Ch 5 Random (4)


When Jee Eun's family returns to the room, Jay and Jee Eun are having a 'peaceful' conversation.

"Oppa, don't just eat the meat, you have to eat the vegetables too, it helps you recover faster."

"Didn't I just eat the broccoli, potatoes and spinach?"

"But you also ate the fish, eggs and chicken breast."

"I don't care, the food here is so bad, everything feels like rubber, and even taste like rubber!"

"C'mon oppa, you can eat anything you want when you fully recovered, so please hold yourself back for now. Look, I'll even eat it with you! Omnomnom! Bluek! Pftt! Yuck!" (ᗒᗩᗕ)

"See? I told you! Anyway, you just spat in my food, it's disgusting, so I'm gonna stop eating."

"I can get you a new one if you want."

"Try it, I'll throw it out the window if you do." *please don't waste food


"Jee Eun ah, you shouldn't bother him so much! Erm boy..." Jee Eun's mother just noticed she still doesn't know his name.

"Ah nae, eomeonim, you can call me Jay."

"Okay, Jay, there's something I have to talk to you about, regarding your parents."


She tells him what they had planned to say when they were outside.

" they didn't make it."


"I see."

"Do you have any relatives?"

"Not that I know of."

"Then... what do you think of us adopting you?"

"Goo- wait! W-what?"

"Well, Jee Eun has always wanted an elder brother, and she seems to like you a lot, so..."

"H-hmm..." He sneaks a peek at Jee Eun to see her reaction, and it is not what he expected, after listening to her mom's suggestion, her face turns completely pale.

Jee Eun's inner thought

'If omma and appa really adopt Jay oppa, doesn't that mean we will become a real sibling? I mean I like that idea but, doesn't that mean we can't get married?! I have to stop it somehow!'

Jay's inner thought

'Maybe she doesn't like idea of becoming the real sibling? Well that suits me even more, this way, we can be something more.'

"Omma! Oppa had been through a lot recently, we shouldn't let him make this kind of decision right now!"

"Eomeonim, this is a very serious matter, I think I need some time to think about it before making a decision."

"...Jay, I can understand, but I didn't know you were such a thoughtful person too, Jee Eun." Jee Eun's mom looks at her suspiciously.

"What are you talking about omma? I'm always a thoughtful person!" She says that while blushing.

Everyone in the room looks at her suspiciously including her little brother.

"Alright, you must be tired we all the talking, you have to rest now Jay, and it's already getting late, we should leave, we will come visit tomorrow."

"Good night oppa! Don't think about the adoption thing too much okay?"

"Ah okay, see you tomorrow!"


'Well, nothing to do for the rest of the night. Any idea what we can do Random? I'm so bored, maybe tell me a story or a good joke?'

'All the stories and jokes I know are from your memories, so I doubt that would make things better, I do have a suggestion though, and it's the perfect time for that since no one is gonna disturb you.'

'Please, enlighten me.'

'You should use free attribute points that you saved up now, and max out all your stats to 30.'

'Any reason for that?'

'Limit break, only achievable when all your attributes reach it's cap before you grow up. This is very different than growing up and raising your cap naturally.'

'I don't see any difference though, you are just speeding up the process.'

'Oppa you pabo! If it was that simple, I wouldn't use the term 'limit break'. Let's make an example, if you raise your cap naturally by growing up, your max cap would become 32 next year, and 34 the year after. However, if you limit break, it will change your current max cap to 35, and then it will become 37 next year and 39 the year after. Now tell me, is there any difference?'

'Wouldn't I become a demigod if I do this though?'

'Isn't that a good thing?'

'It is, but... are you hiding something from me Random? Are you trying to make me stronger to fight some demon lords and save the world in the future? This is actually a fantasy world isn't it?!'

'You read too much novel oppa, this is a very normal world, the only magical beings in this world is me and you.' (^-^)/

'Hmm... fine let's do it, for research purpose.'

He uses all the free attribute points to max out all his base attributes.

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 30

2. Agility - 30

3. Dexterity - 30

4. Endurance - 30

5. Stamina - 30

6. Intelligence - 70


[Limit break available, do you wish to proceed?]


'Erm! Oppa, before you say yes, you sh-'

'Argh!!!' He groans in pain and kneels to the ground.

'You should lie on the bed...'

'Don't you think you should mention this earlier?! What's happening?'

'Body reconstruction of course, your body needs to be stronger to match the new attributes.'

'Which you fail to mention too!' He struggles to climb back onto the bed.

'I didn't know you were gonna be so hasty! Sorry...'

'It's fine, just don't miss out any important details in the future. How long is this gonna last anyway?'

'Maybe an hour, oppa hwaiting!'



An hour later

Jay lies in the bed, panting and sweating.

'Please tell me that was worth it.'

'Of course it is, look at your status bar.'

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 31

2. Agility - 31

3. Dexterity - 31

4. Endurance - 31

5. Stamina - 31

6. Intelligence - 70

Hidden attribute:

1. Luck - ?

2. Charisma - 50 --> 55


[One chance to roll for a unique skill book.]

'What's that?'

'Everytime you limit break, you get to roll for something, it can be free attributes, gold, items, and in this case a skill book.'

'Well it's free, so let's roll for it.'


[Congratulations, you receive an unique skill book Charm - Basic (1/20)]

'Oppa, I think you just hit the jackpot.'


Charm - ability to captivate the target, making them trust your words more easily. However, if you are being too unreasonable, the spell might break. Able to slightly alter memory.

1. Works better against an opposite gender.

2. Works better with high charisma.

3. Depends on the target's will.

4. Please use in cautious, some effect may be permanent.

'This is a very dangerous skill.'

'Dangerous, but useful in some situations you should still learn it just in case.'

'Well, nobody else can use it anyway...' He learns the skill.

'Anyway, why do I feel these bandages and clothes got a lot tighter?'

'You should look into the mirror oppa.'

He goes into the toilet and checks himself out in the mirror.

'Feels like I got bigger and taller, and somewhat older too.'

'That's what happen after limit break. You might still be 15 years old, but your body has developed itself to be able to withstand the attributes of a 20 years old.'

'Wait, doesn't that mean I'll get old and die faster?'

'No! On the contrary, you get to live longer! Just like your attributes, your lifespan increases everytime you limit break.'

'I don't wanna live forever though...'

'Well, when the time comes when you have had enough, you can always stop and grow old naturally, plus, it's still too early to talk about that don't you think?'

'You are right, we got so many adventures ahead of us, so many people to meet, so many places to visit, and so many memories to make, maybe I do need those extra lifespam.'

'Hehe, glad we are on the same page.'

'Hah... I'm tired, time to sleep, goodnight Random.'

'Goodnight to you too oppa, I will wake you up tomorrow morning.'


P.s Don't worry I won't be using this charm skill to do anything stupid, only when it's absolutely necessary.

P.p.s The next two episodes might be a little weird but everything will pick up after that.