A little lizzard

As soon as dust reached the Cerulean city, he passed right through it. Not wanting to face the failures who call themselves gym leaders, he decided to wait for Ash and Misty to reach the Gym.

So... Being the genius he is, he decided to head towards route twenty-four. He wanted a damn dragon. It didn't matter that Charizard was a fire/flying type, it was a dragon. Even Lance has one.

There was little chance for him to find the guy that abandoned the poor lizard, So he decided to head towards the Pokemon center to wait for his prey to come to him.

For two days he waited, destroyed other Pokemon trainers, and checked the weather periodically.

And then, he finally walked in.

"God, I can't believe that stupid Pokemon actually stayed there".

It was time to take action.


"So, Let me get this straight".

Said officer Jenny, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"You saw him in a bad mood".

She started getting a nod from dust.

"decided to ask him what was wrong".

Another nod.

"finding out that the problem was a Charmander, that was too weak, you decided to take the Pokemon in".

Dust nodded again.

"So he took you to where he left it-".


He corrected.

"-Him, and then a tree fell on him... Several times".

"Weirdest thing. Really".

-Flashback end-

And now Charmander joined his team... simple right?

The only downside was that he was depressed... and didn't have a name yet...

-Flashback... Again-

(...Zuko it is! now, how do I snap him out of depression?).


The lizard Pokemon looked up to his new trainer with defeated eyes. he was ready to receive more orders, and then get yelled at because he was too weak.

"Let's train to get stronger together, What do you say?".

-Flashback end-

And that's how you do it. Now he had a Hard training Charmander who would one day be a badass Charizard. Maybe even a mega.

Anyway, Ash should already be at the water gym so he would make it in time to meet misty. Obliterate her and then leave for the next badge.

He would make his team one to be feared. Team rocket? Pfft. As long as no one comes for him or his loved ones..., who are admittedly few, He would leave them alive. If they try anything, something unfortunate might happen... Like wild Greninja stabbing them while they sleep...

Anyway, Judging from how Charmander evolved into Charizard in what, four episodes? he should be able to get Chameleon soon and a Charizard soon after.

"...Where the hell are they?".

Dust muttered under his breath. He was at the Pokemon center, Healing his team from an intense training session, and if he was honest, he needed some healing as well. Why did he think that sparring with Riolu was a good idea? because he was an idiot that's why.

(...I need healing... that sounded like Genji).

With a groan, he sat down on a chair and waited for his Pokemon to be returned to him.

Ash walked in.

His first thought was: Did Gary already pass through while he was looking for Charmander?

His second thought was: (Who's that bombshell next to him?).

She couldn't be misty, because she was standing right next to her, having a conversation.

She was wearing blue jeans that hugged her figure nicely. A blue shirt with a Lapras painted on it. Her hair had blue streaks in it and was in a bun, Despite that it came down to her back, almost reaching her thighs.

She had a backpack slung over her back and her skin was tanned... Her Brea...

(Damn hormones).

Long story short... She was damn hot... Did he mention that Trainers stayed in great shape? Because they did, and most female trainers were physically attractive.

"Ash! Took you long enough, Did you run into trouble on the way?".

Dust called out to his friend. Ash turned around and saw his Rival... And Garys too, but that was beside the point.

"Dust! You left early, We decided that we would leave on the same day!".

He was pointing an accusatory finger towards him. Dust moved the finger away before replying.

"If I remember correctly, You and Gary decided that while I just ignored you... Like always".

The smirk on his face was like Pokemon using The taunt move on ash, he was mad but Dust had a point. He "Technically" never agreed.

"Ash, who's this?".

Asked a voice behind the said teen. Looking over Dust saw a girl with orange hair tied in a side tail, she was wearing a yellow shirt with blue shorts, showing off her legs and stomach.

"Yes, I would like to know as well".

The one Dust dubbed as "Bombshell" not long ago spoke up. Their eyes met and he saw her light blue eyes... he still had no idea who she was.