The not so crazy gym leader

Well, today was the day. he was going to fight the Gym leader. He was expecting a crazy gym leader that was turning everyone into dolls... Imagine his surprise when he saw a twenty-something-year-old man at the other end of the arena.

"My name is Blaze Bluefire. We shall have a three-on-three, you can switch your Pokemon while I can't. Are there any complaints challenger?"


Dust just stared, not knowing what to expect, he nodded and looked on with interest as the first Pokeball was thrown and out came... a Gothorita?

(... Okay, that is new. let's see that's a pure psychic type, so...)

Taking out the Pokeball for Shinx, he threw it in the air. The ball opened and a blue beam shot out, materializing the form of Shinx, who started using charge without being ordered to.

"Is your Pokemon using a move without your consent? you need to keep them under control young man."

Ah...He was one of those. Thinking that Pokemon we're nothing but tools for entertainment. Greninja had similar thoughts as him seeing that his shadow wavered.

"Simba, Humiliate him."

And with that, Simba was charging at high speeds towards the psychic-type pokemon with his fangs glowing.

(Well now let's sit back...Wish I had popcorn.)


Simba's opponent disappeared by using teleport. Simba, being trained by Gardevoir to know what teleport was capable of and the rules of the fight, Used the charge he had stored up after being released and unleashed a wave of electricity around the arena.

(Thunder wave...and it's powered up by a charge. Damn this little guy is smarter than many trainers out there who just spam Hydro Pump.)

The attack managed to land... Obviously. So he decided to at least contribute a little.

"Simba, stock up on charges then use it to enhance thunderbolt."

And with that, his one command in battle was said. He could just watch how his small, adorable jinx decimated the dumbass trying to give orders to his partner.

"Use confusion!"

Due to attacking instead of dodging, the Pokemon paid the price when a powerful electric attack hit her directly.

(Is it just me, or are the fights short... and people take years for this shit?)

He watched as Shinx managed to get close to Gothorita and managed to use a bite on her. Looks like she wasn't trained to use teleport consecutively.

"Come back, Gothorita."

The gym leader wasn't pleased. A kid with a Shinx managed to beat his first Pokemon... This kid shouldn't even be here.

"Come out, Kadabra!"

He called back Shinx and looked at the Kadabra with interest. Thinking a little, he took another Pokeball from the belt.

Charmeleon came out with a shout of his name. Looking around, he saw his predicament. He was in an arena, his trainer behind him and an opponent in front.

He sent a flamethrower towards the Kadabra.

(...Yeah, we need to work on strategy with Zuko.)


Dust watched as Kadabra disappeared and was next to Charmeleon in the blink of an eye.

Charmeleon, anticipating this, used Fire fang to bite down on Kadabras collarbone.

"Kadabra Use Psychic to get it off!"

Blaze shouted, swiping his hand to the side like an anime protagonist.

(Man...He is really getting into this, isn't he?)

Charmeleon was lifted up and as he was gaining distance from his opponent, dust gave his command.

"Use Dragon Breath."

Charmeleon gave what counted as a smirk, opened his mouth, and released a large amount of purple energy shaped like a dragon head. Engulfing Kadabra and as a result... all most ended up killing him but it was fine... just an accident.

"Come back, Kadabra. That could have ended badly. Come on out Gothitelle."

A tall Pokemon that looked like she was wearing a black dress with white bows.

And it was the to see how Gardevoir would fair against a fellow psychic type.

But to his surprise, Charmeleon refused to return.


He didn't need to translate that, he knew that Charmeleon wanted to fight. Dust knew this wouldn't end well. the opponent was fully evolved and overall more experienced than the fire type. Knowing His own Pokemon's stubbornness, He decided to let him proceed. Maybe something interesting might happen... who knew.

"Use smokescreen."

Charmeleon quickly released the smoke from his mouth, covering the area.

"Use Thunderwave!"

"Jump and use Flamethrower to your right."


He looked up to see Charmeleon being thrown to the ceiling.

(...Well, he has his work cut out for him. good luck Zuko.)