"Could you, Like... use your personal team?"
The old man looked at him for a second and nodded.
"I've heard about you, Your strong, And my personal team is a bit rusty but they should give you a run for your money."
That sounded Fanta-
-this is Horrible...
Dust watched as Camerupt missed the earthquake because Gardevoir floated from the ground...And got slammed into the ground headfirst with Psychic.
(...I just want to go battle, Cynthia... maybe that guy in the galar region too, Heard he was strong.)
Just because Gardevoir was a psychic type, Didn't mean that she could not avoid a damn earthquake.
"Come out Houndoom!"
Ah, that was a good choice against a psychic type... too bad Gardevoir was also a fairy type... he knew that right?
Gardevoir uses a moon blast, Splitting the flamethrower down the middle and engulfing the Dark-type.
(I need to visit that place anyway, I want that Spectrier, a ghost type on my team would be s good addition... And that Urushifu seems strong with a wide variety of moves, Like a mega punch, Mega Kick, the elemental punches...)
Chandelure, the lamp pokemon, received a shadow ball to its...Face?
(Aegislash would be a good tank and an offence type... Should I leave behind my pokemon each time I go to another region?... no, that's stupid.)
Typhlosion was using the flame wheel, Gardevoir teleported out of the way, Used Hipnosis to put the pure fire type to sleep and followed it up with a dream eater.
"Come out Coalossal! Use overheat!"
A giant pillar of flames was shot from the rock-fire type's mouth, he could feel the heat from where he stood.
Gardevoirs eyes glowed and then used teleport.
(...Future sight? and she covered it with the enemies Overheat... I wonder what a monster she would be if I mega evolved her.)
Gardevoir used Aura sphere that she learned from Riolu, The attack landed, getting her opponent off its feet and launching the fire type into the wall.
As soon as the next pokemon was sent out, A Pyroar, the Future sight that was used on the previous landed on it, Damaging it severely.
With a psycho cut, the Lion pokemon was knocked out.
(...Since I am a generalist, I will probably have more pokemon than normal, I've read that even champions had the same problem at the beginning. Now they rotate through twelve pokemon, usually...)
"Indeed, your Gardevoir is strong, but Im sure my last pokemon can give it a challenge. Come on out, Delphox!"
(...oh, and I need to train up Fraxure, pupitar, Luxio, Riolu and pidgeot may be strong but he still sucks at Sudden turns...)
Gardevoir broke the Psychic hold on her and countered with her own.
(Hmm... Okay, has the battle started yet?)
Coming back to his senses, He saw Gardevoir use A fully powered Disarming voice.
"...Oh crap, it started?"
He muttered under his breath and tried to look like he was concentrating and giving orders to his pokemon mentally, Since she was a psychic type, he could pass it off as telepathy.
[Really master? Honestly, If you weren't such a good trainer half of the team would never listen to you.]
Yeah, She was right. and he knew that... A good thing he knew how to train them... Right?
"And with that, I have seven badges..."
He placed the fire badge in the badge case... closed it and turned around. It was time to visit his home... for a few days.
"So you heading to pallet town?"
Nessa asked from next to him looking at his collection of badges.
"Yeah, I need to get the last badge and use the next four months to train up my team to challenge the elite four, Then the champion... Then decline the title and run off to the next region."
Nessa looked at him for a second and rose an eyebrow.
"Your kidding right? Who would decline the title of Champion?"
A smirk grew on Dust's face and he fully turned to her with a hand on his hip
"...Somehow, I am not surprised at all."