Percy POV
I was feeling depressed. Cycles of sadness were symptoms of having a dying mother and a narcissistic step-dad. I wanted to cry all the time.
But, I was a man. So what? a voice echoed in my mind. Just because you cry doesn't make you any less of a man. Still, I refused to feel sad.
I was struggling to sleep recently, which didn't help my mood. Every time that I closed my eyes, my mind wandered to all the shit in my life. I couldn't stop thinking about how I wasn't safe in my own home and how my mom was in pain all the time.
Furthermore, a stupid virus invaded my mind, body, and soul. And, that virus's name is Annabeth Chase.
I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Even now, Annabeth was in my mind. I was visiting my mom at the hospital and telling her about my day. I failed a math test, and my mom wasn't even surprised. She just gave me a sad, cancerous look of disapproval.
"Percy, something's bothering you. I know my son," she whispered. Her voice was hoarse and raspy, and she couldn't speak too loudly anymore.
I usually tell my mom everything. The only secret that I ever kept from her was Gabe's abuse. She didn't need to know that even though it was a pretty big deal.
Everything else was fair game. She already knew about Annabeth, and my frustrating feelings for her.
"I'm thinking about Annabeth being a pain in my ass," I replied. "And, not the good kind."
My mom chuckled as I helped her sit up. She was doing a lot better today. She was talking and laughing about the stories that I was telling her.
Her hand reached forward and stroked my cheek. I melted into her touch. It's been so long since I felt her motherly affection.
"Your crush on Annabeth is so cute," my mother whispered.
"I'm serious, honey. It's been so long since you've talked about a girl with me. She must be very special if you can't stop thinking about her."
"You think a lot about people you hate as well," I muttered.
"The difference is that I see love in your eyes," she countered. "I ship this relationship. Hopefully, it will set sail soon."
My mom laughed at my surprised expression. This was so embarrassing, but I didn't mind. This was the perk of having a cool mom. She understood me, and she knew how to joke around.
It was astonishing that my mom could still turn into a teenage girl at times. I guess that's what Annbeth's and my relationship did to people.
Percabeth transforms people into squealing fangirls.
"OH MY GOD, MAMA. You're talking like a teenage girl," I chuckled.
My mom laughed again before bursting into a fit of coughs. The tubes around her body stretched while she leaned to the side of the bed. I held her in place firmly as she threw up into a trashcan. My mom had a chemo session earlier today.
Vomiting is a common side effect of her treatment (not her cancer).
The conversation continued like this. Overall, it was a rare good visit to the hospital. Yup, even though my mom was throwing up and coughing half the time, this was a good visit. That should tell you how bad things are.
As I walked home, I thought about my mom's wishes. She wanted to meet Annabeth, and she wanted me to be happy with her. I sighed before shaking my head.
Her first wish wasn't an option because I wasn't gonna tell Annabeth about my mom and Gabe. However, her second wish was possible. I was avoiding Annabeth, but I don't have to.
That's when I decided that it was time for our third date.
"Seaweed Brain, I hate shopping. Why would you invite me to this?" Annabeth whined. She was stomping like a child as we walked into the mall.
She looked adorable. Ugh, why?
While she didn't want to shop, I still remember how she smiled when she saw me at her doorstep. I felt giddy at the prospect that Wise Girl hates when I ignore her. She genuinely wanted to interact with me.
"Wise Girl, I have some Christmas shopping to do, and I wanted company. I need to buy presents for my mom and the party," I explained.
"Of course, you would save your shopping till the last minute. You're so stupid."
"I also figured that this would be a perfect opportunity for another date. You can think of this as a casual shopping date."
"Wouldn't that entail that you buy me things?" Annabeth asked with a raised brow.
To be honest, I don't have a lot of money. I didn't have enough to buy her a meaningful gift. "What do you want to get?" I asked hesitantly.
"I could use a new iPhone," she retorted. My face drooped before I realized that she was joking. A smirk was playing on her face as we entered TJ Max.
"I never even spent that much on my ex-girlfriends," I countered with a smile.
"Not even Calypso?"
I turned towards her in surprise. However, she was looking straight ahead at a painting on the wall. TJ Max was filled with antique and quirky products. I was looking for a gift for my mother (something that she could use at the hospital).
"I bought her a necklace once."
