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The journey

Time slowly flowed. The house of Cromac prepared for the grand celebration. James busied himself to prepare for the journey, and managing the county Jacob, as usual with his wife, spent their time in the library reading ancient texts and helped James with running the county. Elise spent her time tending to her favorite garden and keeping an eye out on Tristan and Lukas, Tristan fearful of a slip up by Lukas, rarely went outside. he trained harder than usual with the soldiers baffling them for some time.

Lukas, as usual, spends his time carefree and happy; playing pranks on Tristan has been his favorite pastime these days. He wasn't worried about Tristan going back on his word as Lukas knew his brother Tristan have a upright personality and he'd never go back on his words, thinking about Tristan and the upcoming journey Lukas unconsciously smiled. For some reason he found his mother to be worrying excessively than usual about something; he promised himself that after his wish of exploring the famous capital was over, he would try to listen to his mother more, and make her worry less. As he was thinking he heard a cough

"Jacob! Ah, I didn't see you there, sorry brother"

"You looked like you were daydreaming about some girl"

"Lukas furiously denied the charges. I'm thinking about mom, she seemed to be worrying about something "

"She always worries about us; that's what mothers do"


"So… you got any girlfriends?"

"what ? No, I'm free like a bird"

"Hmm, kid, you need to experience love", Jacob said with a playful smile.

"Yeah yeah I'll try"

"Where's your spirit kid? Come on if you set your-"

""I know, I know, if you set your heart to it, you can conquer the whole world. You've been saying this to me since I can barely understand any words, come on…"

"So kid, how about a story?"

"Wait, you found more on the ancients?"

"Yep, this time it's far older than the ancients; the ancients hated paper; it's a headache to find more on them, but luckily I got a journal from an old man. "

"Wait for real?!"

"Yep, a crazy commander named Hannibal …."

Whoa, a crazy commander, sounds like Tristan when he's drunk … so what time?"

"Ah, the usual time"

Waving Lukas rushed off leaving Jacob with a smile, he inwardly thought, about the good times he spent with Lukas and swore to himself that he'll protect his family as long as he draws breath

As the preparations were finally over, the family started the 3-month long journey to Arendal, capital of Selyra Kingdom. Lukas stayed with an annoyed Tristan in his carriage with uncontrollable excitement; he's finally going to Arendal. Ever since he hung out with Jacob, he always comes across books praising the great city of Arendal. As the capital of Selyra kingdom, the city is said to be a pot of different cultures intermingling to form a magnificent sight to behold you could find silk from faraway kingdoms, best glassware from the desert kingdoms, the libraries at the capital are said hold more than 50,000 books from all over the world people from all over comes to city for trade the museum at the capital is said to even hold artifacts from ancient period… you could eat anything in the city, from chicken with lot spices from the kingdom of Roth and cool and minty drinks from the Hanria kingdom and different kinds of wines from all part of the world even the mythical 'ice cream' can be found there, thinking just about the food caused Lukas' mouth to salivate like a starved dog making Tristan frown.

"You monster, we just ate now and you're salivating again"

"Tris I can't stop thinking about all the different kinds of food available in the capital."

"You… stop thinking about Arendal all the time."

Tristan said with a sigh thinking about their deal he felt a headache coming

In another carriage, jacob was in deep thought, thinking back to his conversation with his father prior to the journey

"Son, do you remember our time at the capital? You were 13 at that time"

"Father! What did you do? I know you couldn't just leave the capital just like that. I know you were worried, I still think about it some time-"

"Son, I made a deal with the king."


"Yes, a deal, in exchange for surrendering my position as Marshal of the kingdom. I promised the king that I'd wed my son to the princess when they both came of age.".

"He wants your support to legitimize the princess' rule! You can't thrust yourself into the storm, yes Elena is smart, and we'll have prosperity as long as she rules, but I don't want peace for the kingdom at my family's expense you know it in your heart, both Philip and Henrik won't allow the throne to fall into their sister's hand; they would kill all. Why are you doing this?!

"He saved my life at the battle with the empire, when I was just a brat, and he was just a prince of the kingdom. I owe it to him, please Jacob."

"The scholarly air about Jacob was nowhere to be seen; he appeared like a prisoner convicted to death; his emerald eyes darted here and there with a low voice, as he asked.

Is it Tristan or Lukas? Was Tristan supposed to marry Princess Elena? Father, he loves that merchant's daughter Celina, he won't allow this if he knows, he'd rather die than let this marriage happen. Even though I hate his guts, on this matter, I have a side with him."

