There was one thing he could say about Mt.Moon.
It was Huge.
Seriously, this mountain was like a barrier that separated the little bubble that was consisting one badge trainers and the real world.
He wanted to go there, and no one can stop him... he had to call Professor first.
He went inside the Pokemon center, which was right outside the entrance of Mt.Moon.
[Hello, Dust, My boy, You haven't called in a bit, it shouldn't have taken such a long time to get to Pewter City, Did something happen?].
Dust sweatdropped, smiling slightly before answering.
"No, I'm just outside Mt.Moon actually, Already got the boulder badge, and caught two Pokemon so I was kinda busy".
Oak seemed impressed, judging from the widening of his eyes and the lowering of his jaw.
[That's amazing my boy, it's only been two weeks, Ash just called me actually, he is in the pewter city right now, Gary shouldn't be too far behind you].
Dust nodded, but internally sweat dropped knowing how Gary traveled... with a damn car.
"So, I'll be heading into the mountain now, oh and by the way, should I send evolution stones? Like the moonstone and such?".
he asked just to make sure, if he found a firestone, he wasn't going to give it obviously, but the Professor didn't need to know that.
[...Hmm, I am running low on moonstones, there aren't that much on the market lately, so if you find one and don't need it, please send it over].
Dust nodded to the request, he would keep one moonstone to himself to evolve Nidoran to Nidoking, but if he got more than one he would send them over, no need for them to take up space in the bag.
A Geodude was fighting Dust's Nedoran, who was absolutely dominating the fight.
Gardevoir was keeping an eye on the fight and Greninja was in his shadow.
Meanwhile, Dust and Riolu we're standing close to each other with their eyes closed and sending out their aura.
A few minutes later and a few broken Geodudes later, Dust gave a command.
"Anubis, Force palm".
Riolu rushed forward to the wall where the both of them located their target.
Thrusting his palm forward, a shockwave went into the wall, and a minute later the wall shattered revealing a smooth, shiny, black rock.
(...and a moonstone, that's one...).
looking over at Nidoran he saw about thirteen knocked out Geodudes around him... that was good training.
Then looked over at shinx... who he still hasn't named yet... He was debating on Simba but wasn't sure.
Despite only knowing three moves: Charge, Thundershock, and bite,
the little guy was biting the crap out of rocks.
(that's how you get battle experience... and now I don't need to find an Eevee for a jolteon so finding... Simba, yes, finding Simba was a huge plus, just need him to learn Magnet rise and a flying lion would be sick!).
He nearly started drooling but Riolu snapped him out of him.
He was pointing at the ceiling. Raising an eyebrow, Dust focused his aura and felt the strange power coming from deep inside.
"Go, Tobirama, Use cut".
His greninja dashed out of his shadow at blinding speeds, two Kunai-shaped white energy in his hand.
A small ball dropped from the ceiling due to the attack.
Catching it midair, he channeled Aura in his eyes to see better and noted that the stone was white with a black line between two red ones... Focusing more, he could feel Fire Aura coming from it... basically, he had no idea what type of mega stone it was.
There were five fire-type Pokemon that could mega evolve, but one was out since he knew that Mega Charizard X had a blue Mega stone. so it can be a Blazikenite, Houndoomite, Cameruptite, or Charezardite Y.
and there was also one other problem... He didn't have a fire-type Pokemon.
So putting it in his bag, he continued searching.
And their goas another Graveler, down for the count...
(Looks like fighting makes Pokemon stronger faster... Exp, Maybe? does that exist in this world?).
Deciding to ponder on that later, he focused on his aura again.
It took a few minutes of searching but he found another signature.
It was a giant rock, standing in the corner of a cave. Riolu dashed forward and used a move he didn't know before.
It was a Power-up punch, that was good because when he evolved into Lucario he could start learning the focus punch.
At the end of it, they came out with three mega stones, two moonstones, a Waterstone, and a firestone.
(even gardevoir couldn't sense these, so only Aura users can, and even they have a hard time with it, five days there and seven finds).
Still, there were other profits from this, his Nidoran evolved into Nidorino. a little more training and he could evolve into a Nidoking. He managed to learn horn attack as well.
besides the first Mega stone, the other two were completely different. One was yellow with two red strikes with a yellow in the middle and one a skin color with two green strikes and a light red in the middle.
one was giving off Psychic energy, but when he presented it to Gardevoir, she shook her head, indicating that it wasn't compatible with her.
And the other two were giving off fire energy, but one more than the other. The yellow mega stone was giving off enough fire-type energy to shadow the other. the second one was giving off a fire and fighting combination.
Now he just had to transfer the water stone and one moonstone to the professor.
He didn't want him suspecting anything after all.