Ch 4 Jee Eun

'Body feels fine, but all these bandages are making me uncomfortable."

'You shouldn't take them off right now, people would be surprise if they see most of your wounds have already been healed, you should do it after you are discharged.'

'Speaking of which, where should I go after I'm discharged? I don't even know where my house is.'

'I know the address, believe it or not your parents left you quite a fortune. Your father was an airplane pilot and your mother was a plastic surgeon, both very high paying job, and they even did some investment on their own, so you have around 3 billion won in the bank.'

'Well, I'm gonna need to use the money to survive for now, and then I will return them as I grow older and start working, those are the emergency funds and I don't plan on touching them. Oh, I'm gonna need some money for my parents' funeral too.'

'You don't have to worry too much, because you can earn gold coin by doing mission given by me too, then you choose to convert them into real money or buy things in the shop.'

'Wait, you have a shop? Of course! How else do you think you are gonna get the potions and skill books from?'

'Show me!'

'Just like how you call out your status bar, it's the same way with the shop, just close your eyes and start imagining it, a screen should pops up in front of you, you can also do it in your mind or in my dimension.'

'...the only things I see useful are the potions and the skill books, the others are either too advanced for now or too expensive.'

'You should browse the shop in more detail when you have the free time, I'm sure you will find something useful.'

Suddenly, Jee Eun, her grandmother, and three other person enter the room.

"O-oppa?!" Seeing Jay has woken up, she rushes to his side immediately.

"Hey there boy, how do you feel right now, anywhere uncomfortable?" Her grandma is worried about his current condition.

"Hello and good morning, I feel fine thank you."

"I'll go look for the doctor." The man (Jee Eun's father) leaves the room in a hurry.

"Do you remember what happened boy?" The other woman (her mother) walks to the other side of the bed while holding a little boy's hand, that little boy (her younger brother) just stares at him curiously

"I remember being pushed from behind, then I saw her face, the next thing I know, I'm already here?" He points at Jee Eun.

"What about before that?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure... why was I pushed? Argh, my head hurts."

"Calm down boy, don't think of anything right now, just relax."

Right then, her father comes back with a physician and a few nurses, they did some checkup on him while her mother tells them his symptoms of memory loss.

"Let's talk outside." The physician signals the adults to follow him outside.

"The boy is recovering very well, miraculously well, but he might be suffering from amnesia or repression. However in his case, this might be a blessing in disguise, the truth might be too much for the boy to handle, so please be careful how you approach this." The physician leaves after saying that because she has other patients to tend to.

"Yeobo, I don't think we should tell him the truth, we cannot tell him his parents died trying to save him."

"Jin Guk ah, your wife is right, we can tell him the truth when he grows older, but certainly not now."

"What should we tell him then?"

"We should tell him that his parents died during a car accident, he barely survived because he was in the backseat."

"Well, anything is better than the truth."

"You need tell Jee Eun about this too, everything would be in vain if she slips up."

"You are right..."

"Don't worry about, she may not seem like it, but she is actually pretty smart, she knows what and what not to say."


Meanwhile, inside the room

Jay is looking at the mission he completed just now.

1. Lie + 1 acting (completed)

2. Blame them + 50 gold

3. Ignore them - 5 intelligence

'What kind of mission is this, who's gonna pick the other two?'

'Hehe, the system is very fair, since this is your first mission, of course it's gonna be easy, it will get harder and harder in the future.'

'Are you the one who creates all the choices?'

'No, it's generated randomly, I'm the one who gives out the reward and penalty though.'

"What's your name oppa?" Jee Eun starts the conversation suddenly.

"Jay Kim. You?"

"Lee Jee Eun, are you a foreigner oppa?"

"I'm 75% white and 25% korean, but my nationality is korean if that's what you were asking."

"Ah... no wonder oppa looks different, especially your eyes, they are very pretty."

"Err... thank you?"

"Do you have any siblings oppa?"


"Can I be your little sister then? I've always dreamed of having an oppa!"


'Hey Miss Random, did I just get bro-zoned?!'


'Miss Random?! Help please! MISS RANDOM!!!'

"Erm... sure I guess...?" He answers with a bitter smile.

"Yay! I got an oppa too now! I'm gonna show you off to my friends at school when you fully recovered." She jumps up the bed and hugs him tightly.

"Ouch ouch!"

"Ah sorry oppa, I forgot about your wounds! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... but be careful next time."

"I will! Ah oppa, I'm gonna go refill your water bottle, wait just a minute."

"Thanks, but you don't have to rush, I'm not thirsty."


"Well, being her oppa might not be bad afterall..."


After Jee Eun exits the room, her smiling face turns into a determined one.

'Jay oppa, you saved my life, but in return, you lost your parents, you have no one else in your life, which is why I'm going to be your little sister, for now. From now on, I will cherish both our lives, I will always be there for you, and when I grow up...' She suddenly blushes.

That day, a little girl made a promise to herself in a hospital, and that's where the story of an ex-assassin and a future korea's top solo artist began.
