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A beautiful world and a letter carrying fate

The world, according to 16 year old Lukas Cormac, is a world filled with love, and kindness as the youngest of Count James Cormac, Lukas was loved by all. Lukas had everything. A loving mother, a stern father, and two doting brothers. As a major gateway to the Yiral kingdom, trade made sure that the city was prosperous. The young Lukas had never known sadness; his mother Elise Vont-Cormac, and his doting brothers Jacob Cormac and Tristan Cormac made sure of it. The people of Cormac loved him. The future looked beautiful for young Lukas Cormac

The old records state that the king Luan III the Wise's birthday in the year 867 was a major turning point in the history of the continent. The king's birthday was the grandest of all in the history of the Selyra kingdom. The king sent his letters far and wide, inviting every influential noble to his capital to celebrate the grand affair; the fateful letter made its way to the city of Cormac, carrying the fate of the city.

"What is it, my love?"

"Darling, the king sent the letter"

"Letter? Hmm, give it to me"

Elise Cormac, handed the letter over to James Cormac, as James read the letter and folded it back and placed it inside his drawer.

"The king invites House Cormac to attend his majesty's upcoming 60th birthday."

James slowly stood and walked towards the window; his black and silver swayed in the wind. He is a well-built man, his emerald eyes shining, even though his heroic days are far behind him; the dignity of a ruler radiating. He slowly said:

"His Majesty wants Jacob Tristan and Lukas there",

"Even Lukas?"

The woman's blue eyes, shining with a hint of understanding, her rosy lips slowly parted.

"The princess must be the same age as Lukas, right?"

"Yes, Princess Elena is 18 this year, the age to marry…"

"But why Lukas? He's still young! I don't want my son to be thrust into the nest of vipers; no, I won't allow it; even the angels from heaven commands me, I won't allow it."

"Sixteen isn't young anymore. I had my first battle at fifteen! He needs to experience the world; you can't always protect him; he needs to learn to stand on his own feet!"

Elise glared at her husband. She knew what her husband said was true, but her maternal instincts and the fact that she couldn't bear a child anymore made her overly protective of Lucas. James knew this and made him more stern with the boy, fearful of what this love could bring, but who knew Jacob and Tristan, who couldn't see face to face, would be overly protective of their little brother as far as going to accept his punishments? To the relief of James, Lukas was kind and treated everyone with respect, even commoners. but his naivety and his blind trusting character always worried James, and he hoped Lukas would grow out of them. Sighing, James took his pipe for a smoke to much displeasure of Elise. For a moment; both of them silently stood, various emotions flashing through their faces. Elise slowly stood up, worry flashing across her face.

"The snakes are out there; it won't be safe; you even declined the position of marshal, fearing the so-called supporters of the princes"

As she said the word princes, her face twisted in an unsightly way, recalling both the failure of princes. Elise couldn't help but think about the future of Selyra, the first prince. Henrik Von Selyra, a hedonistic narcissist wasting away his life and kingdom's coffers in extravagant parties, a puppet for duke Henry to control on his whim or the second prince, Philip Von Selyra, a cruel viper who loves hurting others; a man who would do anything to achieve, countless lives of women destroyed by him on a whim. As the King got weaker after the purge, the princes acted more without a leash. Some say there exists a blessing in every curse; in the case of the wise king of Selyra it was in the form of princess Elena, a strong young girl, peerless in beauty, as wise as father. People pity that she wasn't born as a boy. Sighing, James took a stern look at Elise and said with a regal bearing;

"The matter is decided, all members of House Cormac will be present for the king's 60th birthday."

A teardrop fell down, as if understanding something. Elise turned away, and walked towards the door before leaving the stop, and without turning she whispered.

"The king is really wise, isn't he?"

She moved along as if she hadn't spoken a word, and for a moment James' expression faltered before showing a forced smile and taking a deep smoke.

Time marched on, and at the dinner table everyone happily ate and talked. Lukas was lively today and made jokes about his brothers to their smiling mother.

"Mother! This Jakob is always sulking in the library; I think his bottom now has roots growing out "

"Lukas, keep your mouth shut"

An annoyed voice came from the scholarly man; he looked around twenty years of age; his emerald eyes, a distinctive feature of house Cormac, dulled, and forehead in frown, gave him the feeling of always thinking wise man; his black hair combed meticulously gave him a unique feel. He always smelled of old books, a smell both Lukas, and Tristan hated but it always charmed his wife Elisabeth Asteach-Cormac, a genius scholar hailing from the barony of Astech James always held Jacob's wisdom in esteem and carefully considered his opinions even when Jacob was a teen. James thought about his conversation with Elise and slightly coughed and said.

