
Recommended Song: Home - Michael Buble

:: On their last night at Onshitsu they walk to Fujumi Village to watch the yearly parade.

Merissa: Hey Perry, Liquen. Me and Logan will go to the shops nearby.

Perry: Ok, let's just meet again later for dinner.

Logan: Helios, do you wanna come with us?

:: Helios holds on to Jiro's arm.

Helios: Uhh- No, Me and Jiro will look at the floats and the cool decorations.

Logan: Ok!

Jiro: Mom, Dad, Let's just meet for dinner later.

Perry: Ok! You Guys stay safe!

:: Helios and Jiro walk to the floats to take some pictures.

Jiro: Hey my king! Come take a picture with this one.

Helios: Ok!

Jiro: Now show me your best pose and best smile that only I can see.

:: Helios being the model he is, he does his pose and smiles for the camera, looking stunning than ever.

Jiro: 3, 2, 1 say cheese!

Helios: cheese!

Jiro: Aww…You look so pretty!

Helios: Your turn! Come here!

Jiro: But I don't know how to pose,

Helios: I'll teach you, you put your leg here, hand here, then look at me.

Jiro: like this?

Helios: yes! Say cheese!

Jiro: Cheese!

Helios: look!

Jiro: Woah! I do that?

Helios: Of course you can, my prince.

:: They continue to walk around and take some pictures. After that they meet up with the group again to have their final dinner at Onshitsu.

Aegis: Mom, I'm so full!

Perry: You should be, you ate 5 bowls of rice.

Everyone: *giggles*

:: They walk back to their hotels and pack their bags, and sleep early for another long road trip going back home.

~ Morning at The Lobby of The Hotel ~

Perry: Liquen, you're driving.

Liquen: But I want to sleep again~

Aegis: No Dad! You're driving this time!

Perry: *giggles* That's my son.

Jiro: Helios, don't worry I'll drive for you.

Helios: Yay!

Logan: These two are so-

Merissa: Logan! Let them be!

:: Everyone went in their cars and prepared for a long road trip.

~ Jiro and Helios' Car ~

Jiro: So, music?

Helios: Hmm… Sure… *yawns*

Jiro: Okay…

~ Altes' Car ~

Liquen: *sigh* Why, Why make me drive!

Perry: Hey, We take turns remember?

Liquen: Yeah… *sigh* Fine!!!

Aegis, Perry: *giggles*

~ Verde's Car ~

Logan: I was gonna say they're so clingy to each other… Is that bad?

Merissa: Look, I know you're still not used to them being with each other as boyfriends..

Logan: *sigh* I know but-

Merissa: Let's just drive back home. Let's talk about this later.

:: Everyone gets back home.

Jiro: This is your home? I believe-

Helios: *snores*

Jiro: *ahem* HELIOS!

Helios: OH, F*CK GOD DAMMIT!!!

Jiro: You're awake my king, this is your house. Right?

Helios: Oh, Yeah?

Jiro: Alright, time for you to go back to your family for now.

Helios: Huh? Why?

Jiro: School is coming up in 2 more weeks. We have to get ready.

Helios: But I don't wanna leave you~

Jiro: Helios~ We can meet each other at school, don't worry…

Helios: Are you sure?

Jiro: I am.

Helios: Okay… Wait, one last!

Jiro: Hm?-

Helios: Close the car door real quick.

Jiro: Uh, Okay…

:: Jiro and Helios close their car door, and Helios begins to make out with Jiro as if that was their final kiss…

Jiro: *laughs* Is that all?

Helios: *laughs* Mhm~

Jiro: Alright! See you soon, my king! Love ya!

Helios: Good bye, my prince! Love you too~

Jiro: *giggles*

:: Jiro drives back to his home as well…

Perry: So, did everyone enjoy the trip?

Aegis: Yep-

Jiro: Hey Mom, Dad, Aegis!

Liquen: Hello, my son!

Perry: Hello!!!

Aegis: Hey, big bro!

Jiro: Any more plans?

Perry: Not right now, let's just spend family time together!

Liquen: Yep! I mean you can't always be with Helios. Right?

Jiro: Yep!

Liquen: Well, let's eat lunch!

~ Verde Family ~

Merissa: Hello, Helios!

Helios: Hey Mom, Hey Dad!

Logan: Come, let's eat lunch!

Helios: Okay!

Merissa: So… School is coming up, your model classes will be continued, how do you feel about that?

Helios: It's fine… As long as I can see Jiro at the canteen everyday!

Merissa: *giggles* Oh, my son has a big crush on that man. But, why did you have a crush on him?

Helios: His attitude. *giggles*

Merissa: Awww~

Logan: Honestly, that's what I like from your mom, Helios… Her attitude~

Merissa: *laughs* My Husbando~ Alright, let's start eating!

Helios: Alright!

At the end of the day, Jiro and Helios lived 2 weeks of happiness with their families, but they didn't forget their relationship…


You Had A Chance… But Not Today.

A fictional story made by Zircon…