Intense traning

"Today, our training will intensify".

Ralts and Tobi nodded, expecting this because of what happened the day before.

"Yuki, Work on those rocks, try to pick them up with your Psychic powers, Tobi, I'll be increasing your weights and you will work on your cut, try making it sharper, when its sharp enough to cut through rock, we will work on its length".

With instructions given, Both Pokemon started training, Yuki went over to the rocks and managed to pick up two medium rocks in the air, but Dust could see her struggling.

Tobirama materialized Cut and started slashing at a tree, leaving deep gashes, but not deep enough, he was also slower than normal, but that didn't stop him from completing the task.

Dust looked at his two Pokemon training hard and smirked, he couldn't get left behind now could he?.

Stretching out his legs he started running laps around his backyard, which was quite large.

every time he circled around he could see Yuki rising the rocks a little higher every time and Tobi leaving deeper cuts in the tree.

He sped up, feeling more energized than before, he found it weird but chalked it up to adrenaline.

Little did he know, that shit wasn't adrenaline.

-Start the montage-

Three medium-sized rocks were floating in the air, in the center were standing Yuki, concentrating to the extreme.

Tobirama, for once, wasn't slashing a tree but concentrating on the blade in his hand.

A few minutes later, he walked over to a tree and slid it across it with a little force.

The cut was deeper than before, now he had to keep the sharpness while moving.

Meanwhile, Dust was doing pushups, while looking at the progress his Pokemon ware making and went harder.


Dust was very confused.

He could see blue energy surrounding him, looking at Tobi, he could see white energy surrounding the blade he was holding and purpose energy was surrounding the rocks as well as Yuki, though they were faint, he could see the one around him very well.

(...Holy shit, is this aura?).

He clenched his hands, watching Aura follow his every movement.

He could feel a connection to it, like it was a part of him but controlling it was like having an extra limb.

With a sigh, he realized that he had more to work on.

With a sigh, he began training Aura... Like it was chakra.

he grabbed a leaf and stuck it on his forehead.

It fell, yup he had a lot to do.



Yuki yelled out, as she tried to pick up the fourth rock, but struggled severely.

Dust looked over to her, watching the little Pokemon try to add a rock to the first three that was her old limit.


To his surprise, she started glowing, her shape started changing, growing a little taller, on her waist she got a skirt, her hair now was on her sides and her two horns were at the side of her head.

the light dimmed and revealed the newly evolved Kirlia.

Putting the rocks down, she picked up a large boulder with ease, now trying to add the last three medium-sized rocks to it.

her evolution was a welcome surprise, especially since the training started half a year ago.

He himself was stuck on the side of the tree, they were in the forest, he didn't want his training to be known.

How he managed to replicate the Chakra control exercises with Aura he had no idea, but hey! no one's asking so he doesn't have to answer.

Now all he had to do was blow fireballs from his mouth, or make a water dragon, maybe even a Rasengan... He could Teach Lucario this stuff.

His smile widened.

Looking over at Tobirama, he has his weights taken off, his Cut was now shaped like a kunai and he was ready to dash forward.

And dash forward he did.

Needless to say, there were twelve fewer trees in the forest...

Needless to say, Oak was not happy, not because of the trees, but because "You could have gotten hurt".

Dust just took it all in and moved on.

It was time to teach Greninja a new move.

He just didn't know what to do about it but thankfully, he knew a few friendly Pokemon that knew how to channel Flying-type energy like that pedgeotto.