
Seeing Zapdos flying in the sky, shooting thunder down at Lapras who was retaliating with Ice beams was not what dust expected when coming here.

"...What do you think buddy? should we interfere?"

he asked while tapping the side of the charizards neck.


He had to agree, he didn't want to either. but they were too close to Pallet.

And seriously, what the hell was Zapdos doing here?

Releasing a sigh, Dust tapped Charizards neck as he spoke.

"Fly above it, I got a plan."

Not hesitating for a second, the fore lizard flew up, giving the two a good view of the battle. Dust watched the battle for a good minute before he noticed Zapdos preparing an attack. Taking out two pokeballs, Dust released Nidoking and Pupitar in mid-air. Gravity, not liking that two heavy individuals were in the air without wings, worked its job and the two fell down... right on the legendary bird.

"Take care of the Lapras."

Giving the short order, Dust jumped down and took out another ball, releasing Gardevoir. Instantly, he was grabbed by her Psychic and the two of them glided to the ground.

Zapdos was thrashing around, releasing lightning, trying to get its two captors off of it, but unfortunately for him, electric attacks did nothing to a ground type.

"Yuki, can you hold it down?"

Gardevoir nodded and levitated towards the legendary while I turned to the retreating Lapras, I could see a few knocked out by the shore

With a shrug, Dust strolled up to the knocked out ice types and threw Pokeballs, they didn't even shake as they were caught, most of them must have been exhausted by fighting Zapdos and when Charizard swooped in, they didn't even stand a chance.

Five Lapras were caught and sent to his PC.

Not sparing them a second thought, for now, The teen turned to his pokemon who were holding down Zapdos.

(Honestly, who would have thought that I would be this easy detaining a legendary? just a few heavy pokemon and a strong psychic to hold them in place.)

Finally, Dust reached flying thunder chicken, because it really looked like a chicken.

"Why hello there..."

The bird glared at him.

"You know, catching you will cause a lot of problems... team rocket... Mewtwo... Articuno and Moltres... the league... even having you here is giving me a headache."

Dist mumbled as he looked at the tied down bird before turning to Gardevoir.

"What do I do here?"

Gardevoir looked over at him and shrugged.

[I don't know master, I never expected to be in this situation...Ever.]

Yes, Neither did he...

"Alright, amma catch you, you fine with that?"

If glares could kill dust would have died a few times already.

"Thought so... Alright, I can't just let you go, there's a chance you might attack me while im leaving, Pupitar, Earthquake."

The cacoon pokemon jumped up and started using earth energy on its belly. That and the added weight would cause a lot of damage to anything that it hit... which currently was zapdos... that poor poor zapdos.


"What did you do?"

Dust stopped right as he walked inside the lab and looked over at Professor Oak.

"Why do you assume that I did something?"

Oak just stared at me for a little bit longer and pointed at the clear sky, then outside where give Lapras were being healed by an Audino, then at him.

(He suspects me because im me?)

"There was a zapdos duking it out with a heard of Lapras, I asked Charizard to scare off the Lapras with a fire blast. seeing that there were no more ice beams being shot at it, the bird left."

Oak just looked at him for a moment before releasing a sigh and rubbing his temples.

"That was very risky of you, Dust. If Zapdos attacked you, I doubt that even I could help you."

The said teen just raised an eyebrow, he wasn't dying because of some exotic bird, Being born strong doesn't make you legendary. And he was planning to prove that.

With a shrug, he went outside and observed the Lapras that were resting.

He didn't really want Lapras, even if they were strong. Most likely they would be released.

(I need to get my last badge soon, can't slack off... much.)

With a sigh, he shoved his hands inside his pockets and clutched the shrunken ultra ball inside.

With Zapdos now in his possession, he just prevented a few events... Mewtwo would most likely come for him someday...

"Meh, I'll cross that bridge when I get there."