Chapter 8

The Def Leppard ring tone interrupts Michael's thoughts as he sits in the dark of his apartment and sees that Roy is calling him. Michael hesitates a moment then answers the call.

Michael Monroe: Roy.

Roy Wheeler: Hey, man? How are you doing?

Michael pauses as he looks out the window of his kitchen with a view of the city.

Michael Monroe: Not good, honestly.

Roy Wheeler: Want me to swing by or meet up for a drink?"

At first, Michael wants to accept that offer when he looks at the medals he received while serving on his bookshelf and remembers the box in his closet.

Michael Monroe: You know what? I've got other plans. I'll call you later, Roy.

Michael ends the call as he looks at his closet but hesitates to go to it.

Throwing repeated punches to the punching bag, Michael has set up his own personal gym at the auto shop that consists of a few weights and a punching bag. Using his anger and rage to deliver hard blows, Michael starts to get overwhelmed again while seeing images of Trevor in his mind to the point he starts to cry while continually punching the bag, every strike harder than the last until he delivers a vicious roundhouse kick to the bag and letting out a cry of agony when he falls to the ground, sobbing. Collecting himself, Michael stands to his feet and takes the wraps off his hands while wiping his face with a towel, while Roy leans against the doorway.

Michael Monroe: Guess you see me as a big baby?

Michael chuckles as he removes the tape off his hands and takes a drink of water.

Roy Wheeler: You just lost your brother. You are reacting how anyone would.

Roy sits down on the bench next to Michael.

Michael Monroe: Funeral is tomorrow. I don't know how much more I can handle.

Roy Wheeler: Look, I get it, man. My mom, you know, I told you she died when I was teenager, which is true. She was shot and killed by a mugger walking back to her car after work and before help could arrive, she was long gone. They never caught the killer. I see her face every single day and every night when I go to sleep. It's that darkness that surrounds you and replaces everything with anger. Whatever you choose to do, man, just make sure you know what you are doing, and you know I got your back.

Michael Monroe: What happened to the mugger?

Roy Wheeler: What?

Roy asks this out of disbelief and frustration, thinking Michael didn't hear what he said.

Michael Monroe: The mugger that killed your mom. What happened to him?

Roy Wheeler: Man, didn't you hear what I said after?

Michael Monroe: Yeah. I did. And I'm beyond past that.

Roy Wheeler: I killed him. Saw him at a bar, he saw me and told me to watch myself or I'll end up like my mom, so I beat him and broke his fucking neck. Happy now? Do I feel better? No. No, I don't because, at the end of the day, it didn't bring my mom back!

Michael Monroe: I refuse to let Galloway breathe to his next birthday. And I won't rest until he is sat next to Satan himself! Too much innocent blood is on his hands and I'm NOT going to stand by any longer and let him get away with it anymore.

Michael picks up his bag and heads for the door as Roy stands up.

Roy Wheeler: You know where to find me if you need backup.

Departing from his gym, Michael walks to his car when he notices on the bulletin board by the highway of a tribute to Trevor. Rage, anger, all-consuming him like an eternal flame that can't be extinguished.