The third badge

A torrent of flames flew out of Charmeleons mouth, heading towards his opponent.

The Psychic-type used teleport to dodge at the behest of her trainer.

(This isn't beneficial for Zuko, she can dodge until she gets tired, the he used flamethrowers five times already, his fire reserves are taking a hit every time he uses it.)

Dust decided that it was time to help out at least s little. Spreading his aura and connecting it to Charmeleons, he started giving him mental instructions.

Charmeleons eyes narrowed and waited…

"Use teleport and follow it up with Psybeam!"

As the opponent Gothitelle disappears, charmeleon opens his mouth and chomps down to his left, biting the shoulder of the Psychic pokemon.

Flinching but still following her masters order, she blasted a decent amount of psychic power towards her lizard like opponent.

Releasing one last dragon breath, Charmeleon exhausted himself and passed out. The dragon energy impacted, dealing a large amount of damage.

Nidorino was ready to battle as soon as he was released, two pairs pf eyes locked and glared.


Needless to say, a horn attack was enough to knock out the weakened enemy.


(Well that was… kind of easy. Wonder what happened to the girl, did she get fired or dis she quit herself?)

He thought as he looked at the badge. Shrugging the question off as not his problem, he put the badge in the case… it was time to go to the next city!

Which was lavender town. Dust, with the stroke of genius, decided to go the long way around, that and route 12 should have some pokemon he was interested in.

Like… horsea and tentacool… hell he would be happy with psyduck or a whimpod.

He had to stock up on food… good thing he was still getting paid for being a field a field assistant.

So with a skip in his step, he went to stock up on food, water and he also needed to get a new lighter. Charmeleons flamethrower was too powerful to safely use… In the woods…



Riolu said as he looked at dusts clothes.

"No, I don't think I need a chan in clothes. Military clothes are very durable."


"Tobi, please, I don't need new clothes. What I need to so is to focus on the road."


"What do you mean you have style? Youre not wearing anything!"


"Gah! Fine!"

He finally relenting. He decided to get other clothes when he reached the lavender town.

Right now he was on route 8. Good news was that Growlith was frequent on this route. He hasn't seen one yet However…

"Grow- Growlith!"


Looking over, he found a… was that a shiny? And why was it yellow? Wouldn't… black be better for a shiny? Maybe but he wouldn't complain.


(Madara… no, doesn't fit right. Iroh… yes Iroh, fits perfectly… only if he wast the color of yurine, but what can one do… now where do I get a fire stone?)

The pondering expression, Growlith tilted his head while looking at him with a confused expression on his face.

"Your name shall be Iroh! You like it?"

Every pokemon marveled at the name. It sounded so likable, so wise, pleasant and understanding. Truly, a name well thought of.

Their trainer was very intelligent.

Gardevoir just thinks that hes ripping off from all the shows he's seen.

With an amused glint in his eyes he stands up and looks around. The place was quiet for the most part if not counting the few bird pokemon that were flying overhead.

Now he had to set up camp… he really needed a ride Pokémon. Things would go so much faster if he had one.

Deciding to get a pidgey and evolve it in the future, he went on with securing the forewood for the fire.

And yes, he mentally noted, he did want to speedrun one of the regions.


Dust woke up in the middle of the night. Awoken by the sound of something hitting the ground.

Using his aura, he sensed Greninja outside the tent and some normal type energy in his hand.

Looking out of the tent, He saw him, Blood over his face, hand and on his thigh. The Kunai in his hand was fading. Looking down on the ground he saw a decapitated body of a wild Skarmory, just laying there. Its head was still rolling on the ground.

Greninja was already using some water he drained from the atmosphere to clear away the blood on his body.

This reminded him of the first time Greninja had killed another pokemon. At the time he was still a frogadier at the time when a random Fearow thought it was a good idea to attack them.

(…what the hell do I do with the body?)