The Kiss

Annabeth POV

"GUYS, I have a huge dilemma, and I NEED HELP," Leo exclaimed. He was panting heavily since he had just run to us from across the gym.

Gym class. I hate the gym. There was simply no point to the class. We were running around and playing sports, which I didn't care about. It wasn't even that fun because everyone took the game too seriously.

The game of dodgeball ended with two broken noses.

Fortunately, both broken noses belonged to classmates that I don't like: Drew and Kelly. They were too busy inspecting their nails to notice the balls hurling at their faces.

"What's wrong, Leo? You look frantic," Jason asked.

"That's because I am. Love makes you frantic," Leo snapped in embarrassment.

"Woah, our baby Leo has a crush on someone. I can't believe it. That's so amazing. I NEED to know all the details. Tell me everything," Piper squealed. She dragged Leo to the stands while Jason and I followed behind. Nothing could stop an excited Piper, especially when she was talking about relationship drama and love.

"It's not amazing," Leo stammered. Leo buried his face in his hands with an expression that showed that he was contemplating life or death. He was probably being overdramatic. "I can't have feelings for her. It's against bro-code."

"OHHH SHIT," Jason hissed. "Bro, you're dead."

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. I didn't understand anything they were talking about. The bro-code?

"The rules of the bro-code state that (1) guys have to keep each other's secrets, (2) you can't stab anyone in the back, (3) always support them and cover them, and (4) you cannot date a friend's ex-girlfriend," Jason explained succinctly.

"Bro-code is overrated. Leo should be able to date who he wants. Leo, who do you have a crush on?" Piper retorted.

"Cally. Ever since I met her, I'm obsessed. OBSESSED," Leo stressed.

"Bro, you can't date Percy's ex-girlfriend. He will never forgive you. Bro-code cannot be broken like this."

"I don't think that it's a big deal," I affirmed. I

looked towards Piper for confirmation, and she nodded in agreement. She was much better at relationships than I was, so I let her take over.

"I've gotten to know Percy recently, and he won't care. First, he doesn't care for Calypso anymore. Secondly, he supports Tratie, so he'll be fine with (um, uh) Caleo," Piper finished. She seemed proud of her ship names.

"You don't get it, Pipes. There are strict rules."

"Why doesn't Leo just get Percy's blessing first before pulling any moves," I suggested. That seemed like the best idea. Leo and Jason nodded hesitantly.

"Spoken like a true genius, Annabeth. Good idea."

Suddenly, the bell rang through the school's speaker system. The bells marked the end of the day and the beginning of Winter Break. Piper cheered while doing a happy dance. She hated school almost as much as Thalia.

I liked school. Regardless, I was ready for a break. I was also very excited about the Christmas party with the whole gang.


"ALCOHOL," Connor Stoll shouted.

His voice cracked in the process, and everyone laughed as his face flushed. His cheeks were stained with red as he got off of Piper's dining table. He slipped on the hardwood and staggered to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Connor, it's only been an hour. How are you drunk already?" Katie scolded.

I realized that this was a common occurrence. Travis and Connor fooled around, and Katie yelled at them. Similar to my relationship with Percy.

"It's Piper's fault for opening the drinks already. Also, the eggnog is delicious, and I can't help but enjoy it," Connor panted before his face dropped. "It's been such a hard year, and we are juniors now. I feel- I feel like-"

Connor faltered off before starting to cry loudly. I couldn't stop laughing as Connor went around and hugged everyone in the room. At least, Connor was a fun drunk.

After Connor's fiasco, Piper put a temporary ban on alcohol.

She wanted everyone to be relatively sober when we exchanged presents. The Secret Santa wasn't a secret anymore. Everyone knew what we were giving each other. You couldn't expect this group to keep secrets from each other.

We sat in a large circle in Piper's massive living room. A massive Christmas tree was shining in the corner of the room, and the fireplace was radiating warmth. I was next to Percy and Thalia. Percy kept pushing my knee with his leg. Manspreading everywhere.

"Stop it, Seaweed Brain. There's so much room."

"Wise Girl, I'm trying to sit criss-cross apple sauce. Your knee is in the way, so I have no choice but to bump you," Percy commented.

Hazel immediately whirled towards her with a flushed face. "WAIT, DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BANG HER?"

I facepalmed and Percy burst out laughing. Hazel was a few feet away, so she didn't hear what Percy said properly. Hazel's face was bright red. Gods, she was too pure and innocent.

I shoved Percy to stop his laughter.

"That's not what he said, Hazel. Relax."

"However, when I win this proposal, I suppose.."

"SHUT UP, Seaweed Brain. Don't you dare finish that sentence. Besides, there's still a month left. Anything can happen."

Percy leaned closer to me. His breath mixed with my own, but I didn't back down. His sparkling sea-green eyes pierced into my soul. "There's only one month left," he whispered back.

My face flushed. Percy leaned back with a triumphant smirk. He was enjoying this way too much, but he was also correct. There was less than one month left.

I shook my head before focusing on the gift exchange.

Everyone was enjoying their presents. From what I can see, no one received a present that they didn't like. I was looking forward to Percy's gift for Nico. It was finally his turn.

"All right, Percy, what did you get me?" Nico asked boldly. "I don't see any gift near you."

"That's because I prepared a performance. Annabeth suggested that you'd enjoy this more. Also, she gave me permission today," Percy exclaimed as he moved towards Nico.

Percy sat in front of a confused Nico. Everyone was silent. No one except me knew what was coming next.

