* In the newly formed Dungeon, base of the Great Elgolar Plateau *
The night was restless for the two women. The cave's alien interior, the shifting light of bioluminescence and the scurrying of small critters kept them on edge. Fatna kept her daughter close and guarded her fiercely, her eyes constantly darting from one potential threat to the next. The large coyote had been guarding the exit of this place for hours without as much as a yawn. The way the Arsani had with her beasts and her unnatural strength were also mysterious. Could it be true? Was this being not an Arsani at all? Not a mortal one at least.. An Elder Core?
Fatna knew about them, she had read the stories and heard the rumors of adventurers braving the wilds, just for an opportunity to get at its wondrous secrets and great hidden magics. But to find one here? So close to Jazrah and its Guild of heroes? How come no one had discovered it until now? There were too many unexplained variables. And if this creature was indeed an Elder.. what did it want with them? Elders only coveted power and the safety of their ever-expanding domains of power. Their mazes and labyrinths filled with horrors and abominations. What could it possibly need from her precious Sumiré?
- - -
After a few hours, the girls were both woken up by small steps, skittering and other eldritch noises. They were both horrified to see more and more monsters emerging from the Arsan's chambers. The coyote transformed into some sort of demonic version of itself! The slimes multiplied, with one becoming a large, bloated mass of amber. The worst of all was the spider/scorpion hybrid monstrosity! A Cave Fisher, but larger than any human, walking on six legs and sporting two pincers capable of snapping off entire limbs at a time. What had they walked into!? What kind of monster was their "savior"?
- - -
When they were finally summoned inside, it felt as if at least ten hours had passed since they were commanded to sleep. Despite that, they had barely slept through two of them. They were exhausted, unfocused and looked unclean. The women were herded by Slimes inside a very well lit, albeit smaller cave. When the tunnel they were escorted through finally ended and the room opened up to them, they were stunned.
Before them lay an illustrious marble tile floor of pearlescent white, leading to a pool of steaming clear water! The smooth walls were covered with brass lamps, housing beautiful golden flames, that made the room light up, as if it were bathed in sunlight. Around the pool of water, were potted plants with succulent fruit hanging off of them. There was also a long stone bench that encompassed the room and a large brass bowl for.. offerings?
Behind the bowl, stood an onyx monolith, carved with intricate markings and a giant symbol. The symbol.. of the god of Chaos!! Fatna shuttered and grabbed hold of Sumiré in a protective manner, stopping her from getting any closer to it. This place was truly a house of evil if whoever built it, worshipped the demon Trishda and his chaotic ways! At that moment, their host, the large Arsan walked out from behind the monolith. She wore a ceremonial white dress. Her clothing was revealing, letting her back and heavily muscled limbs exposed even though the dress itself was long enough to touch the floor. The sides were open and the part covering her breasts hung low and loose, allowing her sternum to be visible. Her hair was fixed in a bun, locked in place by golden accessories and she wore sandals with high reaching golden straps.
"There is no need to fear.. you are my guests today. Sit, eat and drink.. I will even allow you time to cleanse yourselves in my waters. But first.. Tell me a story.." she exclaimed as if she was expecting to be entertained as compensation for her hospitality. Fatna coughed and held her daughter's hand tightly. She took a breath as the Arsan's eyes fell upon her, making her chest heavy and her heart quicken ever so slightly. "My lady.. this is how it all began.." Fatna said with a cracking voice.
* Fatna's perspective *
Many years ago, when the peace between the three kingdoms of Elgolar dissolved, the Kingdom of Jazrah decided to claim dominion over the dunes, by blood and steel. The Kingdom of Rahabni and Sultanate of Mina Al Saun were woefully unprepared for their zealous attack. My father was a merchant. He had managed to build three ships under his name.. brought honour and wealth to our family with his hard work. I was barely 16 when he tried to ferry my mother, sisters and myself across the Ander Sea. Jazrah was already patrolling those waters for such "deserters".
We suspected someone had betrayed us, giving away our plan of escape to the enemy. It mattered not. For it all came down to the same result. My father and mother were killed, my sisters and I were taken as hostages, as many other nobles were. Once Jazrah had captives from both countries they initiated negotiations, using us as leverage. In the end they got what they wanted. They controlled the trade, markets and shipping lines of all sorts. They had a say in the other kingdoms' infrastructure, military development and even control over their tax rate. They had reduced the two proud countries into vassal states.
