Planning for the future

He had concluded that his pokemon were growing too strong...

He needed a scyther...

He needed to go to the safari zone...

"...hey Professor... Where can I find scyther except for the Safari zone?"

Oak looked up from writing and glanced at him.

"...Viridian forest..."


Well, he would catch a scyther when he reached Viridian forest then. Probably he was going to find one after getting the viridian badge.

When should he leave, though? that was still the question. Sure his pokemon were getting training the past three days, but he couldn't stay here for long.

Turning off the computer, he stood up and walked out of the lab, looking over his resting Pokemon.

Greninja was sitting, his breathing heavy and Lucario was laid out on the ground, limbs spread out, if he couldn't sense his aura, he would have thought he had ended his life short by training.

Fraxure was also sitting but he wasn't idle, channelling Dragon energy to his tail.

Pupitar was maintaining an orb of dark energy in front of him.

Luxray, who managed to evolve in a spar with Lucario, was learning Hyper Beam from Pidgeot.

And those were all that he could see, the others were deeper into the ranch.

(...I also need a grass type... God so much work...)

With a sigh, Dust gathered aura inside him and released a wave, notifying his team of his presence.

Those who were close looked at him, before standing up and moving closer. He looked up to see Pidgeot and Charizard flying toward them and when concentrating his aura on his eyes, he could see Fraxure carrying Pupitar...

That was hilarious and impressive at the same time. Pupitar was heavy, And that was an understatement, Fraxure carrying him meant that he had enough strength to pull off more physically demanding moves.

"We will be heading out soon, We have the last gym leader to battle and then four months of training until we go for the champion..."

Everyone looked excited, but he had to stop them before they got ahead of themselves.


Everyone stopped and looked at him, waiting for something important to be said.

"... We need to figure out who will be the one fighting, We can't go on decimating every gym leader we come across now do we?"

Most of them snorted while others snickered. the fights were too easy before this.

Dust put his hand on his chin, thinking hard about it. In the end, He decided to have something to fall back on.

He would have Greninja or Gardevoir as backup, Nidoking, pidgeot, Fraxure and Lucario would be the main fighters.

With a nod of approval at his own thoughts, he recalled his pokemon to get them a check-up.

He just hoped that the mountain wasn't too cold



Oak said simply, not looking up from the papers.

"What do you mean?"



"You are not going to Mount silver."

"Why not?"

"You are a researcher too, you should know."

"you scared that I would get hurt gramps, That's not a valid reason."

Oak sighed and looked at Dust with a tired gaze.

"Lad, there are trainers there that won't hesitate to kick someone awake for a battle, you cant go there."

Dust narrowed his eyes at the old man, his irritation rising by the second.

"Then I will break their damn legs, My team needs training and to get stronger they need strong opponents, I will have to go to other regions if I don't don't go up that damn mountain."

Oak stood up and started walking over to another table with a computer on it.

"You still need to defeat the last gym leader, and my old team can help you, despite being a bit rusty."

With a sigh, he turned to the window, noticing the clouds slowly darkening. Raising an eyebrow, he walked closer, there was no storm in the news today, the skies were clear so the sudden clouds were somewhat suspicious.

He stared out to the sky, narrowing his eyes for a few minutes before deciding that it was nothing to worry about.

Then a sudden lightning strike sounded... and It was yellow.

(...Okay... Electric type legendaries... Raiku is a wondering legendary and can be anywhere, Tapu Koko is in all, and there aren't any wormholes yet... so... Zapdos.)

Another lightning crashed in the distance...

(That was so damn cliche. It can also be Thundurus but I don't remember anything about those three to speculate accurately.)

Another loud boom.

(Okay jeez I get it... I'm coming.)