"A silver necklace with a moon lily pendant?" Annabeth asked. She finally turned towards me. I nodded in shock. How did she know?
"Calypso still wears it."
"Oh," was my reply. I didn't know how to respond to that. I wasn't expecting it nor did I care that she still wore something that I bought her.
"Well, she does own it now, so I guess that she can wear it."
"Seaweed Brain, you literally know nothing," Annabeth snapped. "After you break up with someone, you can't keep wearing intimate jewelry that the ex gave you."
"That makes no sense, Wise Girl. If an ex-girlfriend gave me an X-Box, I certainly wouldn't throw it away. Now, that would be dumb."
"So, you're saying that Calypso is justified?" Annabeth growled.
I paused next to a shelf filled with mugs. I suppose that I could give my mom a mug with a special message. Simpler the better. My hand grabbed a particular mug before turning to show Annabeth. However, I noticed that Wise Girl looked angry.
"Hey, why are you mad? What's the big deal?" I asked.
"Nothing," she snapped. "Calypso can continue wearing your necklace. I don't care. You can go make out with her too. It doesn't matter."
"WOAH, hold on, that's a huge jump," I stammered. What was the matter with Annabeth and Calypso? Did they not get along?
Annabeth paused before locking eyes with me.
"Sorry, I'm translating my anger onto you. My dad came home a few days ago, and he left a few days ago as well," Annabeth explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
I knew that Annabeth had a strained relationship with her dad. Frederick never came home. And, when he does come home, he leaves too quickly. I felt bad that Annabeth was missing him so much.
She took the baby blue mug from my hands and smiled at the message. BEST MAMA EVER was sketched on the mug beside a cartoon of a mom holding her child's hand. It was cute.
"Why don't you just talk to him?" I asked after some time.
"How can I talk to him, Percy?" Annabeth expressed. "He's so happy when he's at his work. How do I say that you work too much? How do I tell him that your family thinks you suck as a father because you're never there?"
"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say," I replied honestly.
After a few minutes of silence, I bought the mug for my mom. Annabeth was in her own mind, so I decided to distract her. One thing that I could do is make her feel better.
"So, Annabeth, who do you have for Secret Santa?"
"Piper. I bought her a purple sweater. It's very pretty so don't judge me for buying my friends' clothing," Annabeth smiled.
"No judgment here. I don't even know what to buy Nico," I whined.
Annabeth laughed before displaying her thinking face. I could gaze at her for hours when she was thinking. A light sparkle would enter her eyes. Her mouth would smile lightly, which is different than most people's thinking face.
She's just so attractive that it drives me crazy. Every time her hair was down, I'm so tempted to tuck a loose strand of her golden hair behind her left ear.
Finally, Annabeth smirked. A mischievous glint entered her stormy eyes. It was a new look; like the roles had been reversed between us.
"Nico would love it if you gave him a kiss. He'd cherish that gift for all of eternity," Annabeth chuckled.
My face reddened as I shook my head. "Oh my god, Wise Girl. That's the worst idea ever. Also, wouldn't that be breaking the proposal?"
"I'll make an exception on this one," she wheezed between laughs. I liked watching her laugh, so I continued the conversation.
"It wouldn't be my first kiss with a guy. Thanks for the idea, Wise Girl."
Annabeth laughed even harder while leaning into me. My hands supported her shaking body as I joined her. We continued to walk around the mall for hours. I promised Annabeth that I'd use her gift idea for Nico. Well, she forced me to promise.
She said, and I quote, 'everyone will get a kick out of this.'
This date was such a dumb idea, yet I was having a great time. I realized that it was Annabeth who gave me a great time. It was all about her.
That's why I decided to help her or (at least) try to. So, when she was distracted at Barnes & Nobles, I tapped into her phone and stole her dad's phone number.
Annabeth was missing her father, and I wanted to help. Also, Frederick Chase deserved to spend time with someone like Annabeth. He had to know what he was missing out on. As such, (more than anything) I felt like I was doing him a favor.
My eyes locked on Annabeth as she ate her orange chicken in the food court.
I wish that I could introduce her to my mother. However, I wasn't ready to reveal my secrets to Wise Girl. She doesn't like me like that. After all, Annabeth tried to set me up with Rachel.
Simply, this proposal locked us together. That was it.