Training before the battle

Here they were is Saffron City. And if he was being honest, He didn't want to be here at all.

Remembering what the gym leader was like before ash got to her. He wanted to leave that one to the protagonist... But he had to get the badge.

With a sigh, He decides to Go to the Gym, but he was stopped by Nessa.

"Dust, This is where we part ways, I'll be restocking and heading to Lavender town and then to Route Twelve. There are a few water types that interest me".

She informed him, pointing at the road to Lavender. Dust just looked at her for a moment and then shrugged.

He wasn't expecting her to be with him his whole journey. He wasn't ash, who just so happen to get a few companions in every new region, So he was fine with her leaving.


That was his answer. Nothing special. he just wondered what that pang of disappointment was... probably hormones. Definitely Hormones.

"Well see you. maybe we'll see each other again. I will be taking a break in Neon town".

She waved while walking off. He waved back. Turning to the building in the middle of the town, He took a deep breath and went to schedule the fight.

Which would be taking place in a week... Damn.

If the chick was crazy, why did he need to get a fight scheduled? Or did the Elite four do their job... for once? He would find that out in a week... for now, he would work on evolving his Pokemon.

It was about time Riolu evolved into Lucario and Shinx into Luxio.

...It was going to be a tough six days... he needed the seventh to relax. Turning towards to Pokemon center, he starts planning. Right now, he didn't know what Pokemon the gym would send out, No sane Pokemon trainer would send out Abra. Sure for training, Maybe. But only knowing teleport won't help in battle.

With a sigh, he walked inside the Pokemon center.






Dust, Gardevoir, and Greninja stared at Charmelion that was a Charmander just a few seconds ago.

it has only been a day and a half since they started the training, He had assigned everyone goals to achieve.

Nidorino was trying to perfect Horn Attack. Gardevoir and Greninja we're sparring. Riolu was mastering the Aura Sphere. Shinx was learning Thunder Shock. Charmander was trying to learn Flamethrower and Rookidee was working on her speed.

A sudden shine caught everyone's attention only to see Charmander evolving. And now here they were.

The Charmelion was arrogant and clearly wanted to show off... Nidorino put that to an end really quick. A little bit of convincing later and Charmelion was ready to train his tail off again.

Dust himself was busy training, Trying to create an aura sphere like Riolu. He wondered if he could make the Rasengan by substituting Chakra with aura... He would have to try that out later.

On the third day, Riolu managed to learn the Aura Sphere and was given the task to make it as fast as he could and the Launching speed also needed to be increased.

Charmelion managed to learn Dragon Breath, meaning he had learned how to control Dragon-type energy. Now he could start learning moves like Dragon tail and Dragon claw.

But now was not the time for that. He still had to master the flamethrower.


"Come on. Come on..."

The balloon popped and water spilled. And he was ready to jump in joy.

Sure took him five whole days, but he managed to pop the water balloon... now he just had to switch to the rubber balls.

Enthusiasm dying down, he Picked up the water-filled balloon again and started the process again.


He looked over to his Riolu who was making an Aura Sphere and sending it forward and then looking at him with a smug smile plastered on his face...

(This smug bastard! I'll show you. just watch me grind a giant rock into dust, you'll be begging me to teach it to you. Muahahahahaha).

While plotting his plans on world domination, Dust had a creepy smile on his face that creeped most of his team out.

Greninja and Gardevoir we're used to it. Their trainer's antics were strange at first but seeing the faces of their fellow Pokemon now, was amusing.

[I wonder if he realized that I basically searched his mind to learn how to talk properly].

Gardevoir asked Greninja who was standing with crossed arms.

[...I don't think he does, for all his smarts he can be an idiot sometimes].