Chapter 11

Following the shocking massacre at the hospital that resulted in ten deaths including the mercenaries and many more wounded, Michael stands with Brooke when David arrives and walks over to both Michael and Brooke.

Commissioner David Oswalt: What happened here?

Brooke Cade: The hell does it look like?

Brooke snaps back, obviously upset and still shaken. Michael places a comforting hand on her shoulder to calm her.

Michael Monroe: Five mercenaries working for Galloway came in here and began shooting up the place. Ms. Cade lost five of her coworkers.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Where are the perps?

Michael points her at the other five black body bags.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Oh. Did you-?

Michael Monroe: Damn right, I did.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Excuse us for a second.

David and Michael walk a few feet from Brooke as she is checked by an EMT personnel.

Commissioner David Oswalt: What the hell happened to you? Look, you can tell me. We have known each other for the longest time and I'm not going to hold it against you.

Michael Monroe: The ones that carried out this massacre came here to find and finish me.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Finish you?

Michael Monroe: That distress call from last night? The 10-00? I killed three of them last night. The other five got away, but not before they put a bullet into my side.

Michael then shows David his bandaged wound. Knowing there is no way of talking him out of this, David pats Michael on the shoulder.

Commissioner David Oswalt: No matter what I say or do, it won't stop you.

Michael Monroe: You know I can't. I won't. I refuse to stop, commissioner.

Commissioner David Oswalt: This Roman Galloway, he's the toughest there is. He has eyes and ears everywhere. It's mostly why nobody has the nerve to stand up to him. They know what will happen. You just have to mind all your surroundings.

Michael Monroe: Every time I hear that, reminds me of when my dad would always take me and Trevor hunting. He would always tell us to mind our surroundings cause the target would come from any direction.

He begins to reflect on the hunting trips he took with his father and Trevor when they were kids.

Michael Monroe: Guess now it has more of a meaning then it did before.

The dispatcher calls in a 6104 and David calls back then leaves to respond to it as Michael walks back over to Brooke and makes sure she is good to go before going towards the parking lot when she stops him.

Brooke Cade: Listen, I don't feel safe being alone tonight.

After they leave the hospital, Michael and Brooke arrive at a hotel right next to the police station. Roy gets out of his car having waited for them and greets them.

Roy Wheeler: I came as soon as I could.

The two men shake hands as Michael introduces Roy to Brooke.

Michael Monroe: Listen, some serious shit is happening. Roman's little henchmen attacked the hospital earlier tonight and I fear she is on his radar now. She's going to be staying here until she feels safe to stay alone. Tomorrow, the three of us are going to start a new project. Meet me at the old airfield in the morning.

Brooke Cade: Wait, you are not staying?

Michael Monroe: No, I have to go. Roy is my closest friend and I trust him with my life. You'll be safe with him, but if anything happens; if both of you even feel the slightest uncomfortable, give me a shout and I'll be here as quick as I can.

Having borrowed some clothes in the lost and found from the hospital, Michael returns to his apartment and makes sure the door is heavily secured and goes to his bathroom to shower then changes into a pair of pants and tank top then goes into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of liquor then stands on his balcony to be alone. The night is quiet and peaceful, but the city is very much crying out to him for help, and he plans on cleaning this city by any means necessary, even if it means killing those who commit evil much like he did to the mercenaries. Too many innocent lives have been lost by the hands of Roman and those who work for him, but no more. They will soon come to fear him much like they have made everyone afraid of him and that is a vow he toasts to as he drinks down his drink and retires for the night.