you could sweep the whole island in a day.

- I also just thought about it. As night is about to fall, I'm going to get started very early tomorrow morning, she replies with a smile as she finally regains hope.

- Do we say more in the newspaper? asks Chelsea. During a violent storm that took place a month ago, the water covered the island to eighty percent and many inhabitants had to seek refuge in the houses higher up. Two hundred people lost their lives there, having been unable to take refuge anywhere. The island was evacuated a week ago.

- So, the island is set to disappear as it falls prey to storms and I know there are a lot of them around here, Chelsea understands.

- Do you think we'll be able to see part of the island if we go scuba diving?

- It won't be a surprise. After what we have just learned, I hope not to be there when another storm forms in the vicinity, launches Aurore immediately.

- Girls, we are in an inn. I looked at each room and they are clean. We have five floors just for us, Jessica tells them after listening to Amber's explanations about the island. You can take the room you like. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom. Regarding the kitchen, there is only one on the ground floor.

- If people deserted before the arrival of the storm and that the places are also clean, it would seem that the last one was not as violent as the preceding ones, realizes Brittany. It would be cool if we could have good food and hot water to take a good shower.

- Would you like to visit our hostel? suggests Noemi.

- Yes, that would be nice. We will take the opportunity to choose our rooms, continues Aurore.

- Hey! Chelsea suddenly launches before running down the stairs.

Not understanding what the young lady is doing, the others watch her go, astonished, before seeing Amber chasing her. Moments later, they arrive on the fourth floor where Chelsea enters the first room before going to the next one, then to another until she arrives in the last. Each time, she looks through the windows without saying a word.

- What are you doing Chelsea? Amber wonders, all out of breath.

- I told myself that I was going to succeed in spotting Anne-Sophie, Gabriella and Daphne, but I see nothing but trees.

- "That's smart!" Amber realizes. "Why didn't I think of that sooner? Ideally, I should take this room to see from time to time if I find anything abnormal. I might be able to spot Sophie." I take this room.

- Good idea, nods Chelsea. With a bit of luck, you'll be able to find them. We are very lucky to have come across this hostel. Given the number of rooms, we can each have our own room. If they are all like that, our stay on this island will be wonderful.

- If Amber keeps hoping to be able to find the love of her life by staying as long as possible near the window to wait for the slightest movement that would lead her to those who are missing, during this time, the others begin their visit in the inn. Entering the first room they find; they realize that they will have a great first night contrary to what they thought.

- Look at that, girls! says Aurore, who took the liberty of opening a cupboard.

- Seeing a dress that catches her eye as soon as she looks inside, Anais reaches out and grabs a mustard yellow dress. Opening it, she places it in front of her and, a priori, it should suit her.

- Wow! I take this one! she says with a huge smile.

- Cool! Aurore immediately replies.

- What is it?

- You could have waited for me to finish before serving you! It was I who opened the cupboard.

- Ah, because you're going to make me believe that you were going to take this particular dress?

- Indeed, it is a dress that I could have chosen.

- Well, girls, you're not going to argue about that! stops them, Jessica. And yes Anais, you should have asked her permission before serving yourself! It's called knowing how to live. You wanted this Aurore dress?

- Let her keep it, she replies curtly. I don't want her anymore.

- Well girls, is there one of you who will keep this room? asks the manager aloud.

To this question, she receives no answer.

- Well, I have the impression that the answer is no. As soon as you have chosen your room, we will say that it will definitely be yours, as well as everything in it. Am I clear enough?

Those in the room nod their heads in agreement. Being ten young ladies for thirty rooms, they spread out and choose their room. Being all identical, they know that they do not have a lot of options in front of them. After choosing, only the first two floors were chosen, except for the two bedrooms chosen by Amber and Chelsea later. If everything seems to be going well so far, Amber is not doing well. She tries to be strong in front of the girls, but she misses Anne-Sophie a lot and it weighs on her a lot. Her only desire is to go out to find her, but given the distance she has traveled today, she is aware that she needs a rest. Locking her door to avoid being disturbed, Amber takes off her bikini and, leaving it on the floor, she goes to turn on the water before starting to look for shower gel. As soon as she finds it, she goes under hot water, which she lets run over her body for more than ten minutes before washing her hair and showering. As soon as she's finished, she wraps herself in a towel before putting on a dress she found in the wardrobe in her bedroom.