
:: Helios and Jiro were sitting on a bench overlooking the province of Onshitsu.

Helios: Hey Jiro, my prince.

Jiro: hmm?

Helios: One day I wanna come back here with us wearing the best suits and us looking better than ever.

Jiro: Huh? What do you mean?

Helios: One day, I wanna give you my best kiss and the best ring that money can buy. And spend the rest of my life with you.

Jiro: Really?

:: Jiro starts to get teary eyed hearing all the beautiful things that his boyfriend is saying.

Helios: My Prince, why are you crying?

Jiro: It's just that, I never thought that it would be you.

Helios: I never really thought you would accept me.

Jiro: Helios, If I can spend the rest of my life with someone-

Helios: Would it be me?

Jiro: It would be someone that really loves me, cares for me, accepts me-

:: Helios then moves towards Jiro and gives him a kiss. Jiro just closes his eyes and accepts the kiss. A kiss that symbolizes love, love that will last a lifetime. They continue to kiss each other, making their way to their cabin. Their hands explored each other's body, without them noticing it, they were more intimate than ever. They spend the rest of the night in each other's care.

Helios: Hey~

Jiro: hmm~ are you not tired yet?

Helios: How well did I do?

:: Jiro puts up a zero on one hand, teasing Helios, then putting up a one on his other hand.

Helios: *giggles*

~ Morning ~

:: Jiro wakes up, but he doesn't see his boyfriend beside him. He then stands up and looks out the window. He sees Helios looking at the sunrise, whilst sitting on a swing. They smile at each other, and watch the sunrise together.

:: Just after sunrise, they went back inside the cabin to get changed and get ready for the hike back down. They meet up with their parents at the start of the trail.

Perry: You guys ready to hike back down again?

Aegis: Mom- I'm Hungry!

Perry: Yeah we're gonna eat breakfast at the diner once we get down.

Aegis: Ok fine…

:: On their way down, Jiro and Helios we're just holding hands, looking at the views and still not letting any words out. All they can do is look at each other's eyes and smile, signaling that love is not all words.

:: They get down the Mountain and finally get to the diner to eat breakfast.

Aegis: I'll have the king's meal, The one with bacon, eggs, waffles, sausage, and the orange juice.

Perry: Wow you sound really hungry.

Liquen: I'll just have the pancakes and bacon.

Merissa: Me too!

Perry: How about you Logan?

Logan: I'll have the waffles and sausage.

Perry: Ok! How about you Jiro and Helios? I haven't heard you guys talk since yesterday.

:: Jiro was still holding Helios' hand while looking at the menu.

Jiro: Oh, Mom, I'll just have pancakes.

:: Jiro says that with a smile on his face.

Perry: How about you Helios?

Helios: I'll have the same thing as Jiro.

:: While Helios was telling Perry his order, Jiro was just staring at him the whole time while still holding his hands. Their food arrives and they proceed to eat.

Aegis: Wow! This is really good!

Perry: Their sausages are really good!

Liquen: Yeah my sausage is good!

Aegis: Mom! Dad! We're eating!

Jiro: Why do you know that Aegis? Have you been watching something else today?

Aegis: N- No! It's common sense!!! I wasn't watching anything today!!!

Jiro: Got revenge on ya! *giggles*

:: Everyone giggles and they finish eating. They all head back to the hotel to clean themselves up after the overnight stay at mount Otomoyuiko.

~ Helios and Jiro's Room ~

Helios: My King *smiles*

Jiro: hmm~ *smiles*

Helios: Come here and cuddle with me.

Jiro: ok

:: They cuddle each other and rest to spend their final night at Onshitsu.