Renewed Fate (2/2) <3

The women looked at me speechless. Their face betraying an emotion which surpassed confusion. "We will enter a magically binding contract. Should you accept my offer, you will be allowed to stay within my domain and enjoy its protection. You will come and go as you please unless you have an assignment to accomplish. You will receive payment for your work, I will not have you become slaves to me as well. I was thinking 1-2 Gold per person.."

Fatna spoke up, clearly dumbfounded "1 or 2 Gold per month for one person is more than generous my Lady!". Per month? I was going to offer 1 or 2 Gold per day! Thank Trishda she inadvertently gave me some insight in Acamar's financial situation. I'll dial it down but keep it looking regal and benevolent. "No.. I'm offering you 1-2 gold pieces per week.." I said and her jaw dropped.

• • •

I spent the afternoon working on my sword-fighting and training my body, pushing it to its limits. I wanted to see if by putting in actual effort, I could make my stats rise without "leveling up". My concentration was split though. I kept an eye on Fatna and Sumiré, as the two conversed for many hours. They pondered the pros and cons of aligning themselves with me and what could be the consequences of entering a magically binding contract with an Elder Core.

The two women did their best to whisper and keep their conversations a secret from me. However, they were unaware of the full range of my abilities as a Core. Every little minion of mine was an extension of me, a cell in my "dungeon-body" and as such, I could perceive the world through their senses like they were my own. So.. I shamelessly spied on them while I trained, taking small breaks from my routines in order to concentrate on the connection between me and my critters. Sumiré seemed to be the one sold on the idea but Fatna advised caution. It was to be expected of course. Who could blame her..

After a few minutes the women appeared to have come up with an arrangement and were discussing terms. Something was bugging me though. My high Charisma allowed me to pick up on social queues and body language easily and Fatna seemed to be hiding something from her daughter. An hour more passed and I felt exhausted. I decided not to overdue it again, as the previous day had taught me that being ready was key. It was a very peaceful day for my Dungeon and honestly it felt good for a change.

I washed myself in my small pool of steaming waters and wore my flowing white dress. My personal Amber Jelly wobbled gleefully towards me, ready to wrap itself around me once more. At the last moment however it froze and hopped towards the door of my Altar room. There stood Fatna with a look of shyness on her face, requesting permission to enter. I nodded and the woman walked to me slowly, stopping just two meters away. "My lady.." she said and bowed. "I have come to accept your generous offer and swear my loyalty to you!" she continued with a forced expression of excitement and satisfaction.

I decided to play along. "But you have terms.." I said and she flinched ever so slightly. "Yes my lady.. I would like to enter the pact with you in exchange for letting my daughter go free..". Her reply was solemn but her motions after that shifted. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and removed it as she stood. Fatna was a gorgeous woman.. Maybe I hadn't noticed so far because my mind was overwhelmed since yesterday. Her dark eyes and auburn hair, smooth almond skin and curves highlighted this beauty. She must have had Sumiré before she was 20 years old because she was quite young looking for a mother.

Her body was much more feminine looking than mine. No bulging muscles but a curvy physique, an almost flat belly, wide hips and.. as they were now revealed for me to see, a beautiful pair of breasts. "If the Lady would do this favor for me.. I could satisfy any.. needs, she might have.." she whispered in my ear. Her breathy words hit my neck and sent paralyzing tingles through my body. She started running her hands against the fabric of my dress, slowly turning her caresses into a hug. "I saw what my lady is hiding under her dress while she fought.." she continued while sliding her right hand under the front of the dress, grasping the long, limp shaft of my cock, that was now dripping with pre-cum. Her left hand clutched my butt cheek aggressively as she said, " can only hide so much with so little clothing. You are too big my Lady! Let me relieve you of this swelling..". And as Fatna remained tucked up against me, she stroked my cock slowly but tightly. After a few seconds, my own overflowing fluids were acting as lubricant for her warm caress. I slid in and out of her palm, trembling, trying not to support my weight on her smaller frame. She then shifted her hand's position, clutching the base of my scrotum and tugged on my swollen balls.

