Chapter 10

The remaining mercenaries return to their compound and deliver the package to Roman.

Roman Galloway: I thought I sent eight of you.

Leader mercenary: We ran into some trouble. He killed three of our men. We shot him, but he got away.

Roman Galloway: He got away?

Roman stands up from his desk and goes to a small table to pour himself some scotch.

Roman Galloway: Who is this 'he' you speak of?

Roman puts a cigar in his mouth, lights it and puffs a small cloud of smoke into the air.

Leader mercenary: Couldn't see his face. He was wearing a mask and was dressed in black. His vehicle was heavily shielded, and he was armed.

Mercenary: He told me he knew who you were, and he was bringing Hell with him.

Roman looks at the wounded mercenary, the one who was the only survivor of the crash that killed three of his fellow mercs. Roman looks out the window at the skyline of the city as he takes a puff of his cigar.

Roman Galloway: Don't worry. We'll find out who this mysterious vigilante is. In time.

He keeps the truth from them and that is he knows the vigilante is Michael.

What felt like only minutes, Michael suddenly awakens and sits up in his bed to find himself in a hospital room. He is in a hospital gown and winces in pain to find his right hip where he got shot is bandaged up and he is hooked up to several machines. Michael throws the covers off him and sits on the side of his bed then slowly stands to his feet. He walks to the window and looks outside when a nurse enters the room, knocking softly on the door. Michael turns to face her as she smiles at him.

Brooke Cade: How are you feeling, Mr. Monroe?

At first, Michael is frozen in amazement of how beautiful she is. Her long, brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her smooth tanned skin. She must spend most of her days off at the tanning bed or in the sun. Those damn tanning beds never liked them; Michael says to himself. Fastest way to get skin cancer.

Brooke Cade: Mr. Monroe?

Michael Monroe: I'm sorry, what did you say? I zoned out for a second.

Brooke Cade: I asked how are you feeling?

she asks again while giggling, repeating the same question.

Michael Monroe: Oh, right. Umm, a little stiff. Little achy and numb. Feeling like I got hit by an eighteen-ton truck.

Brooke Cade: It's likely the meds wearing off.

She helps him back to his bed.

Michael Monroe: What happened? I remember getting here, but after that hardly anything.

Brooke Cade: You came in here and were bleeding all over the place. At least, that's what the night doctor told me.

Brooke checks his IV bags and checks the bandage on his hip where he was shot.

Brooke Cade: Luckily, they got you into surgery on time, otherwise you'd likely either be in a coma or, well, just not being here anymore.

Michael Monroe: I never caught your name.

Brooke Cade: Brooke. Brooke Cade.

She flashes him a smile.

Michael Monroe: Thank you for everything, Brooke.

Brooke Cade: Don't thank me. Dr. Mixter is the one that saved your life. I need to change this bandage, so I will be right back and give you some more meds for the pain.

She leaves the room as Michael sits there for a moment, recounting everything that happened the previous night. He remembers the funeral then chasing down two black SUVs, crashing one and killing three of its occupants and getting shot by one of the mercenaries from the other SUV. Michael rubs his eyes when a sudden gunshot rings throughout the floor, he is on that makes him jump. More gunshots are heard then screams of terror. Standing up, he arms himself with the pole from his IV medline pole. He hides next to the door just as the doorknob jiggles and opens. An armed mercenary enters the room, not seeing Michael until he turns around and gets whacked in the face with the weapon! As he goes down with a hard thud, Michael jumps on him like a hungry wild animal and uses his bare hands to strangle him until the merc pulls out his knife and attempts to stab him, but Michael catches it and delivers a hard elbow to the side of his head then begins slamming the merc's hand into the ground multiple times until the knife is released. Michael snatches it up and shanks the mercenary with it in the gut until he is dead. Blood splatters on his face and Michael takes the gun off the ground and exits the room.

Michael Monroe: Oh, shit.

Michael stops when he comes across two dead doctors on the ground and when he checks them for a pulse, he becomes enraged when they are both confirmed deceased. Papers have been scattered all over the place, blood is sprayed on the walls and four more bodies are discovered by Michael as he moves slowly through the main lobby, gun drawn in front of him. He can hear the mercenaries speaking to each other but can't make out what they are saying as they are too far away. Moving as fast as he can despite his wound to prevent them from killing anymore people, Michael enters a new hallway and spots three mercenaries going room to room.

Michael Monroe: They're looking for me.

He says to himself as he takes cover in one of the rooms and keeps his distance while following them. The mercenaries kick a door open, and a scream is heard as Michael witnesses them pull Brooke out of the room by her hair.

Mercenary: Where is your patient?

The mercenary points his gun at her as she notices Michael and refuses to give them his room number nor give away that he is no more than a foot from them. Michael readies himself and before she can be executed, he charges down the hall, shooting the two mercenaries then tackles the third to the ground. The two wrestle for a few seconds until the mercenary delivers a punch to Michael then goes for his gun but Michael knocks him down. They both struggle for the weapon until the mercenary elbows him in the face then grabs it only for Michael to stab him in the back with the knife. He stabs him three more times then lifts his head up by his hair and slits his throat. The other two mercenaries, having survived being shot, try to fight back but Michael grabs the rifle and puts a bullet in both their heads. When he stands up and turns to get Brooke, he finds her gone.

Mercenary: Looking for something?

A gruffy voice behind him says and he turns to find the same mercenary he nearly killed the previous night holding Brooke hostage.

Mercenary: Galloway got your message.

Michael Monroe: It would seem that way.

He points his gun at him as the mercenary presses his gun against Brooke's jaw.

Michael Monroe: Let the woman go.

The mercenary starts laughing, then turns the gun to Michael, but all he does is toss his gun aside as he challenges the mercenary to shoot him instead, an unarmed man.

Mercenary: You really are one dumb son of a bitch. It's no wonder your brother is dead. He was as stupid as you are. Must run in the family.

Feeling the rage boiling inside and beginning to become unleashed and before the mercenary can react, Michael grabs ahold of the gun with one hand and uses his other to break the merc's arm. He lets out a cry of agony and releases Brooke from his grip as Michael throws him down and starts bludgeoning him with the gun until the merc is a heap of blood and mush, but still alive. Then, without hesitation this time, he kills the mercenary with a shot to the head. He searches his body to find his phone and takes a photo of the dead mercenaries and sends them to Roman with a text saying he is coming for him. Roman receives this and doesn't react aggressively to it, but instead shows them to Robert.

Roman Galloway: Seems like we have a bit of a loose end to tie up.

Robert Kessler: I told you, never hire a bunch of amateurs to do a man's job. They are sloppy and messy. I'll find this guy and make sure he joins his brother in death.

Roman Galloway: I'll double the pay for his head on my desk.

Robert goes back to his workout as Roman leaves his room.