Oh God No

Dust was training his Pokemon.

it was a month since Ralts joined his team, and she was doing great.

He was a Psychic-type, so she trained more when she was out of the ball, keeping up the connection with him.

She compensated for her lack of speed with Teleport and felt damage with Disarming voice.

However, Right now, he was scared.

Something that he didn't want to happen, something that no one wanted to happen, happened.

He got Fangirls.

He could feel their eyes on him.

Since he got Ralts on his team, he didn't go to the forest for battle experience since he could have Ralts and Tobirama spar each other, but this got the attention of a passerby older woman, who might have said something about it in her house, that would have gotten. the attention of their child who came to check things out, and word spread from there.

Now there were about five girls on the other side of his fence every time he trained his Pokemon.

At least he was safe in the woods, there only Gary or professor Oak came.

Gary would be accompanied by Growlith and would join the training.

And Professor Oak would give pointers from time to time as he observed Tobirama and Ralts.

One time he was offered the role of an assistant with Pokemon research when he saw how Dust was teaching new moves to both his Pokemon, but only when he turned ten.

When asked why the elder man's answer was "The greatest minds can work together to come up with an answer, but a different perspective can shorten the time it takes to come up with the said answer".

He didn't understand what he meant, but to pass up on researching so many Pokemon would be stupid.

He would get to test a few theories he came up with, he would get to understand how to interact with different types of Pokemon, such as Dragonite, Oak had, The Archenine that there was no information about and if he wasn't mistaken, there ware the starters from other regions as well.

So he did the reasonable thing and agreed to the proposition.

now all he had to do was wait till he got older.

He looked over to his fence where a few girls were watching him and his Pokemon and shuddered when their eyes turned to him.

He only hoped it wouldn't get as bad as it was with a certain black-haired Uchiha.

-One year later-


Dust looked over to his newly evolved Frogadier, who was using his newly learned move: Cut, to fight off a Beedrill that should have been deeper into the woods, but for some reason, it traveled to the outskirts.

"Tobi, Smokescreen!".

Obeying the command, a black smoke erupted from Tobiramas mouth engulfing the beedrill, and Tobi himself jumped back, landing near his trainer and Ralts now called Yuki, who grabbed both of them with her Psychic power and used Teleport to get them out of the forest.

As soon as he was out, he ran off towards Professor Oaks' lab, with Ralts on his head, and Tobi running right next to him.

He could have won, sure, but he doubted that there was only one beedrill in the area.

Finally reaching the Lab, He knocked loudly to get Oak's attention.

The door was opened by an Alakazam that was one of Professors Pokemon, seemed like he could sense Dust's panic.

"I need to see Professor Oak, It's the beedrill".

The Alakazam nodded in understanding and grabbed him and his team with his Psychic and teleported them right behind Professor Oak.

Teleporting was a weird experience, the sudden change of scenery was the easy part to get used to, the hard part was the world shifting around you.


Oak turned around, startled at the sudden voice behind him, but calmed down when he saw Dust.

"What is it, my boy?".

He asked, raising an eyebrow in interest since dust never did something like this, he was quite interested.

"It's the beedrill, there was one on the outskirts of the forest since they usually stay deeper, I thought I would inform you of it".

Oak gained a serious look and looked over to Alakazam, the silent conversation between them was watched by dust as he couldn't listen in on it when a sudden roar was heard.

(he's sending in his Dragonite?).

Oak turned to him again and smiled.

"Don't worry my boy, Dragonite will handle it, they won't be coming near the outskirts for a few years".

Dust suppressed a shudder, he was basically told that the Dragonite would reduce the population enough that it wouldn't be a problem for years.

"Oh is that Little Tobirama?".

Oak motioned to the Frogadier who stood beside dust with crossed arms and nodded at the question.

"He evolved during the battle, blocked an attack coming for me".

Oak looked Horrified, imagining Dust with a hole inside his chest caused by a beedrill, He started contemplating if he should ask Dragonite to wipe them out entirely.


"What a day".

Said dust as he walked into his home, he wanted to go to bed and sleep for the next twelve hours.

but first! Snacks!

He headed towards the bedroom when he heard noises...

Raising an eyebrow, he looked into to the living room, only to see his mother and father, doing some...Fun activities.

(God I dont need this right now).

Ignoring the Married couple, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie, and went straight to bed.

He figures he would soon get "The talk" and he wasn't looking forward to it, not one bit.