Both of Percy's hands cupped Nico's neck. Then, he moved his face closer to Nico until their lips were touching. Nico's face flushed red while his eyes widened. Regardless, he was kissing back and certainly not pushing away.

Everyone sat there in shock as I smirked. I couldn't believe that Percy was actually doing this. But again, I made Percy promise.

Percy and Nico kissed for ten seconds.

Then, Percy pulled back and settled back next to me. He was laughing. Surprisingly, Jason and Piper were the first to recover. Jason cheered while Piper squealed.

Nico's face was burning red as he watched Percy with wide eyes. Clearly, he hadn't recovered from Percy's kiss. I bet that Percy was a good kisser.

I wondered how it felt to kiss him.

WHAT? NO. STOP. I didn't just think that. EW, what the hell, Annabeth?!

"From the looks of it, you seem happy with my present. Thanks for the idea, Wise Girl. I didn't have to spend a single cent," Peryc laughed. Everyone started recovering, laughing, and shouting along.

"That was the BEST gift. Where's mine?" Leo exclaimed. Connor and Travis were choking as they rolled on the floor.

"Nico, how was your present?" Will asked sternly.

He was the only one that was not laughing. Of course, everyone knew why. Another reason why I told Percy to kiss Nico was to force a reaction out of Will Solace.

Nico stammered and blushed. "It was good. It was really nice."

"Just letting you know, Nico, that I'm straight. Just a one-time thing," Percy informed, which caused more laughter. This was too good.

"That's okay," Nico replied. "You're cute, but you're not my type."

Everyone burst out laughing as Percy faced Nico. He probably wasn't expecting that response. Regardless, Percy smirked.

"Really? What is your type?" Percy asked. His voice demanded a straight answer. Percy wasn't as dumb as people thought. He knew that Nico had a very specific type in mind.

"I like tall blondes who are also gay."

Everyone cheered as Nico's and Will's gazes locked. This was exactly what I wanted. I was pretty sure that they'd both get together later today. FINALLY.

The rest of the party was fun.

The alcohol reopened, and everyone was having a drinking party while a movie played in the background. It was loud and enjoyable. However, I was surprised to learn that Percy doesn't drink. Even I had a few sips, but he didn't even touch the tequila.

The party had washed out. The Stolls and Rachel were passed out. Katie was stroking Travis's hair on the couch. Grover and Juniper went home. Nico and Will also left together. Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Calypso were playing monopoly.

Jason and Piper retired to the bedroom. Occasionally, a loud moan would resonate downstairs. It was difficult to tell if the moan belonged to Jason or Piper. Regardless, everyone would laugh and joke every time we heard it.

As Harry Potter aand the Prisoner of Azkaban started, I moved next to him.

"You want some of my Tequila?" I asked. I held out my red solo cup for him to take. However, Percy refused firmly.

"I don't drink, Wise Girl," he said before yawning.

"That's so surprising. Why?"

"I just don't," he replied curtly. Percy's attention turned back to the movie. I studied his facial expressions, which were cast in shadows. Pain and sadness, I noticed. However, they disappeared after a while.

Before I could continue, I noticed Calypso leaving the dining table. She was going to the bathroom, which Leo saw as the opportunity to approach Percy.

His eyes looked to me in fear. He was nervous about getting Percy's 'blessing'. I gave him a look of support. Everything would be fine. Leo was serious about Calypso. That's why he was going out of his way and risking his friendship with Percy. However, I had complete faith that Percy would be cool.

"Hey, Perce, I was wondering if I could ask you something," Leo acknowledged.

"Sure thing, but move to the side. You're blocking the scene where Harry passes out from the Dementor's kiss," Percy pouted.

I chuckled internally. Who knew that Percy Jackson is a huge fan of Harry Potter?

"Um, here's the thing. I think that I have a crush. She's fantastic, but the only thing is that you used to date her," Leo stammered through the question.

"He's talking about Calypso, Seaweed Brain."

That grabbed Percy's attention. He gazed at my face before turning to Leo. You could see the pleading look in Leo's eyes. He really wanted Percy's blessing.

"Um, uh, this is awkward."

"Percy, come on. You broke up years ago, and Leo's feelings are genuine," I urged.

"I can see that Wise Girl. Seriously, Leo, I'd be cool with you dating any ex-girlfriend of mine. I don't care. With Calypso, I just don't want you getting hurt."

My gaze locked onto Percy's eyes. He was thinking about something deep and serious. You could see the tangible care on his face as he talked to Leo. Leo's face fell at Percy's response.

"I like her. I think that she may like me. Nothing's gonna go wrong. I'm not gonna get hurt," Leo expressed. I've never seen him so serious.

Percy sighed.

"It's cool if you date her, Leo. I have no problem with it," Percy affirmed with a smile.

The light returned to Leo's eyes as he cheered. He happily walked back to the monopoly game where Calypso was waiting. I smiled at his enthusiasm, but Percy frowned again.

I nudged him with my elbow. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't wanna see him get hurt. He's one of my closest friends. I can't imagine someone dulling his fun, crazy, and outgoing personality."

"He'll be fine. Calypso is kind. She won't hurt him."

I saw the emotions swirling in Percy's eyes. His gaze flitted back to the movie after a few seconds of silence. "Two years ago, I thought the same thing, and it came back to bite me."

"People change as life goes on," I whispered. However, I couldn't help but wonder exactly what happened between Calypso and Percy.

I didn't know their story, but I wanted to know for Leo's sake. For my own sake.