Chapter 13

Leaving Roy to rest, Michael departs from the hospital to return home. Preparing to take a shower, the doorbell rings and he quickly grabs the gun out of his dresser drawer. Approaching the door, he peers through the peephole to find Chris standing there and unlocks the door.

Michael Monroe: Chris?

Chris Reid: Hey, man.

The two friends hug each other as Michael invites him inside.

Michael Monroe: How are you doing?

Chris Reid: Been better, honestly. Commissioner is letting me take as much time as I need to heal and, well, mourn Trevor, you know.

Michael Monroe: Yeah.

Chris Reid: How about you? How are you holding up? I've heard you have taken it hard.

Michael Monroe: My brother was murdered. How would you be?

Chris Reid: Fair enough.

Chris then notices the fresh cuts on his face from earlier.

Chris Reid: What happened? To your face?

Michael Monroe: Had a run in with some of Galloway's hired men today. They attacked me and Roy, but as you can see, they failed. Although Roy is pretty banged up and in the hospital.

Chris Reid: You're going after him, aren't you?

Michael Monroe: You know I can't let him get away with this. It's unavoidable.

Chris Reid: Michael, you're my friend and have been for a very long time, but, please, for the sake of yourself, don't go through with this. Even if you succeed in avenging Trevor, it won't bring him back and this will lead you down a very dark path.

Michael Monroe: You know, if there's anyone, I expected to have my back more is you. Don't you turn into one of them.

Chris Reid: Did you forget I was there that day? Did you forget they damn near killed me too? I'm telling you as a friend because I can't afford to lose you either. Revenge is like a poison. It will slowly consume you and then you become the very thing you are fighting to destroy. Maybe even worse.

Michael Monroe: How dare you try to use Trevor to stop me.

Chris Reid: It's obvious no matter what I say, I can't stop you or change your mind, but I want you to know that this obsession will change you if you allow it to. I just hope you know what you are doing before you do something foolish.

Michael Monroe: The only foolish thing that's happened in this city is allowing Galloway to walk free with all the shit he has done. The innocent lives he's taken, the illegal drugs he brings here from the gulf while corrupting half the force! You, David and Trevor are the only ones I know that weren't paid to stay quiet. I can't believe after what you went through you can stand here and have the nerve to try and stop me.

For a moment the two men stand there in silence when David goes to leave but turns back.

Chris Reid: You know what, this is stupid. You are going after one of the deadliest crime lords that has several uniformed officers under his wing. For God's sake, Michael, count the dead. Count how many officers have been brutally murdered by his doing! Don't stand here and tell me how to do my fucking job and don't you dare question my loyalties! What you are doing is vigilantism, which, if I wanted, could arrest you here and book you, but I refuse to do so because you are my friend!

Michael Monroe: Then, why are you here? Did David put you up to this? To come here and check on me?

Chris Reid: I chose to come here, and I alone made that choice! I also don't shoot first then ask questions when they are in body bags!

Michael is stunned by this revelation that Chris is aware of him killing the eight mercenaries.

Chris Reid: You didn't think I knew about the incident last night and today?

Michael Monroe: I- I didn't want you to find out that way, but now that you do, well, frankly, I don't give a shit anymore. I'm going to kill Roman and anyone else that gets in my way.

Chris can start to see the burning rage in his eyes and before he can reply, they both hear yelling coming from below them.

Chris Reid: What the hell is that?

Michael goes into his room and takes his two Glocks from under his bed.

Michael Monroe: Sounds like someone doesn't know when to stop.

Michael walks to the door and carefully opens it as Chris draws his pistol.

Michael Monroe: Stay close.

Shouting can be heard coming up the steps as four heavily armed men come off the elevator, followed by five more from the stairs.

Chris Reid: I count at least nine. Roman's men?

Chris looks at Michael, who glances at the armed men and notices something isn't right about them.

Michael Monroe: No. They are different.

The men go door to door, kicking them in, trying to find Michael.

Chris Reid: Four on the right, five on the left.

Michael Monroe: You can count?

Chris shoots him a look as Michael smirks. Screaming from one of the apartments sends Michael and Chris into action as they enter to find two of the grunts grabbing a middle-aged woman and throw her down along with her husband. The couple are restrained and are about to be executed when Chris shoots one in the head as Michael unarms the second and delivers multiple blows to his face when bullets are fired into the apartment by the other grunts. Chris takes cover, but the unnamed husband is hit. Michael returns fire but misses while Chris fires blindly as a distraction for Michael to toss a smoke grenade into the hall then attacks the three grunts. Because of his skills, Michael brutalizes and viciously beats them down like a juggernaut and leaves them mangled and broken, much to the shock and horror of Chris. As another grunt rounds the corner, Michael charges him full speed and shoves him out of a window, making him fall three stories to the ground below. The fall didn't kill him, but severely wounded him. As he descends the steps, Michael kills another grunt by shooting him then engages another in hand-to-hand combat, overpowers and kills him by snapping his neck. Stepping outside, he walks over to the injured grunt to find his leg broken to the point the bone is poking out. The grunt tries to crawl to safety as Michael presses his foot on the broken leg, making him yell in agony.

Michael Monroe: Who sent you?

The grunt pleads for mercy so Michael stomps on the leg forcing the bone to poke even further out.

Michael Monroe: I WON'T ASK AGAIN!

Michael's voice sounding more vicious and aggressive, almost like a crack of thunder.

Grunt: His name is Sasha Klevenshka. He works with Roman Galloway and hired us to kill you and kidnap any civilians living here. That's all I know, I swear. For fuck's sake, that is all I know!

The grunt begs to not be harmed even further as Michael, closing his eyes and breathes in deeply, executes him as the gunshot rings loudly and echoes into the night.

Another day and more bodies are placed into body bags, most being the ones who work for Galloway. Michael only sees them has another failed attempted assassination on him.

Michael Monroe: When do you think someone will eventually give up after seeing his men fail time and time again?

Chris Reid: If there's anything you should know about Roman is that he doesn't quit until whoever he's after ends up dead. I'm not going to stop you, but don't go at this alone, Michael. Roman has some of the most highly skilled men in the world working for him, including the man who killed Trevor.

Michael Monroe: What?

Michael stands to his feet with intention and Chris notices the anger in his stance and in his eyes, never aware that Michael doesn't know that Hitman is the one who murdered Trevor and Roman was the one who called the hit.

Michael Monroe: I was told Roman did it. Now you're telling me it was someone else.

Chris Reid: Roman is responsible for his death because he called the hit, but he paid off a hitman named Robert Kessler, who goes by the codename Hitman.

Michael Monroe: So, now I have two assholes coming for me? Perfect.

Michael begins walking back to the building, but Chris stops him.

Chris Reid: You can't go at it alone, Michael. You'll die trying!

Michael Monroe: What more could I possibly lose, Chris?

Michael turns back to look at him as Chris looks at him.

Chris Reid: What about Kylie and her parents?

Michael Monroe: She is not in the city anymore. I know, she told me. She is with her parents in a different state that I won't mention because I don't know who is listening!

The two friends stare at each other in silence, then Michael says goodnight and goes back to his apartment.