Bonus Chapter - Leo POV
"Dad, the engine to the Volkswagon is fixed. Are there any other assignments for today?" I asked while wiping the oil on my overalls.
When he didn't respond, I started looking around the garage. Several cars and trucks were parked inside the warehouse, and several more were outside. Our business was one of the best shops in the city.
Dad was working under a red Sudan. He hadn't heard me because he zoned out while working under the car. and I decided to mess with him a little bit.
I went closer to the car before yelling loudly.
Hephaestus's actions were immediate. The tools he was holding clanged on the floor, and he shot out from under the car. He was laying on a scooter while his eyes frantically searched the room.
I chuckled at my father. Some would consider him unattractive, but I didn't think so. He was a representation of life. Besides, his nose deformation was a result of childhood trauma. When he was a baby, his mom accidentally dropped him. The fall led to a facial deformation that he always relented.
However, my mom and I never found his deformation a challenge. If anything, it made him stand out in a crowd.
I laughed as his eyes narrowed into a glare.
"Leo, why would you scare me like that? You gave me a heart attack."
"Relax, dad. It wasn't that bad. Besides, what would even happen to me?" I asked while chuckling again.
Hephaestus stood up while wiping his hands on a rag. The white rag stained a black similar to the color of the stains on our clothes. No matter how hard we tried, we always get dirty.
"You know that a garage can be dangerous. We're always around tools and cars. You're a very talented mechanic and engineer, but you still have to be careful," he said firmly.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, do you have any more work for me?"
"Someone seems to be in a hurry today. Any plans?"
My dad was smart, so he was implying my plans. Calypso and I were going on a date. "Yes, dad. I have plans with my girlfriend. Sue me," I smirked.
"Just don't forget to take a condom. Remember no glove, no love."
A triumphant smile played on his face. DAMN, he won this one. My face burned as blood rushed to my cheeks. I shouted at him about being so dirty before leaving.
Regardless, I accepted that I have a cool dad. It was still embarrassing though.
I changed out of my work clothes in my dad's office. After wearing a t-shirt and jeans, I excitedly walked out of Hephaestus's Garage. The walk to Demeter's cafe was brisk and pleasant.
"Hi, babe," I greeted Calypso on the sidewalk.
We had arrived at the shop at the same time. It emphasized how perfect we were for each other. She kissed my cheek before dragging me inside. If you hadn't guessed, I don't get a lot of girls. So, when I find one that likes me back, I'm a huge simp.
"How was work?" she asked.
"The usual. I fixed up a Volkswagon today. That engine kept coughing smoke. I don't even want to know what the owner has been doing with his car," I expressed.
"He was probably driving," Calypso commented.
She laughed melodiously, and I was mesmerized by her beauty. Calypso was pretty and funny, and more importantly, she understood me. We sat down at a booth in the back as we waited for our drinks. The conversation flowed easily.
I couldn't believe that I almost didn't date her because of my friendship with Percy. I don't resent Percy, and I was grateful that he gave me the pass on bro-code.
I suppose I owed him for my relationship with Cally.
"Anyway, what do you think is going on with Percy?" she asked in concern. "He hasn't been to school in a few days."
"Should I be concerned that you're asking about an ex-boyfriend?"
"While I wouldn't mind seeing you jealous, this isn't about that. Percy helped me in times of need. If he's struggling, then we should help him too."
I was stunned. She was just so pure and nice. However, there was also an alarming lightness in her voice when she talks about Percy.
"Well, Percy lost the proposal, and I think he's just ashamed about coming back to school. Surprisingly, Annabeth is disappointed about her win," I said.
Calypso simply nodded as a faraway look entered her face. I knew that she wasn't a huge fan of Annabeth. There was a silent tension between them all the time.
"Hey, what's your deal with Annabeth?"
"Nothing," Calypso sighed. "It's just that she denies not liking Percy. Her true feelings are so obvious though, especially in her reaction to Percy breaking the deal."
"Not our place to say, Calypso," I explained.
"And, I'm a bit jealous of Annabeth," Calypso continued. "Percy has a connection with her. I used to have that. I'm just being honest with you."
Sadness welled in my chest. I knew that Calypso had feelings for Percy. However, I thought that she had moved on. It's been a few years, and Percy was firmly not interested.
Yet, Calypso still liked him though.
I reached forward and took her hands in mine. Calypso gripped my fingers softly. I could see the guilt and shame. I wondered if we rushed into this too quickly.
This was the reality of the situation. Percy was an amazing guy who also happens to look like a Greek God. I was a small Latino boy who's never been popular. It made sense for a wonderful girl like Calypso to want to be with Percy over me.
I should be used to this.
Moreover, even if Calypso likes me, she wasn't ready to date me.
"Calypso, maybe, we should take some time," I expressed. Her eyes twinkled while gazing into mine.
"I'm sorry, Leo. I like you a lot. I'm just not ready to show my admiration when I'm still hung up on an ex-boyfriend. In time, I'll get better for you," Calypso whispered sadly.
That's how we broke up a few weeks into dating.
I felt sad, but I wasn't going to cry. I only knew Calypso for a couple of weeks, and we were together for a lesser time. It just wasn't the right time for us.
I don't blame Percy either. At least, I hope to not blame him.
