Chapter 7

Although the shop is closed, Michael arrives there and just walks around when he spots a framed picture in the garage of him and Trevor when they took a trip to Niagara Falls. He takes the picture and looks at it for a moment and breaks down crying, still coming to grips that he is gone. A memorial is set up to honor Trevor and his patrol car is used for those leaving flowers, cards and other tributes to the fallen officer and when Michael arrives to it, he becomes overwhelmed with emotions again and leaves the picture he took from his garage and places it on the hood of the car, as the skies open up and rain begins to fall like the tears of angels falling onto him. Falling to his knees, Michael leans against the vehicle as the rain hits him like a never-ending waterfall and when he returns home, he takes a shower, but ends up sitting on the shower floor, letting the water hit him, shaking not because he's cold, but because the anger and rage beginning to build inside of him like a burning fire. The city mourns the loss of another fallen officer and citizens are becoming restless and angered that the mayor continues to let this happen and not take any action against these murderers, but he proclaims there is nothing he can do at the moment. Michael soon arrives at the police station and when he walks inside, all the officers, not knowing what to say, go silent as he walks through the building to Trevor's office. Starting to pack away all of his items, David appears in the doorway and knocks on the door.

Michael Monroe: Commissioner.

Michael does not look up at him but continues packing away Trevor's personal items.

Commissioner David Oswalt: You don't have to do all of that, I'll send someone-

Michael Monroe: I can manage, thanks.

Michael cuts him off.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Look, umm, you know we are here for you. Whatever you need, we're here to help.

David tells him as Michael stops a moment and looks up at him. David can see the tears falling from his eyes and knows that no matter what he says, it won't take away the pain and won't bring Trevor back.

Michael Monroe: You can start by giving me everything on Roman Galloway.

Michael wipes the tears from his face and his expression turns from sadness to anger.

Michael Monroe: Give me everything.

He repeats, this time his tone more aggressive.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Michael, you know I can't do that.

Scoffing, Michael shakes his head as he goes back to packing.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Go on home. I'll finish up here.

Michael just ignores him, starting to slam some objects into the box.

Michael Monroe: I don't need anything. If you can't help me bring down the man that murdered my brother, then I'll do it myself.

He tapes up the box and leaves the office.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Michael! Michael, stop. Damn it, will you listen to me?

David stands in front of him to keep him from leaving as the other officers look on at the confrontation.

Commissioner David Oswalt: Look, I can't imagine the pain you feel right now. I can't and I'm truly sorry. Trevor was a hell of an officer and one of the best cops I've had the honor of working with. But you saw what happened. You saw what happened when he dug too deep to try and take Galloway down alone. Chris is still recovering, and he wasn't digging, but that's just a warning. I'm telling you as a friend, please, do not go after him alone."

Michael sets the box down and stares directly into David's eyes with intent.

Michael Monroe: You're telling me? I don't know if you have noticed, I don't work for you. Alot of people may be afraid of him, but not me. Not for a split second. He has everything to lose. I don't.

Michael's tone begins to sound more menacing and enraged.

Michael Monroe: I make this vow now. Galloway will die by my hands even if it means I die trying. At least I can rest peacefully knowing he will never harm an innocent soul again. Now, please kindly get the fuck out of my way.

Michael snatches the box into his arms and departs from the station as David watches.