"We'll soon have these drained my Lady, hang in there for me.." she whispered to me with a kiss on my sternum as she slowly knelt before me. She pulled my balls up to her face and swallowed both of them, sucking as hard as she could. My knees gave in for half a second before I caught myself. At this point any rational thinking had escaped me completely. Fatna continued to suck on my testicles individually, alternating between the two every few seconds. She would tilt her head back and stretch my balls as far as they could go, before they would *pop* out of her mouth. Then, she allowed my cock to fall limply on her face, its length and girth covering half of it. This gave me such arousal that I immediately became hard and my penis finally grew to its full size. Fatna seemed genuinely astounded by it and, as she still clutched on my scrotum, swallowed the head of my swollen cock. She massaged the head with her tongue after running it up and down the shaft a few times. After a while she started shoving as much of it in her mouth as she could. It was my time to be impressed, as I never thought a person could pleasure such a big penis with their mouth like this.

In a minute or two she was able to gulp down the entire shaft, reaching up to my balls with her gaping mouth, while making gagging sounds. She moved her head back and forth allowing my cock to slide in and out of her throat. I think she saw that I was just standing there, paralyzed by pleasure and relented. She stood back up and took my arm, guiding me to my bed behind the Monolith. She must have seen the small sleeping chamber I had built for myself, while entering my Altar in order to "negotiate". I had also purchased a semi decent mattress in order to make it comfortable enough to sleep on. She climbed on and lay on her belly, letting her head hang outside the mattress while she waved me closer. With my cock, now fully erect and soaked with saliva and pre-cum, I simply slipped into her open, waiting mouth. It slid into her throat almost effortlessly and my hips started swaying back and forth almost without my say. Her head rocked back and her throat bulged as my cock kept pumping in and out, faster and faster! My race and Charisma may had given me advantages to allure but inside, I was still a 30 year old nerd, with near to no experience in sex while Fatna was versed in seduction.. and I was now at her mercy!

Seeing that I was tranced and my body twitched with an incoming orgasm, the experienced woman reached around and massage my anus with a saliva covered finger. My butt cheeks clenched and entire body spasmed as I threw my head back and finally ejaculated. My hips bent forward, thrusting my cock as far down her throat as it could go. It pulsed as its massive load travelled down it and into Fatna's insides. Her belly bulged ever so slightly and a little cum dripped out of her mouth and nose. I slowly pulled out and she coughed, breathing normally again. Fatna squeezed my cock from base to tip and drained it of all fluid by sucking on the head. After that and without losing a moment she turned on her back and spread her legs while raising her long dress. By removing her underwear she exposed her lower body to me and rubbed herself while looking directly into my eyes. "After all that and you're still swollen! Come.. take me and give me every last drop!". My eyes nearly popped out at the sight of her wet pussy and I could feel my blood drain once more, rushing to my cock. However, in that brief moment of clarity, after having just orgasmed there was something that finally clicked.

I could pick up something in her eyes, something well hidden by years of effort no doubt. Disgust.. she was appalled by me.. or was it the act? My penis maybe? It didn't matter though, because I finally understood. Fatna loved her daughter so much, she was willing to become someone's slave again if that meant the girl would get to be free. In my lust I had completely failed to see that I was taking advantage of her fear and love for Sumiré. Fatna was able to hide her dislike for all this by years of repressing her emotions and only now I could tell. Was I any different from her previous tormenter? I took her waiting hands but instead of leaning into her I raised her up and buttoned up her blouse once more. "My Lady? Did.. did I do something wrong? Have I offended you? I could try something else if.." she said as panic started to overwhelm her. I hushed the troubled mother and smiled nervously. "I need to apologize Fatna.." I answered while leading her to the waters. I gave her a washing cloth and helped her clean herself.

"You are a beautiful woman and I could not help myself but this will not happen again. Your daughter need not be tethered to me, not even you for that matter. If you feel the need to leave, take what water and food you can carry and go. I will not be another slave master..". For the first time since she arrived, Fatna looked at me with teary eyes full of mixed feelings of relief and gratitude. I could not bare to meet her gaze any longer and suggested she meet with Sumiré to tell her the good news. The mother walked out but not before giving me an honest bow, with her hands placed on her chest. A sign of true gratitude for her people.