A New Companion

"So, Run this by me again, Why are you coming with me?".

Dust asked Nessa, An eyebrow raised in question.

"I didn't plan to stay with them for long, and I was going to move straight through the town. So Why not?".

She answered with a shrug. looking at the surroundings of the path.

They were on Route five, heading towards Saffron city. He still didn't know what to make of it.

"There are a lot of Odishes here".

Nessa said absentmindedly, looking at the grass where she could see a few running around.




The two looked at the bluebird that was looking at them with interest.

(The fuck is that?).

"What's a Rookidee doing here?".

Nessa questioned, clearly confused. Dust was surprised, She knew this blue bird? Noticing Dust's surprise, she explained.

"That's a flying type Pokemon that is native to the region I come from, A good Pokemon for transport and battle".

Dust looked back at the Bird called Rookidee and took out his Pokedex. Looks like this thing would be useful at least.

("It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit." Huh. well, that's interesting. Also, There's a Galar region?).

"Mind if I catch it?".

Nessa shook her head at the question. She didn't want to catch the flying type. She was specializing after all.

Dust took out one of the pokeballs on his belt and let out a shinx.


Shinx looked around, a little confused. There was no opponent for him to fight that he could see.

"Simba, up there".

Dust pointed at the tree. A quick charge and a Discharge later, He had a new flying type.

Picking up the Pokeball he looked at it for a second... then another second. then blinked. The Pokeball wasn't going away, and it was his seventh Pokemon.

"Why isn't it going to the lab?".

Nessa asked, Looking just as confused as him. Dust took the Pokedex and called the Professor. A few seconds later, the call was answered.

"Ah dust my boy, what's the matter?".

The professor greeted. it looked like he was busy so he decided to make it quick.

"I caught a seventh Pokemon, and the Pokeball is still with me. Please explain".

Dust asked quickly and precisely. lifting a Pokeball for the professor to see.

"... I didn't tell you?".

He looked just as confused as he and Nessa. Now he wondered what was going on.

"Well, my boy, since you are a "Field Researcher", well you get to carry eight Pokemon, But you can only use six in battles".

That explained it. So the next Pokemon he would catch would remain as well... which was quite useful.

"You're a field researcher?".

The question came from Nessa who seemed surprised. Young researchers were a rarity.

"Have been since I was ten, Actually. It's not as great as you think it is. You have to help an old man with everything he's doing, gets annoying after a while".

Dust said offhandedly, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture.

"Hey, I heard that!".


"You done?".

Dust asked. Finishing building his tent and turning towards Nessa, he saw her struggling to set it up.

"... Could you give me a hand?".

With a slight chuckle, To which he got a pout for, He walked over to Nessa's tent and started setting it up.

A few minutes later, The tent was standing strong. For now.

"Wasn't that hard now, was it?".

he smirked at the pout sent his way and let out all of his Pokemon to train.

"Alright, you know what to do, by the time you're done the food will be ready. Yuki, Please explain to Rookidee what's happening".

With a collective cheer, The seven Pokemon went to train. Hearing a very familiar noise from his right, Dist looked over to see Nessa Releasing her own Pokemon.

(...Okay, that one I know, it's a Wimpod... but that turtle-looking one I have no idea.)

Noticing his questioning look at one of her Pokemon, Nessa decides to summarize it.

"His name is Chewtle, A water type".

Still looking very interested, Dust nods and walks over. Crouching down to pet it... He got bit.

"Aw, Damn. That hurts".

Dust glared at the little bite machine. Nessa chuckled and walked over. Bending down, and giving Dust a good show of her toned legs while doing it, She picked the little guy and hugged him to her chest.

"Did the big strong man get scared by this cute little Pokemon?".

She teased. This meant war. However now a question had popped in his head. the war would have to wait.

"You specialize in water types?".

Nessa nodded, and put down Chewtle who went off to play with Wimpod.

"Yeah, I'm traveling the world, looking for water-type Pokemon to join my team".

She shrugged As if it wasn't uncommon.

(...Ludicolo and Walrein would be good additions to her team).


I'm running out of pre-made chapters.

That sucks.

I ran out of Ready chapters for My naruto fic, and only have two more for this. need to start working again T-T.