Chapter 12

Morning breaks and with the hospital closed off since it's a current crime scene, Brooke goes back to her apartment while Michael meets Roy and Clint at the old McAllister airfield that closed down three years prior and has been left abandoned since then. The three enter the former hangar and use flashlights and glow sticks to look around.

Roy Wheeler: What exactly are we looking for?

Michael Monroe: Not really looking for anything specific, but something to use for some sort of command center.

Roy Wheeler: A command center?

Clint Gallows: It's something that's used-

Roy Wheeler: I know what it is, but why do we need one?

Michael Monroe: Because this city is crawling with associates and clients of Roman. So, I figured it's time we got eyes and ears of our own on them. Need to know everything they do, where they go, what they eat, what they drink, what they wear. The whole nine yards. We figure out that pattern, we close in one of their weakest and interrogate them.

Clint Gallows: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.

Clint shines his flashlight around and suddenly begins to connect everything on how to make the place very active and possibly hiring a few hands to be on the team in the near future.

Clint Gallows: I've got a few ideas of how to fix this place up. Make a few calls, get everything set up. It'll be unlike anything you've ever seen before. And you, I don't know what you were planning on doing last night, but you're going to need something stronger, something that won't damn near kill you. Give me a few days and I'll patch you up something.

Michael Monroe: Last night showed that no matter how much anger and rage that's inside of me, I'm still human. I'm not Superman or Wolverine. But, with my dying breath, I will make damn sure Roman goes down with me one way or another. But I can't do it alone and that's why I need you both.

After the trio does a look over of the old airfield and agree to turn it into a command center, Clint heads back to his shop while Michael and Roy head to a nearby hardware store to collect some tools. Purchasing what they need, they depart the store and leave, but are unaware of a black SUV trailing them. They pull up to a red light as the black SUV stops behind them. At first, Michael pays it no attention until he looks again to see it's the same mercenaries that nearly killed him from the high-speed chase the night before, not the mercenaries that attacked the hospital.

Michael Monroe: Hey Roy; Don't make it look suspicious, but the SUV behind us is the same one from last night.

Michael keeps his eyes forward as Roy takes a quick glance and sees the man in the front passenger seat holding a submachine gun.

Roy Wheeler: Front passenger has a submachine gun.

Once the light turns green, they take off and the SUV gives chase. The two vehicles run through multiple red lights as the man in the front passenger seat, leans out the window and opens fire as Michael activates the shield. He takes a hard right and continues driving at a fast pace until a second oncoming black SUV appears out of nowhere and rams right into the left side of the car! The car takes a vicious hit and ends up doing a barrel roll multiple times until it comes to a halt. Both men are now badly injured, but Roy seems to be in worst shape than Michael.

Michael Monroe: You, okay?

Roy Wheeler: I think my arm is fucking broke, man.

Michael looks at Roy's arm and sees that it is not broken but dislocated as blood runs down the right side of Roy's face from a gruesome gash. The heavily armed men exit their cars and begin to approach them, all armed with automatic weapons. Michael leans under his seat to grab his Glock, armed with twenty rounds then opens the glove compartment to take two magazines out then hands the gun to Roy.

Michael Monroe: Take this. When they get close, kill them.

He then opens the door and falls out of his car. The men open fire on the car as Roy gets down and Michael covers himself. Civilians run for cover as the eight men reload their guns, giving Michael the opportunity to jump up with two fully loaded Glocks and return fire, managing to kill five of them until both guns are out of ammo. Acting quickly, Michael attacks the remaining three men. The men put up a fight, but Michael's skills are more superior as he overpowers them until he is attacked from behind by a mysterious masked assailant, who then kills one of the mercenaries with a sword! The assailant places his sword back into its holster and draws two electric sticks and begins swinging at him, but Michael manages to dodge them until he sidesteps the assailant and begins to deliver combo strikes. The two foes begin trading a mixture of blows and blocks when Michael knocks the two weapons away, making the assailant pull his sword back out and try to slice at him, but Michael blocks it and they both struggle for power until the assailant manages to headbutt him in the face then slashes Michael in the arm with the sword! The remaining two mercenaries try to shoot them both, but the masked assailant acts quickly to kill them until Roy shoots the two men dead and shoots at the assailant, but his suit is bulletproof as he takes out a knife and throws it at Roy as it ends up impaling him in his shoulder as the assailant escapes. Rushing over to Roy, Michael sees the knife didn't hit a major artery and yanks it out while keeping pressure on the wound.

Roy Wheeler: You're one crazy son of a bitch, you know that.

