Anticlimactic Battle

The team was outside their pokeballs, enjoying the walk in the forest.


Gardevoir exclaimed, looking at the woods intensely as if waiting for something.


Greninja looked over at her with a questioning gaze mirroring the look on his trainer.

"What is it, Yuki?".

Dust asked, looking in the direction where his Gardevoir was starting.

Gardevoir just stared for a bit more before shaking her head.

Dust narrowed his eyes and reaches out with his aura, sending three signatures, two were bigger, however, the smaller one was Brighter than normal.

Figuring that they were Pokemon he decided to investigate, However, they vanished before he could even start moving.

(Teleport? I can't even speculate which Pokemon they were, "Oooh, Let's mix some species of Pokemon between Regions, That's a genius Idea").

He grumbled to himself and turned back to the road.

The sun was still high when he reached the forest and went in.

There were many Pokemon from other regions, Such as Spinarak, Pineco, Wurmple...

He was sure misty would have a blast here.

Not even five minutes later a wild Venipede has shown up... and got force palmed in the face.

The next was an angry spinarak who was thrown away with a Psychic.

The next he got so mad he took care of it himself.

It was a Weedle, Dust made a staff with his aura and used the big Pokemon as a golf ball.

[Master, that can be classified as Pokemon abuse].

Gardevoir kindly informed him.

(You call it abuse, I call it self-defense).

Dust retorted, annoyed. It has been ten minutes, and three Pokemon.

Resuming their walk through the woods Dust spreads out his aura again to see if there are any Pokemon with potential... Nope, there aren't, just bugs... Literally, Except one.

It was a human aura... He avoided the bug samurai.

(In reality, this walk was two or three days long... so how did ash manage to stay here for... what was it? ten days?).

Dust huff's in exasperation, not knowing what to think.

Though he still keeps his Aura-sensing ability in case those three aura signatures come back.

He didn't know who they were so he was uneasy, He didn't trust stalkers... more so the unknown stalkers.


"Geodude Use Defense curl!".

the said Pokemon which was a rock with two hands... that was floating, improved his defense.

"Odin, Attack".

Nidoran shot off, circling his opponent, the Geodude was having a hard time following his movements and couldn't block when a double kick was launched at him.

The move had a type advantage, but improving his defense kept him conscious.

"Geodude, Use bulldoze!".

now words needed to be said, Nidoran was already dodging, readying another attack.

"Geodude! get out of the way!".

It was too late, the flying type attack known as peck connected with its face.

"Combine that with double kick again".

As soon as Nidoran landed on the ground, he sent both of his back feet into Geodude's side, rendering the rock Pokemon unconscious.

"Geodude, come back, take a rest".

Brock called his chosen Pokemon back.

He was a brown-haired, tanned boy who looked like a twenty-year-old, but in reality, was only seventeen, and for some reason, he didn't have a shirt on but Dust ignored that.

"Onix! Come on out!".

Dust marveled at the stack of rocks with eyes and a horn... it was massive...

(That's what she said)

(AN:Brake the fourth wall again and I leave you without a love interest).

Dust gulped as he recalled his Nidoran, and put his Pokeball on his belt.

"Anubis, you're up".

The said Riolu jumped in joy at the prospect of a good battle and hastily jumped down into the arena.


As the small blue Pokemon jumped down the giant stone snake, eyed him carefully.

"A fighting type, a good choice but ultimately it won't be enough!".

Brock boasted, making dust raise an eyebrow, before giving his command.

"Force palm".


"Well, that was anticlimactic".

Dust said absentmindedly, looking at the boulder badge... it looked like a rock.

Putting it inside his badge case, he focused back on the road.

They were heading to the Sable City, but they wouldn't stop there, their final destination was right before Mt.Moon

since by then, it would already be dark.


Dust turned to his Greninja, who was looking at him intensely, so he asked Gardevoir to establish a mental link between them.

[Are we going to look for those stones that Professor kept in his pocket?].

Of course, Greninja knew what mega stones were, Greninja knew the most about him, he trusted his pokemon, but he trusted Greninja the most.