"This matter can decide the survival of our house"

"Ha! Look at you, talking about survival! You know, we could march upon the capital with half the men we have!"

Jacob lost his cool and shouted at his father in a cracked voice.

"Tristan said he would die! You know Tristan, he's stubborn just like you! If he said he'd do something, he'd do it without any hesitation. I don't want my brothers to die! You're a mad father!"

"Jacob, you can't think straight with an angered mind calm down and let me explain"

Jacob only loses his cool when his family is in danger and angered Jacob couldn't think straight; both James and Jacob know this weakness. James calmly said after Jacob clam down

"I know, that's why Lukas is coming. He's smart like you and hardworking like Tristan, but he's too kind and forgiving; he cannot survive in that vipers nest; you'll stay with him, Jacob; you'll protect him from conspiracies the princes hatch. I hope he will see the world in it's true colors. He's too kind for the capital. He'll listen to you; you'll navigate through it. Lukas is sixteen this year. I know you can dissolve the marriage within 2 years time I still have my contacts in the court, they can help you, Tristan is perfect for this job, but we don't have time if he's is engaged to the princess"

"The moment the princes know about the marriage, they'll stop at nothing. They'd rather marry their sister to a dog than lose the throne "

"I know, that's why I'm sending you along with Tristan."

"Yes, with Tristan I could at least guarantee Lukas' survival, but we're playing with fire here, if the king succeed with marriage proposal our county will bleed as we shoulder this maggots infested kingdom, if we break all relations we'll give a legitimate reason to the king to rally the troops and invade us weakening both us and the other noble's power to a degree to legitimize the princess' rule. Now's the perfect time. The empire is busy with monster outbreaks; they can't afford to turn their attention to us. Truly, the king is really wise"

Jacob smiled wryly and thought about future contingency plans

"Don't worry too much about home. I'll be here, focus on the princes, especially Philip; not even the gods know what he's scheming.

"Father, does anyone other than you and the king know of this arrangement?"

"No, I know Luan, he won't leak this, you can rest easy"

seeing her husband in deep thought for some time. Elisabeth couldn't help but ask;

"Jacob, what's on your mind? You've been silent since we left Cormac.

"I'm afraid, Liz, something tells me we shouldn't come to the capital. I feel like I'll lose something important to me"

"what ? Why do you feel that way?"

Elizabeth asked with a frown.

Nothing, I've been worried about Lukas,

Jacob lied, he knew that he couldn't say this even to his beloved wife with a smile. Elizabeth said

"Come on Jacob, he'll be okay, don't worry, he's got two great brothers! What will go wrong?"

Seeing her wife getting happy and beaming with a smile, Jacob grins a little and asks.

"oh, you're getting happy for a reason"

"My Father and my mother will be there for the celebration. I haven't seen them for two years".

As Elizabeth was thinking about her family, a yell suddenly rings outside the carriage.


Elisabeth paled, Jacob could help but look out of the window, he sees an 8 foot humanoid monster running towards them with a club, with a roar, the black hideous skin glistening in the sun, its single horn twisted, saliva dripping down from the fangs of the monster. The red eyes of the monster indicated that it was mad, suddenly the captain, armored with a bolt action rifle, fired his gun and screamed with all his might.


Thunderous sound of the rifle drowns the area, Tristan Jumped out of the carriage steadying his breath fired shots upon shots on the orge's hideous head suddenly a lucky shot from someone finally hit the monster's red eye putting an end to the monster. Elise climbed down from her carriage and looked around for her children. Tristan! Jacob!, you're fine. Thank god! Where is your brother?

"I'm here mother"

Lukas said while wielding a bolt action rifle looking all heroic.

"Damn Lukas, when did you jump off the carriage? I told you to stay put inside the carriage! And where did you get the gun from?!"

Tristan said with a glare, finding all her children safe. Elise sighs with relief; she turns to face her husband and couldn't help but ask.

This is weird. How come a class 3 monster is here?

"This is uncommon indeed, about a month to the west there's Dark Mountains, but they don't usually come in this direction; either the empire is doing a great job of monster subjugation or… "

"Jacob, we need to talk"

""Yes father"

"Lukas, get back to your carriage. Raul! Haul the monster to the cart! We'll move on with haste!

''Yes my lord.''

James' right hand man, Rahul saluted with respect and went back.

"It isn't safe here; we should move from here, father''

"Yes, I hope we don't encounter any more monsters on our journey. "