'His Majesty's birthday is upcoming and he invites us to attend the grand party; hence we'll, leave in a months time"

"Us all? Even for a grand celebration, this is-"

"We'll talk son, now's not the time for it"

James bluntly cut Jacob off, and without a moment's waste looked at Lukas, as if both agreed before without a slight hesitation Lukas said confidently.

"I will not cause any trouble for you father"

Hearing this, the whole family laughs and Tristan says with a slight smile.

"Where have I heard this?.. Ah, you said this last time and stole old man White's steed before disappearing into the woods; old man White and mother almost roasted me alive for that"

As if reliving a horrendous nightmare, Tristan Shivered, his brown hair, inherited from Elise, swayed as he shook his head, his deep emerald eyes showing a fear as he recalled the events. If someone were asked who's the most beautiful Cormac, it would be Tristan. His lean body made many young maidens nights restless, and now he looked pitiful.

"You should try out the drama; they're coming next week, who knows? Maybe you'll get to play the princess's part"

Lukas Snickered and the whole family laughed again, watching them. Elise shows a beautiful smile despite the worries deep in his heart.

After dinner, Lukas tossed and turned in his bed; his eyes betrayed the excitement he had. Visiting the capital? It was one of his long-time wishes; he thought he needed to sneak out of home to fulfill his dream, but now his own father had given him an opportunity. As he was thinking of all the things he would experience in the capital, a shadow moved out of the castle briskly, clearly seen by Lukas, from his window. Surprised and curious as to who would leave at this time, he made use of the castle's hidden tunnel near his room to sneak away, clearly showing that this wasn't his first escapade. As he slowly moved towards the shadow, he saw the shadow was covered in a glaring red cloak that commoners or the castle's staff wouldn't usually wear.

"Red? Who is it? I don't believe that fool Jacob would leave his study, and Tristan hates red more than anyone…"

As Lukas was muttering to himself, the shadow paused slightly and moved; he turned and twisted along the alleys losing Lukas, after a few more turns he arrived at the walls of a large mansion, and to the surprise of the red cloaked man Lukas was already there with a smirk. I knew it was you, Tristan. Lukas said with a beaming smile,

"well, only you would sneak around big sister Celina's home at this time, but red? I guess big sister really likes red."

Lukas said with a smirk. Annoyed with Lukas' smirk Tristan irritably asked

"What do you need this time? Come on, I don't have enough time for you"

"Ooh impatient huh? Well you should cover for me when I'll sneak off at the capital""

"Wait, you plan to sneak out when we reach the capital? What in god's name are you planning now? You know mother is getting more worried about-"

"Yes, yes, Tristan, your nighttime adventure will make our poor mother's heart weak."

"You won Lukas, you should get back to the castle"

Tristan said with a glare, scaring Lukas inwardly, without further word Lukas rushed off.

Leaving Tristan alone with a sigh. Lukas got into bed excited as he got Tristan to cover for him; he knows Tristan loves him and he'll come to his support no matter what, making him more confident of his chances of sneaking off when they reach the capital.

Elise gently tucked her golden hair backward, her deep blue eyes reflecting the weak candle light time and constant worry during the silent purge of 851 took its toll on her; she looked worried for a reason, her happy mood at the dinner was nowhere to see; she knows there is something happening between the wise King and her husband. She thought back to all the time she spent at the royal capital of Selyra; the silent purge. The king got weak, his health falling, the constant life of always staying on the edge, the schemes of the various nobles in both prince's camps. As a High-Ranking noble and a descendant of the twelve ancient heroes, her husband's small actions caused huge political strife despite being neutral; she remembered how she begged countless times to take her away from there. She remembered the despair she felt during that time. She was sure at the time that if the king had not recovered, the future of Selyra would be a civil war or an invasion from the empire. She knew the suffering the people had gone through the silent purge, since those who survived the purge knew a war was coming even with the king recovering, but the war never came. The court was silent, the nobles were silent. Her husband left the capital with her family. The world looked peaceful, the kingdom recovered, slowly kingdom prospered but she knew in her deepest part of her part the purge wasn't over