A good walk

The next day he reached Lavender town... and passed right through it. the prospect of a few dozen battles, A.K.A free experience was too tempting.

And here he was right now, kicking ass with his shinx, Nidorino, Charmeleon and Rookidee.


and that's another goldeen to the list and another 200 dollars in his pocket.

recalling his Pokémon, he started walking down the path again, enjoying the quiet for a few minutes. the breeze was enjoyable, caressing his hair, fresh air pleasant to his lungs.

If he was being honest, he wanted to stay here for a while. it was just so nic-


An angry Tentacruel burst out of the water. Dust was thinking about reasons why the lady luck would hate him so much right now.

(an old, wise man would say "the urge to curse is strong with this one" but there is no old man here.)

Gardevoir, standing by his side, used her psychic powers to stop the water time Pokémon mid-air and looked at her master with an inquiring look, wondering what to do with the dumb squid.

Dust just shrugged. indicating that she could choose what to do with it.

She tossed the squid into the ocean...Very far away.


looking down, he saw a Scared Wimpod, really the little guy was shaking.

crouching down, he poked it. The bug Pokémon looked up with shaking eyes.

"the mean one is gone now, you can let go."

Wimpod shook some more.

"Want to come with?"

The scared water type looked to him, then his Gardevoir then back to him with a nod.

(he wants protection.)

he noted, he wants to be safe while he gets stronger and evolves. what he will do after that is a mystery.

with a sigh, he took out a Pokeball and tapped it on Wimpods head.


"double kick."

Shellder took a hit to the side, flinging it upward and landing with a vary painful sound on the ground, no longer conscious.

"Come back shellder. what was that?! you only gave your pokemon one order! who fights like that?!"


This was the third time someone asked a stupid question like that.

"I do, now my prize?"

the guy shoved two hundred dollars in his hand and dashed away to heal his pokemon.

He looked at the others that were outside their pokeballs. Charmeleon was getting tipsy, more aggressive.

(he's ready to evolve, won't take long now.)

He noted. the next battle would be fought by him maybe he would evolve.

"Ninja- Greninja."

Dust looked to his right, seeing his oldest friend standing there arms crossed.

"you still mad that I didn't buy new clothes?"

No answer.

"Fine, ill buy it at the next town, they had a bad taste at lavender town anyway."


"Come out Empoleon!"

Dust raised an eyebrow, Empileon was a good pokemon, with good typing, useful moves.

"Zuko, you're up."

With a roar, he walked forward, ready for a battle.

(Ah the enthusiasm... that's not going to last in this battle.)

"Use Hydro pump!"

The fire-lizard, realizing that getting hit by that was not the best idea, jumped to the side as fire burst from his mouth.

the attack managed to land, but the damage wasn't much.

"Metal claw!"

The overgrown penguin dashed forward, his arm glowing silver. the attack hit Charmeleon directly, knocking him back a fair distance.

Shaking off the daze, the fire type glared at his opponent as black smoke started coming out of his mouth.

The smokescreen hides him as well as his opponent. Not relying on his trainer to locate his opponent, Charmeleon used a flamethrower and spun around, firing it in every direction. Seeing his stream hit something, he quickly charged a fire fang and lashed out.

Empoleon, being a part steel type, winces at the contact. taking advantage of this, Charmeleon released a point-blank Dragon breath and if he didn't coat his throat with dragon energy.

(I need to get him to stop that habit of his, it won't be useful after he evolves.)

right now, he could not put more power into that attack, once he evolved, he would gain more energy reserves, and also what kept him safe so far from his own attack, or rather, the lack thereof was jaw strength.

Right now, when he used the dragon type move, his jaw would give out and let go, this helped the dragon energy burst out instead of going back into his lungs.

When he evolved, he would get more jaw strength and that energy would burst his lungs... and he was no medic but he didn't think that was healthy... for anyone.

snapping back to reality, he noticed that his charmeleon was nowhere to be seen, instead, a downed penguin and a glorious dragon was looking down on it.

(...Did I just miss a possibly epic fight and a possibly epic evolution? I might need Yuki to show me what happened.)

His question was answered by the said pokemon soon after he asked it.

[Yes master, the fight was "epic" just like the evolution, you shall have those memories by the time you wake up.]

(why not now?)

[you want a migraine?]

(good point.)