Back to prison it is

He was in jail.

Dust, a five-year-old was in jail, that was renamed, just so the parents disnt get suspicious.

the dreaded name was... School.

He wanted to puke, once was enough, but actually going there again is a pain, more than it should be.

what am I going to do with this story of a girl who had caught a little Pokemon?

Is anyone going to ask me in the middle of the road how this shit ends?.

"Dust, can you answer the question on the board?".

Looking up he saw the question.

fifty-six plus four divided by three...


He wondered what Froakie was doing right now.


Dodging a gust of wind that came from Pidgey, the frog Pokemon opened his mouth, sending a stream of bubbles towards his opponent.

Managing to hit his opponent's wing, he Quickly used [Quick attack], managing to knock the bird Pokemon out.

It has been six months since he hatched, it has been six months since he first saw his brother.

it has been five months since his brother told him about his dream.

It has been five months since they both started training to become stronger.

Unfortunately, his brother has to go to this place called "School" where he learns something called "Math".

But as soon as he's done with his "Homework" he comes to train with him, surprisingly he knew a lot about training a Pokemon.

He managed to learn how to shoot bubbles from his mouth, something he calls "Bubble".

"Dust", his mother calls him, maybe he should call him by name as well, he wouldn't understand but it's the thought that counts.

He and dust would go on an adventure, and as he promised, they would be the best of them all.

But first, he had to continue to train, he had to impress Dust after all.


"Dust, Could you tell me what Pokemon do Eevee evolve into?".

Dust sighed, though everyone associated that with him thinking since he did it before every question.

"Flarion, Vaporion, and Joltion, they can evolve using the evolution stones, water fore, and lightning".

It was official, the kids hated him, Gary thought of him as a rival, Ash thought of him as a know it all, and others just didn't like him because he was so "Talented".

He just looked down at the notebook in front of him, where his text was written.

they ware notes of what would happen, in German, no one understood German.

since there was no such thing as a four-move limit, he had to plan on what moves he wanted to train his future team in.

One can't train in everything at the same time so, he just had to figure out what kind of strategy he would use for each one of his team.


God damn it.


"Mom! I'm back!".

Dust exclaimed, taking off his bag and leaving it by the door, and walking inside, searching for his friend.


There he was, his favorite Pokemon, his best friend, one who understood him the most.

"Hey there Froakie, how was the day without me?".

He asked, watching with amusement as the frog Pokemon shook his head in denial frantically.

"Let's train for a bit before I start on homework".

Now that, Froakie could agree with, even though he already trained, he wouldn't back down.


"What do you mean the starting limit was raised to fifteen?".

Dust asked, tilting his head, Froakie next to him.

"Well, since Ten was considered too early, the new trainers start their journey at fifteen, they even updated forums".

His mother explained, anxious about how Dust would react, knowing how he looked forward to the start of his journey.

Dust, meanwhile, was thinking about the advantages of the predicament.

He was six right now, so he had nine years ahead of him, by that time, Froakie would be fully evolved into Greninja, and would already know some moves he wanted to teach him, all in all, it was as bad as others would think.

This also gave him time to get battle experience with wild Pokemon.

(okay, I'm going to make Greninja.... a ninja... Greninja can learn shadow sneak, right? and smokescreen, agility, double team... oh, yes, get ready world, your about to be dominated).