Thursday brought about a very different atmosphere. Calypso and I broke up yesterday, which wasn't great. However, I wasn't doing that bad.
I guess a part of me was already preparing for some time apart.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Leo. I thought that things would work out. I was wrong. I should've warned you that Calypso wasn't ready for a relationship," Piper expressed. She hugged me tightly, and I accepted her sisterly embrace.
"Thanks, Pipes, but I'm okay. This boy is on fire. Always," I exclaimed. Piper chuckled while shuffling my curly hair.
Just then, one of Piper's cheerleader friends walked through the hallway. She was wiping a few tears from her eyes while she walked. Jason and I stared at her in confusion.
Piper intercepted the girl, Bonnie, as she passed us.
"Bonnie, what's going on? Are you okay?" Piper asked in concern. That's the thing about Piper. She always tries to help her. Jason was a lucky guy to have found her.
"I'm fine, Piper. I don't even know why I'm so emotional. Percy Jackson just apologized to me, and it felt so sad. I'm being dramatic is all," Bonnie expressed.
Jason and I shared a look. Percy was back at school.
While Percy and I were great friends, I did feel awkward about him. Calypso and I ended things because of him. While it wasn't his fault, a stupid part of me blamed him. If he wasn't so perfect, then Calypso wouldn't still like him.
I noticed a figure walking down the hall. It was hard to see Percy's face because it was covered by a blue hoodie. He walked slowly, and his face was downcast.
A single piece of paper was in his hands.
"Hey, Percy, thank goodness you're back. We missed you, bro," Jason acknowledged. Percy walked over to us. His body was tense, and his movements were sluggish.
He resembled a broken teenager who hides in shadows. It was very suspicious. Piper nudged me and Jason before we all turned to Percy. Now that he was closer, I can see his face.
"Hey, Aquaman, is everything all right?" I asked.
"Fine. I'm just fulfilling my end of the deal via my apologies," he expressed. His voice was so quiet and raspy. I've never seen him so down.
"Wait, so-"
"Calypso is coming. I need to apologize to her as well."
Percy turned towards Calypso as she paused next to us. She was wearing jeans and a sweater, and her eyes locked onto Percy. My gaze narrowed on their exchange. "What is going on?" Piper whispered to me and Jason.
To be honest, I didn't know.
"Hello, Calypso. I would like to apologize to you about anything wrong that I may have done while dating you," Percy's voice gasped. "I apologize."
Tears bristled in Calypso's eyes.
"Percy, why are you apologizing? You were a good boyfriend. You helped me so much, and you relieved me of immense pain," Calypso expressed genuinely. "You banished a monster out of my brother's and my life."
"Percy, don't feel bad. Don't apologize," she continued.
The boy in the blue hoodie shifted slightly. His hands shook as he buried them into his pockets. "I lost the deal, so I need to apologize," Percy whispered.
All of our gazes locked onto Percy's face in shock. I saw the tears before they fell. When he blinked, the water leaked out of his dull sea-green eyes. Usually, they were so bright and alive, but they were lifeless today.
Percy was crying. A teardrop dripped off his chin and fell to the marble floor.
"Percy-" Piper started talking.
However, Percy interrupted her. He sucked in a sharp breath before walking away. His paper was in his hands again, and he was approaching another group of girls.
I stared at his back in confusion.
I had no idea why he was so upset. Percy couldn't have cared about this proposal that much. What the hell was going on with him?
Percy slowly apologized to his ex-girlfriends. He was checking off names and avoiding his friends all morning. I tried to talk to him in biology, but he simply stared out the window. I don't think that his blue hoodie came down at any point.
Since this was high school, the gossip was flying. A lot of people were sympathizing with Percy and his apologies.
Honestly, I felt bad for him. He shouldn't have to apologize to anyone for his dating lifestyle. After all, it's not like Percy cheats or treats them poorly.
Our lunch table was buzzing with conversation.
Connor Stoll and I got into a mini food fight that ended with me catapulting pudding onto his face. It was hilarious if I say so myself.
"Leo, you saw Percy today, right?" Annabeth asked.
"Yup, he was apologizing to Calypso. It was very awkward, and that was before he started crying," I blurted out.
Ugh, I cursed myself for not having a filter.
"Percy was crying?" Annabeth asked as the table silenced. Jason and Piper confirmed my delicate nod.
"I don't get it," Annabeth snapped.
"I will say that his apologies are sincere," Katie responded. "I felt horrible listening to him apologize. He doesn't deserve to stand up in front of his exes for nothing."
Silence suffocated our usually loud table.
Grover decided to make a statement before Percy arrives.
"Guys, can we please drop it?" Grover suggested. "Please don't push Percy. He's doing what he can to get through. I'm especially talking to you, Annabeth."
Annabeth's face contorted in anger. You could feel her frustration in her glare, and I was just a little bit scared. However, Thalia nudged Annabeth, and a silent conversation occurred between them. Annabeth reluctantly nodded.
I decided to let Percy go as well.
Calypso and I broke up, and it wasn't Percy's fault. Furthermore, the pain in his eyes from before was real. I've felt pain like that before with my mother's death years ago.
Whatever was happening in Percy's life, drama from his friends wouldn't help. Instead, we have to support and comfort him. That's all we can do.