The Wait

"Dust, can you answer the question on the board?".

The said child looks at the blackboard to the question.

What type is Blastoise weak against?.


"Electric and grass types".

the Teacher nods and turns to another student to bother them instead of him.

(In theory, if you heat water enough it turns to steam, so if the fire is strong enough the water will be evaporated).

He added in his head, before shaking his head.

"Hey, dust, will you come over to the lab today? grandfather got a new Meowth with a different type of fur".

Says Gary.

The Gary

Gary fucking Oak.

Yes, he was friends with The Gary oak, better friends than he and ash ware anyway.

(...a shiny? that didn't happen in canon... maybe it did just wasn't shown).

Shaking thoughts out of his head, he nods in agreement, who could blame him, he wanted to see a shiny.



thought Dust, as he looked things up on the internet.

He would not disrespect the worldwide net by calling it "Pokenet".

he was looking up Growlith and could see no evolution of it.

Just Growlith, no Arcenine no mention of how to evolve it, there were also no results for Mega evolution, it was weird, this was supposed to be common knowledge.

The knowledge that was suppressed, shook him a little, he didn't like it, something was different and he didn't know what.

He stood from his computer and went down to exit the house, with Froakie joining him.

(Now that I think about it, should I name him? "Froakie" is a name of a name, basically every human in being racist).

That random thought popped out of nowhere, so deciding to not be one with the majority, he came up with a name.


That got Froakies attention, who looked at him inquisitively.


He chuckles at the reaction and clarified.

"Riptide, that's what I'll name you, you like it?".

Froakie looked deep in thought, then shook his head in denial.

Dust excitement dropped instantly, it was just one name he came up with on top of his head but he had to agree with his friend, it wasn't that good of a name.

"Tobirama? Tobi for short".

For the reason he didn't understand, the newly named Tobirama, liked the name.

If one thinks about it, Greninja and Tobirama from "Naruto" are very alike, water affinity, and Greninja is a dark type,

so it fits perfectly.

"Well, let's go then Tobi, we got a shiny Meowth to meet".


"Hello there, little one".

Said an aged man, wearing brown pants, a redshirt, and a white lab coat, with brown hair.

It was professor oak, in all his glory.

"Hello, Mr.Oak, Gary invited me over, something about a Meowth with unusual fur".

Oak smiled and moved out of the way to let Dust in.

"Gary is waiting for you, just go out of that door, you will see him playing with the Meowth".

Dust nodded with a smile and did as instructed.

Oak was a kind man, just like a grandfather, but he had his scary moments what Gary and Daisy took it too far.

Daisy is Garys older sister, she has brown hair and is taking more from her mother, unlike Gary.

Walking out of the house, Dist saw a huge clearing, there were some Growlith running around, playing with each other.

He could see a Bulbasaur resting in the sun, and finally, he saw Gary, playing with a fur lighter color than normal.

(Yep, that's a shiny alright.)

-One year later-

"Tobi, Dodge".

Dust said calmly, watching as his Pokemon avoided an attack from Pikachu, his figure is blurred, moving at the speeds that a first stage evolution had no right of moving.

Pikachu went into a Quick attack, charging right at Tobi.

Without needing a command, Tobirama opened his mouth, releasing a black smoke, covering him and the area around him entirely.

Dust watched as the Pikachu came out of the other side without hitting anything.

The mouse Pokemon watched and waited as the smoke settled down, only to get shocked to see multiple copies of Tobi, watching him back.

"Water pulse".

The frog Pokemon blurred again and appeared beside the Pikachu, slamming a ball of concentrated water into the side of the electric mouse.

The Pikachu was knocked out.

(I need to thank mother for letting me use her old training weights for Pokemon).

She heard him planning out Tobi's training routine and the next thing he knew, there was an adjustable weight on top of his bed.

Truly, the technology of this world is fascinating.

His mother was also the best, but that went without saying.

Dust put his hands inside his pockets, fidgeting with a shrunken Pokeball.

He got it from his father on his seventh birthday.

they figured that if they couldn't stop him, they would make sure he survived.

Letting go of the Pokeball, he picked up the Pikachu and brought him to Professor Oak, who looked Quite interested in the story behind the mouse.

He said that the Pikachu agreed to spar with him and Tobirama, Oak agreed to take care of Pikachu and Dust felt like he just did something for ash, and he didn't get a "thank you" for it.

(I just fought his future Pikachu didn't I? maybe not).

He returned to the trees, he didn't go far, just the outskirts, but he could see caterpie, Pidgey, and a Ralts...


Dust stares at Ralts.


Ralts stares back.


Dust throws a Pokeball at Ralts.


The Pokeball shakes once.


And Ralts was captured.

Walking up to the Pokeball, picking it up, and releasing Ralts.


Ralts raises his arms, wanting to be picked up.

Dust complies and brings the Pokemon to his eye level.

"You're a weird one aren't you?".

He was expecting Ralts to call out his name.

What he didn't expect was a presence pushing inside his mind.

He has read about this, Psychic-type Pokemon could talk to their trainers or at least communicate using their minds.

they weren't strong enough to control emotions or take over someone's mind until their final evolution.

So, even if it felt really weird, He let Ralts into his mind and felt a connection established between them.

The next he saw was a few scenes running through his mind.

A gardevoir protecting Her child from a swarm of beedrill, Her teleporting Ralts to the edge of the forest and telling her Child to follow the little human that passed there.

(...Okay, that just happened).

He did the only thing he could do then.

Went back to Professor Oak to inform him of what happened, he was the protector of the pallet town.