Elenoir Awaits

Arthur was talking to Helen when Adam said "Hey, Reynolds I need to do a little stretching before going to sleep and you told me you've been sparring with your boy. Do you mind if I play around with Arthur ?". "All right, but be careful we just barely moved on from light strength and mana exercises to sparring" responded Reynolds. Arthur and Abel sparred with each other. Arthur lost the fight however the end result was very close. After the fight got over Arthur thought he should duel the other party members to see how he stacks up to them.

Time-skip to one hour later

Arthur had won a few duels and lost a few duels against the twin horns party members. Arthur had sparred with all the party members at least once except Jasmine. Arthur decided to ask Jasmine to duel with him to learn more about her since she didn't talk much. Jasmine accepted Arthurs duel request. Arthur was surprised when he sparred with Jasmine. Jasmine was significantly better at anticipating Arthurs attacks and dodging them then the other twin horns party members. In the end of the fight Jasmine won.

Time-skip to after the fight

"How were you able to predict my attacks ?"questioned Arthur. "Ki, I used ki to detect your attacks in advance and react to them before you used the attacks. " responded Jasmine. Arthur paused for a second, ki existed in his old world too but here it seemed like it's use is different. "Please, teach me how to use ki." said Arthur with puppy eyes. After a moment of silence Jasmine said "Fine, I will teach you how to use ki.". "Thank you sensei" responded Arthur.

Time-skip to two weeks later

Arthur was training in ki detection when he questioned "Sensei, who thought you how to use ki ?". "A close friend" responded Jasmine vaguely. Jasmine was looking away from Arthur however Arthur was able to notice a slight blush on Jasmines face and presumed whoever did teach her ki was more than just a close friend to her.

Time-skip to one year after Arthur left his home

Asta has been training his mana core and has finally reached white core stage. Asta can now effectively use his magic (matter manipulation). Asta was wandering through the forest when he saw a caravan surrounded by dead bodies in which a man was sneaking behind two kids with a knife. Just as the man was about to stab the kids Asta summoned his sword from his grimoire and shot it into the mans chest. The two children hearing the sound produced by Astas sword impaling the man turned around to see a man on the ground holding a knife being impaled by a large sword. One of the children with elf ears was scared whereas the other human child was confused rather than scared as they were confused as to where the sword came from.

Asta jumped from the trees and said "What are children like you doing in this dangerous territory ?". "I would rather not tell my life story to a stranger." said Arthur. "Oh.. sorry Abel, Abel Volt." said Asta. "Arthur, Arthur Leywin" said Arthur. 'So you're the one Winsdom needs me to protect interesting.' thought Asta. "and you ?" questioned Asta. "Tessia, just Tessia." said Tessia. "Those are good names, anyway I wont pry as to why both of you are here. Follow me." said Asta. "Why would we do that, you're a stranger we just met." said Arthur. "Listen, you either follow me to my home and trust me or I leave and both of you get eaten by mana beasts in your sleep." said Asta. After a moment of silence Arthur said "Since I have no choice, I'll follow you.". Arthur and Asta looked at Tessia. "Since both of you are going, I'll come along too." said Tessia. Asta travelled through the trees until he reached his house whilst being followed by Arthur and Tessia on the ground. Eventually they arrived in from of a house. "This is my home, come inside lets talk there." said Asta.

Arthur and Tessia went inside Asta's home and sat down with Asta on chairs surrounding a table. "Anyway, let's start with Tessia where do you want to go?" questioned Asta. "You're helping us?" questioned Arthur. "Well, you guys seem like you need help and I have nothing better to do." said Asta. "I need to go to Elenoir." said Tessia. "Elenoir, it's close by I can take you there." said Asta. "and you ?" questioned Asta. "Xyrus city" said Arthur. "Xyrus is quite far from here, the best way to get there is for you to go to Elenoir and wait there until the teleportation gates to Xyrus city open." said Asta. Arthur upon hearing this felt sad that it would be a large period of time before he could go back to his family. "Well, it looks like we're going to Elenoir. You guys can rest here for today, we leave tomorrow morning." said Asta.

So that's it for this chapter. I tried to make this chapter longer sorry if it isn't as long as you expected. Next chapter Asta is gonna arrive in Elenoir.

This time's poll is about Tessia and Arthur. Do you want Arthur to confess to Tessia in Elenoir ?

Yes(I'm leaning to this)

No(If the readers think Elenoir is too early, I will reluctantly delay it to later in the story.)

PS : If Arthur does confess to Tessia in Elenoir it will be in the end of the arc right as he is going back to Xyrus city.