Michael laughs as multiple police patrol cars arrive and the officers quickly shut the area down. The eight deceased mercenaries are placed into body bags, while Roy is placed into an ambulance and Michael rides with him to a different hospital a few miles from the city. They arrive and Roy is taken to surgery for the stab wound and his dislocated arm while Michael is treated for his wounds. While in a room, the doctor excuses himself for a moment and leaves as Michael tosses the bloodied rag into the trash can.

Brooke Cade: Michael?

Michael looks up to see Brooke in the hall as the doctor left the door open.

Michael Monroe: Brooke? What are you doing here?

Brooke Cade: They placed me here temporarily while my other hospital is still, well, you know.

She walks into the room and begins to examine his wounds.

Brooke Cade: What happened this time?

Michael Monroe: Oh, car accident.

Michael stretches the truth as he doesn't want to tell her the real reason. The doctor comes back into the room to finish treating the wounds.

Doctor: Nothing major. Just a few cuts and I am prescribing you some painkillers and antibiotics, so it doesn't get infected.

Throwing away his gloves, the doctor writes down the prescription of medication and hands it to Michael. After he leaves the room, Brooke stays for a while.

Michael Monroe: How have you been since everything happened?

Brooke takes a seat next to him as she looks out in the hall.

Brooke Cade: I'm still a little shaken. Never experienced anything of that nature before.

Michael Monroe: Yeah. It's always scary the first time." he says.

Brooke Cade: First time? You've seen something like that happen before?

Michael Monroe: Many times. I served in the Seals for a few years and saw shit like that more times than a person should in their lifetime.

Brooke Cade: I've been a nurse for three years. I've had my fair share of treating patients with gruesome injuries and seen many die in front of me. But, last night, that is something you don't prepare for.

Michael Monroe: Nothing can prepare you for something like that.

Brooke Cade: You know, my brother was in the military.

Michael Monroe: No shit? What branch?

Brooke Cade: Army. Staff sergeant Stephen Cade. He went missing a year ago behind enemy lines, but they never found his body, so he went from missing in action to killed in action. They found his luggage and dog tags, searched the entire area and found nothing. It makes no sense.

Michael Monroe: Most soldiers that go missing in enemy territory don't always end up dead. They just get lost and wind up living with other families or keeping on the move to avoid detection. Some use it to escape the horrors of war.

Brooke Cade: I know he's still alive. I feel it all the time and I feel like they didn't try hard enough to find him.

Michael Monroe: I can't exactly speak for them, but I can say that when a fellow soldier goes missing especially in enemy territory, we do the very best we can to find them. But when they abandon their luggage and dog tags, it's assumed they abandoned the mission and the military altogether. War can do some fucked up things to you.

Brooke is then called away for assistance and Michael steps out of the room when the doctor that performed the surgery on Roy approaches him.

Surgeon: Michael Monroe?

Michael Monroe: Yeah, that's me.

Surgeon: Roy is out of surgery. He's going to be fine. Luckily no major arteries were struck and his arm was dislocated as you said. We have him set up in room 355. You're welcome to go see him, now.

Michael shakes his hand and thanks him then goes to see Roy. He enters the room to find Roy resting as he pulls up a chair and sits next to his bed.

Roy Wheeler: You look like shit.

Michael Monroe: Have you looked in a mirror?

Both men chuckle at their jabs.

Roy Wheeler: I've been through worse.

Roy reaches for his water with his free arm but struggles and Michael helps him out as he hands him the cup of water.

Michael Monroe: This is my fault.

Roy Wheeler: Stop.

Michael Monroe: It is. I mean, you're here because of me.

Roy Wheeler: No, I'm here because of me. I know what I signed up for and if these assholes want to keep trying to play this game, they are going to lose. Yeah, we're banged up, but we're still alive and more of his men are the ones in body bags. You've got to stop blaming yourself for everything, man. Trevor's murder isn't your fault, and neither is this.

Michael Monroe: Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

Michael's phone rings and he sees it to be Clint calling so he puts the call on speaker for Roy to be in on the conversation.

Michael Monroe: Hey, Clint.

Clint Gallows: Hey, have you spoken to Roy? I can't get ahold of him.

Roy Wheeler: I'm right here, man.

Clint Gallows: Where the hell have you been?

Michael Monroe: We ran into some more of Roman's goons. They ambushed us and tried to finish what was started from last night.

Clint Gallows: Are you both good?

Roy Wheeler: We're good. Just a dislocated arm and a stab wound.

Clint Gallows: What about the other guys?

Michael Monroe: Let's just say they are becoming regular customers at the morgue.

Clint Gallows: As long as you two are okay, that's all I care about. Listen, I made a few calls. Several guys I used to serve with are coming here tomorrow to help fix up the hangar and install some of the new computer systems. It's going to be a real fucking masterpiece.

Michael Monroe: Clint, you are a decent human being.

Clint Gallows: Still have a lot of work to do. I'll keep you both updated. You two take it easy and rest up.