
Asta using his map was able to find the correct direction travel in. Asta had to help them out during the journey at multiple times for food and water. Eventually, it became night Arthur became worried when he realised he did not pack supplies for shelter. Luckily, Asta was able to recreate his house using his magic. Before they entered the house, Asta said "I'm going to go do something, I've set up a barrier around the house so don't worry about mana beasts, get some rest.". Arthur and Tessia nodded and went inside the house.

Asta flew up and analysed the surroundings, he saw a tree radiating mana far away and assumed it was a teleportation gateway to Elenoir. He did this because the mana radiating off the tree was similar to the mana radiating off the teleportation gates in Xyrus. Asta marked the trees location on the map and changed course towards it. The only problem is that an elf would be required to open the gate but they had Tessia with them so it wouldn't be a problem.

Whilst observing Asta was thinking about the next stage in training, his body, his magic and his antimagic had been trained to the maximum. He was at the peak, white core stage. Most people would be fine staying at this stage but Asta had been influenced by Yami to surpass his limits. Asta didn't know what to do next... until it clicked. In his body there are two types of energy flowing antimagic and mana. What if he fused both of these energies to form one energy inside his body. Doing this would be very dangerous due to the contradictory nature of these energies. If he stopped paying attention to any part of his body during the fusion process the mana and antimagic could have an adverse reaction causing death. However, if he was able to successfully fuse both the energies his potential would become unlimited. He could erase anything with the blink of an eye.

After some time, Asta flew back to the ground and went inside his house. Before he went to bed he checked up on Arthur and Tessia. He decided to go in Tessia's room first. He walked in and was surprised to see Arthur being cuddled by an asleep Tessia on a bed. Asta looked at Arthur in confusion causing Arthur to say "I know how this looks but I swear, I can explain.". "You know what I'm just gonna leave." said Asta. "Wait, how am I supposed to leave this bed and get to my room if I'm in this position ?" said Arthur. "It's fine, you'll learn to surpass your limits by sleeping in the same bed as Tessia." said Asta. Before Arthur could respond Asta had already left. Causing Arthur to contemplate his life choices.

Time skip a couple months later

The group had finally arrived at the tree. Tessia opened the gate to Elenoir surprising Arthur. Arthur, Tessia and Asta went through the gate into Elenoir. Arthur was surprised, when he saw Elenoir for the first time. The only word he could use to describe Elenoir was pristine. Suddenly via wind magic multiple guard's appeared. "We welcome back the royal princess." said the guard's. Arthur was surprised and started spouting questions" Who? Where? Here?". This went on until Arthur looked as Tessia and asked "You?". Tessia nodded her head in response. Arthur was shocked until Asta said "You didn't know? It was pretty obvious to me.". "You knew how?" questioned Arthur. "Why would someone who's not royalty have caretakers and a magic trainer?" answered Asta. "Never mind" said Arthur. After this a guard said "Princess, we arrived as soon as we noticed the royal teleportation gate had been used. The king and queen are--".

As the guard was speaking the king, the queen and Virion had arrived to the scene. Before the guard could finish he was interrupted by the queen saying "My baby! Tessia you're okay!". Tessia reunited with her parents after Arthur pushed Tessia towards them. Arthur felt happy for Tessia and was curious as to what his reunion with his family would be like. Asta felt happy for Tessia and was curious as to what having a family would be like. Asta didn't have any family or close friends, the only person he had was Jasmine and he hadn't seen her in a year. "Thank you, both of you. Not just as the king of Elenoir but as this little ones father. As a small gesture of gratitude for helping Tessia arrive home safely, please accompany us to our home. You can get some rest and after, please tell us what happened." said the king of Elenoir.

Both Asta and Arthur recognized his words were not an offer but an order. Arthur took this seriously, Asta complied with the order because it was beneficial to build ties with people who hold strong political power. "Thanks for the hospitality" said Asta. "I'm honoured" said Arthur. Suddenly, Tessia grabbed Arthurs hand and said "Let's go there's a lot I want you to see.". "No, you both can go sight seeing after we reach the castle." said Asta. "Why?" questioned Arthur. "Don't you want to explained what happened first before going to have some fun?" questioned Asta. "Fine, let's go to the castle."' said Arthur.

Time skip to when the group gathers in the meeting room of the castle to address what happened.

"My name is Arthur Leywin, from a humble town in the kingdom of Sapin. It is an honour to be in the presence of the royal family." said Arthur. "My name is Abel Volt, I don't want to tell you where I'm from." said Asta in a lazy tone. This slightly annoyed the guards. Arthur recounted the events leading to the slave traders which contained many half-truths. Asta saw no reason to correct the lies as it was beneficial for him as well as Arthur. Once Arthur discussed about the slave traders the king of Elenoir said "Slave traders! I should have known it was humans!". "Without disrespect, slave trading is a profession, not a race king Alduin" said Arthur. This caused the guards to point their swords at Arthur.

Virion held back the swords of the guards and said "So, you saw these slave traders take my grand-daughter and you, as a child, what... negotiated with them? begged them for mercy?". "No, Elder Virion. While I am a child, I am also a mage. I attempted to eliminate the slaw traders and rescue your grand-daughter. I was almost able to achieve this but a slave trader snuck up behind me. Luckily, before anything could happen Abel sensei saved us." answered Arthur. "How dare you spout such lies in front of---" said a guard unsheathing his sword. Before he could finish Asta released his pressure. The guard was unable to speak or move.

Asta walked up to the guard and using his magic turned his arm into nothing. "Unsheathing a sword is a declaration of violence, you have no merit whereas Arthur has saved the princess of this kingdom yet you still doubt his words. Next time you do that it won't be your arm, it'll be your life."

That's it for this chapter folks. I tried to make Asta more like Yami hoped you liked that change. Anyway, I need your guys help on something. In the future Asta is gonna head back to the clover kingdom. When he does do you want :

1)Everyone else in clover to have the same amount of time passed. This means Asta is the same age as Yuno, Noelle, Mimosa etc.

2)Everyone else in clover to be the same age as cannon. This means while Asta is pretty old everyone in clover will not have had any amount of time to pass. This means Yuno, Noelle, Mimosa etc are all still 15.

Paragraph comment what you want. (PS - Thanks for nearly 20k views I never expected my fanfic to be read by anyone so when I saw that people are reading my work I felt really happy.)