Viridian city!

(Well, this was anticlimactic).

Dust thought as he started at the entrance of the viridian city.

The viridian city has changed, it was nothing like the anime, it basically flourished, with more buildings, an advanced pokecenter, a bigger pokeshop, there was even a breeding center.

Maybe he would visit sometime.


Anubis was looking around, amazed, taking in everything with wonder.

"Beautiful isn't it?".

Anubis nodded, not even turning to his trainer.

It was late so the city was using lights to keep the streets bright, people are walking and chatting animatedly.

Pokemon ware walking with their trainers, some ware taking place on their shoulders, while some ware being carried.

the first thing he did was go to a Pokemon center to get a check-up for his team.

while his team was with Nurse joy, he went to register for a battle at the gym.

To his slight annoyance, there was a line, so he couldn't do anything but wait, though he did notice one fact about Pokemon trainers.

Trainers are usually in great shape.

There were two girls in front of him, and to say that he enjoyed the view was an understatement, though he disnt stare too long, that would be against the bro code.

so, knowing what to do or more correctly, what not to do, he waited for his turn.


The gym battle was scheduled in two days, so it gave him time to train up Odin, even if it was for just two days.

That's what they were doing, training, Actually, Anubis was training Odin, while Tobirama and Yuki were having a spar.

Dust meanwhile was focusing on Aura detection.

He could sense his Pokemon near him, however, there were also other Aura signatures in his vicinity.

he couldn't tell who they were or what kind of Pokemon but there was a difference between a human aura and a Pokemon aura.

Pokemon aura was stronger, much, much stronger than human, some were stronger than others, for example, if there are two Charmenders and one has a stronger aura than the other, it means that the current evolution form has high power, and if the aura is bright then the trainer had to only train the said Pokemon.

However, even if the glow was just average, it doesn't mean that the Pokemon can't become stronger than others, an example was professor oaks Alakazam.

but that didn't matter right now, what he was looking for was a mega stone or an evolution stone.

Yes, those marbles of power have an aura signature, like the one Professor Oak always has in his pocket.

So knowing that Mega stones do exist, he wanted to find one, Sadly there was none in his general vicinity.

(I should check the Mt.moon... I also need to rescue Charmander, he's wasted on ash, how can you catch such a strong Pokemon and leave it in a valley for other mediocre hazards? sure there are some strong ones but still).

With a sigh, he turned to his Pokemon to see Odin using peck on Anubis.

He smiled, his training plan was coming along smoothly, his Pokemon would know how to fight themselves, requiring minimum instructions, and they are needed, Yuki can establish a mental long between every member of a party.

(...Now that I think about it, I dont have a goal? what do I want? it's been fifteen years and yet I dont know what I want to do aside from absolutely dominating the elite four...shit).

Now there was a new goal he had to achieve... figure out what his calling in life was.

He wondered if the position of "world dominator" was available.


Dust was looking through the pokenet. Ugh.

He was searching for some news about gym battles, wanting to see if something changed, but fortunately, everything was still the same... mostly.

Some Gym leaders were using Pokemon from different regions, for example, Brock was using an alolan golem in a fight with two badge trainers, Surge used a Joltion, and the steel type gym leader used a Corviknight, from Sword and shield... well at least he knows how bad things were.

Now he had to plan on his future team members, he wouldn't throw a Pokeball at everything that was moving.

(I need a flying type Pokemon, maybe an Articuno? it's large enough to ride.

I also need a dragon... Decisions, decisions).

Deciding to ponder about it later, he turned off his pokedex, he had a forest to go through tomorrow.