I was torn apart from my sisters and we were held up in different parts of the capital. After "peace" was decided upon, Mina Al Saun never attempted to negotiate for our release, thinking they would be better off not rattling that cage. We had no value as pieces on the board anymore. We were sold off as slaves to noblemen. I ended up in the harem of a vile man, a sheikh called Kaleid Utfarrad. I soon became his favourite.. he toyed with me in unimaginable ways and inflicted every twisted fantasy he had on me without my consent. But I wouldn't resist.. I couldn't.. there were dire consequences for insubordination. The girls who were strong enough to resist him are all dead now.
Sumiré came a few years after. She became my light, my reason for living. I knew then and there that I would do whatever it took to keep her safe, and Utfarrad was less inclined to have his way with me after my body changed so my baby protected ME in some ways as well. But he never saw her as a daughter.. To him she was just the "bitch's bastard". I had been planning our escape for a while now.. I never could have imagined that it would anger him so.. our departure.. He acted like a child losing his toys. He had never acknowledged Sumiré as even a person. When we left she suddenly became "his daughter"!
That is how we ended at your doorstep my lady. I could not acquire horses as was my plan originally. We could not stay in Jazrah however and we opted for braving the desert on foot. Our hope was to reach Mina Al Saun and getting the city to recognise my origins. Maybe there would be a surviving member of my family there and they would provide shelter for a while. But.. you know how that went..
* * *
I nodded along as the mother finished her story. I pondered for a moment, trying to set everything I had heard, on the surface of an imaginary map. I had knowledge of the world's history because of my trait but an actual map would come in pretty handy once I started setting my sights further that the reaches of my Dungeon. Three kingdoms around a massive desert fighting for dominance. The desert continent of Acamar.. Already at the verge of war from an eon long feud. All it needed was a push and someone to sit on the throne while everyone else was busy falling. But that was something well out of my reach for now. Baby steps was the way to go..
And thinking about expanding my reach, was what finally sparked the formation of an idea. First I took the time to learn their names and hear more of their story. I noticed how Fatna was the only one talking even though Sumire didn't seem dull or too frightened to speak. Probably a decision made by the mother so she could once again protect her little girl.
"But my Lady.. What should we call you? You have not graced us with your name.." said Fatna with trained courtesy. I could tell she was asking not out of friendliness but out of fear. I had no reason to hide however. "I am Pe.." I froze as I tried to speak.. I was about to say Peter! I had been in Sulteros only for a few days.. I have had no human interactions up until this point and hadn't come up with any name for myself! I was female despite what my genitalia would suggest, at least that's how I felt. And I was building a dungeon filled with monsters that would kill my enemies for me. I had an idea.. It wasn't a feminine name but when said in a certain accent is surely sounded like it.
"My name is Minoa.. (Pronounced Mee-Noah)" I exclaimed proudly. They both squinted in confusion as the name was surely unfamiliar to them. "The name comes from a world, very far from your own.. My world of origin. It was the name of a powerful king, who built a maze around a terrible monster, to whom he would sacrifice his enemies. Fitting.. isn't it?" I mused with the passion of a narrator, letting out a chuckle that sounded a lot more sinister than I intended.
They both shuttered at my words and display. "But fear not.. You are not my enemies. You are guests and no harm will come to you. However you do owe me a debt for saving your lives.. I can keep you safe but there must be payment in kind.". The women looked at me fearfully and Fatna suddenly drew a pouch from her waist, emptied the contents in her palm and offered them to me. In her hand she held 4 Sunstones of varying size and value.
"I stole them from the sheikh my Lady! I planned on selling them at Saun for some easy gold but you can have them! An offering to your greatness!" she said with desperation in her voice. I picked up one of the pebble sized magical stones and inspected it.
"Tell me Fatna.. Do you value your life and that of your daughter's as much as these impressive bobbles?"
"M..my Lady I.. I.. No, I do not.." she replied and lowered her head in disappointment, as her plan to dazzle me failed. Having a high Charisma score sure ruled..
"No.. so why waste my time?" I responded and did what appeared as shattering the sunstone. In reality however I had assimilated it in my Core! "Yoink! Thank you very much!" I thought as if I were some sly thief. "I have many things and bobbles I can obtain on my own.. What I need is eyes and ears. What I lack is people.. People working for me! With fair payment mind you.. I do not plan on confining myself to these caves forever. I yearn to expand and let my power be known to all. To do that however, I require a troop of my own..".