Home Visit.

Flying through the air, Dust wondered what his next move would be.

(Obviously visiting Mount silver to train... But what next? visit other regions? Should I... Settle down?... Pffft!)

He nearly burst out in laughter right there and there. He wasn't settling down for a while.

His attention was grabbed by his Pokedex buzzing in his pocket.

"Who is it~!?"

He looked at the screen Seeing... His mother?

Tapping Pidgeot's back, Signaling for him to slow down, he looked back at the dex.

[Hey honey...I thought I should talk to you about this now to get it out of the way.]

This was bad, he could tell by her tone.

"O..kay, what is it?"

She took a deep breath and...

[It's about college...]


When he got home, He had to talk to his parents for a few hours, After an hour of back and forth, they came to a decision, He would take an early exam after he finished his journey.

Then if he managed to get in, he would take the Trainer course that allowed you to travel while the college sent you the things you need to learn.

It was complicated but he didn't question it.

The next day, he visited Professor Oak... It was an... interesting visit.

"Where did you find this growlith? were there any more? Was it alone or was he in a group?"

The old man was more interested in his pokemon.

"You found pupitar and a Fraxure? Fascinating, Dragon types are prideful, I should know, you got quite lucky..."


"Oh, and your fully evolved pokemon look strong too, but I wouldn't underestimate the smaller ones either, they could probably take on a gym leader by themselves, Huh The second coming of lance?"

the old man sent a smirk his way and he stopped. What? That nickname sucked. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea?

"Oh god... Don't call me that, The interview that lance had about me was already bad enough."

Oak looked confused at that, Did dust not watch that?

"But lad, Lance didn't like your way of fighting..."

Dust rose an eyebrow, the "Dragon Master" didn't like how he taught his team how to fight?

"...He says that it will be hard to keep that style in the "upper ranks"."

Now dust was confused, was shouting out your next move a smart thing?

"So... He expects me to lose if I go up against the elite four?"

Oak just shrugged.

"The new member of the elite four was chosen last year, it's the Ex-gym leader of the psychic type gym, and you can handle that, the others should not be trouble if you play your cards correctly."

If he tried, not even lance would be trouble, but he kept that thought to himself. Really, he needed to tone down on calling greninja and Gardevoir for battles.

(So that's what happened to the psychic woman...)

He shrugged at the older man, Knowing that it was useless to argue.

"Is your Dragonite free? If so, can he help my Charizard and fraxure with a few moves? oh and pidgeot needs a few pointers with flying, Im not that experienced, so..."

He trailed off when he saw the professor nod with a smile.

"If only ash and Gary had as much drive as you... ash doesn't even know that you can have your carry limit removed..."

He sighed, For someone who wanted to be a pokemon master, he sure was a dumbass.

"Yeah... Can I train my team at the ranch?"

Oak chuckled, Remembering the days he was like the young man in front of him. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he turned to dust.

"Sure, there should be a lot of free space and you can see the pokemon that are still here."

Dist nodded and walked out, enjoying the sun and the slight breeze that always seemed to be present.

"Zuko, Fraxure, Pidgeot. Dragonite will be here soon, Yuki, See alakazam if he's free... Anubis, Iroh, Simba, Odin and Wimpod, with me."

Each of them called out their own names while doing what they were told.

Dust walked along the way, looking for a big enough clearing. When he found a suitable place, he turned to the members of his team.

"Alright! Odin, Try perfecting Fireblast, It will be useful against grass types, even though your poison typing can negate some of the damage, it will be painful if you get hit."

The giant pokemon nodded and walked to the side of the clearing, doing as his trainer instructed him.

Dust nodded and turned to Growlithe.

"Iroh, You learned how to channel electric energy from Simba, Right?"

The Fire-Type nodded in conformation, its tongue handing out.

"Okay, try channelling it to your mouth like you use bite, It should make Thunderfang."

Barking, The small dog-like pokemon rushed towards a rock.

"Wimpod, Try using bug bite, Like Odin, it should help you with grass types."

the small bug let out an indiscernible voice and crawled off.

Now Dust turned to the two members of his team that were about to evolve.

Riolu evolved from feeling happy and Judging from the impatient look on Luxios face, He was right, usually, the small cub liked lazing around unless he was training or fighting.

"Simba, try learning Iron tail with the instructions I gave you last time, ill come to you once Im done with Anubis."

He blinked and he was gone. Chuckling at his behaviour, he turned to Riolu.

"You and I, Are going to have a Rasengan faceoff."

He said this while forming the said Move in his arm.


Oak was sitting down, He was happy that Dust was back, at least one of this town's trainers remembered to come back home when they had the chance.

Ash and Gary were still in the middle of collecting their badges. Even if dust was gathering the same badges, he at least visited.

Opening the reports Dust brought back, He started reading them over...

(Oh... So a group of eevees are moving already? That's odd, and there was no evolved form leading the horde...)

He looked down and skipped over the Few things he already knew, before getting to the cinnabar island.

(So, he spotted a Garchomp there, probably a foundation of a new colony of dragon types, Maybe Blackthorns will be evacuating them, An angry Garchomp is a dangerous one, but an angry mother Garchomp?)

He felt a shiver go down his spine.

As the aged professor was about to continue reading, he heard an explosion...

(...What happened?!)

Standing up hurriedly, he rushed out of the lab, heading towards the direction of the sound.

His confusion only rose however when he saw a light shining in front of him and Dust, clutching his hand that seemed bruised.

As the light died down, He saw a Lucario jumping at Dust, Seeming surprisingly happy. The pokemon freaked out when Dust grunted in pain since His hand was suddenly shaken from the impact.

The older man sighed, This child was full of surprises.