A Jurney!

"Im going mom, dad".

First turned to his parents, who were looking at him with smiles but he could see their worry through their masks.

He just sent them a reassuring smile and walked out of the house.

Tobirama was in his shadow, Yuki was inside her Pokeball and Anubis was sticking to his side.

The little harmless Riolu, wouldn't even hurt a fly...

Yeah right.

This little man can destroy boulders.

Wearing military pants, with military boots, he had a brown shirt on and a backpack.

Basically, he was dressed like military, and his father approved.

the clothes are durable, the boots are durable, they would last a long time.

The backpack wasn't anything ordinary either, it was made with the same technology that Pokemon's are made of, so he could fit a few sets of clothes, food, basically a kitchen and a tent and he still had some space left.

If he was being honest, he was a little nervous, who could blame him, this wasn't some camping trip, he was going on a journey where people take six years to get first four badges, then work like there is no tomorrow for a few months before going to the fifth gym and the process would be repeated until they got accepted as gym trainers or got recruited by the indigo league... he didn't want that.

Ash, Gary, and the others will pick their starter in two days, so those two would not be far behind.

So with a smile, He headed towards route one.

The most annoying thing about this was the Ratata, Farrow, and Pidgey that thought they could up and challenge him, much less win.

it wasn't even funny.

The walk was Quiet except for the said Pokemon who were bothering him but Riolu had taken care of them.

his first stop was Pewter city, he had an ass to kick there.

Originally Ash had gotten through very quickly because of an accident with the local population combined with theft but the road had taken him a few hours.

He passed the time by checking out his Pokedex where he saw something that should not be there, and he didn't know what it meant.

"What do you mean, Field researcher?".

He asked out loud, getting a confused look from Anubis and Tobi, though he couldn't see the latter.


He looked over to Anubis and just shook his hand in a dismissive manner, indicating that it wasn't important.

Messaging professor about it he got his answer.

Turns out, he was still the old man's assistant, so he had a job of sending any abnormal Pokemon to Oak for research, So shiny pokemon had to be sent over... crap baskets.

("Any abnormal objects"... I have a feeling that he means mega stones, still need to figure that out).

pocketing his Pokedex, he started thinking about what was changed from Anime, one of which was the ranks of the Pokemon trainers.

Novice, Intermediate, Advanced.

Ware the first three ranks up to four badges.

The ace level started from badge six, by that time, the trainer was recruited by the league.

Badges seven and eight increased your rank and practically made you a glorified gym leader without a gym.

In case of a disaster, a large group of wild Pokemon acting up, or in the case of a criminal organization acting up, the Eight badgers would be called.

Challenging the Elite four would be recorded and shot live, if you managed to win against one, the League would keep an eye on you.


The call got his attention and he looked over he saw a Nidoran... a male.

Dust looked over to Anubis and spoke.

"Knock him out".


"I'll name you Odin".

The Nidoran named Odin just stared at him, Anubis stared at him, and Tobirama stared at him.

they were thinking the same thing, How the heck does he come up with such good names?.

Personally, Dist thought his naming sense was horrible, who names a Pokemon, Tobirama?

Looking through the information of Odin, he decided on a training schedule.

he named it: forward! to victory.