Ch 6 Random (5)

'Wakey wakey oppa! It's morning!'

'...when was the last time I woke up in the voice of a girl?'

'Looking through your memory, it was during a mission, you had to 'get closer' to the target's daughter in order to infiltrate the place. She woke you up after you guys had a one night stand. Is this what they say kill the father, f the daughter?'

'You didn't have to say that out loud, I wasn't proud of what I did.'

'Don't worry, nothing is gonna change my opinion of you, I'm very bias you see, whether you be a good guy or a bad guy doesn't matter to me.'

'Really? What if I decided to be an assassin again?'

'We would best team in the whole world.'

'Tempting, but nah. I think I wanna try be a kpop artist this time. This way I get the opportunities to meet and befriend those idols and actors!'

'Oh? Then you must start from being a trainee then. Which company will you be choosing to audition for?'

'I don't know... if you think about the girls right now, SM is the best choice, but YG's free style might suit me more, JYP... nope.'


[New mission]

1. Join JYP - reward: Dancing (Basic)

2. Join YG - reward: Rapping (Basic)

3. Join SM - reward: + 10 singing

'Well, that's convenient, but which should I pick?'

'In my opinion, the rewards aren't even that good, these are all skills that you can learn yourself, you don't need the system to give you that, so it's all up to your preference.'

'Hmm... I don't know about this. I'm just gonna put this mission on hold for now, it's not like we are in a rush or something. There won't be any penalty for holding it right?'

'Nope you are fine, this is not a time limited mission.'

'There are time limited missions too?'

'There are all kinds of missions, look at the screen.'

1. Sudden mission (can be triggered at any place and any time)

2. Chain mission (a series of missions)

3. Time limited mission (have to complete the mission in a certain amount of time)

4. Grand mission (a merge of all the above)

'So both the missions I have received are sudden missions right?'


'Got it. What time is it now?'

'It's 9 in the morning oppa.'

'I need someone to help me change these bandages, it's too tight I feel like my blood isn't flowing properly, I need to clean myself up too.' He gets up from his bed and locks himself in the toilet. He takes off his shirt and starts unwrapping the bandages.

'Most of the wounds are healed completely, no way in hell I'm gonna let anybody see this. But man, these stiches are getting in the way, they are making me feel itchy.'

Next, he wipes his body with cloth soaked in warm soapy water.

10 minutes later, he dries himself up and rebandage himself.

'Phew, more refreshing now. Hey Random, why were you so quiet the whole time?'

'Huh?! I wasn't peeking or anything! I'm a good girl!' (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

'Why are you acting so weird? We are gonna be partners for life, are you gonna be like this everytime I'm naked?'

'Kyahh~~~!' (>_<)

'Aigoo... you are hopeless, I'm going for a walk outside, it's boring in here.'

As he is trying to open the door, someone opens it from the outside.

"Hmm? Jay-ssi, you are suppose to stay on your bed, are you going somewhere?" The physician from yesterday is the one who opens the door.

"Erm, I just wanted to take a walk outside, get some fresh air."

"That can wait, first I'm here for your daily check-up, so be a good boy and get back to the bed okay?"

"Nae... uisa seonsaengnim." He gets back to the bed reluctantly.

'Random, this is bad, she is gonna notice my healed wounds, what should I do?'

'This might be the perfect opportunity to test the charm skill.'

'Are you sure? How do I even activate the skill?'

'The skill will trigger based on your intention, and you have to maintain eye contact with the target for a few seconds for it to work!'

"Please take off your clothes, I have to check your wounds."


"Don't be nervous! This is just a normal check-up, it won't hurt."

'Ma'am, I'm nervous for you...'

"Okay, let's see... hmm? How is this possible?! The wounds..."

"Look up seonsaengnim." He taps her shoulder.

"Huh?" She looks straight into his blue flashing eyes.

[Charm successful]

"Ugh... what just happened?" She blinks her eyes.


"Huh? Yes? Oh right your wounds, how is that possible?"

"Seonsaengnim, let's not care about the details, I've recovered, that's what's most important is it not?"

"Oh... right... I'm glad you recovered so quickly..."

"And since I've recovered, I need you to do me a favor, can you please discharge me from the hospital?"

"I think you should stay here for a few more days just to be safe..."

"I don't think there's a need for that, look, there's nothing wrong with my body." He gets up from the bed and starts doing some pushups.

"See? No problem at all."

"Fine... I will go get the documents necessary. Wait here."

"It's okay, I'll go with you, I wanna take a walk anyway." He follows her to her office, she updates Jay's status in her computer, and prints out the documents needed.

"Here, this a letter of consent that says I approve of your discharge, you just need to show it to the counter lady near the entrance, then you are free to go."

"Thank you seonsaengnim! But I need your help just one last time!"

"What is it?"

"Can you please buy me a shirt and a pants? Cheap ones will do, mine were ruined during the accident."

"Oh sure, I'll be back in a minute, there's a clothing store nearby." She leaves him alone in her office.


As soon as she leaves, Jay immediately walks in front the computer.

'What are you doing oppa?'

'I need to change the date of my discharge, there are others that participated in my surgery, if they see this document, that say I'm discharged two days after my operation, they will get suspicious. I have to change the date into a few weeks from now to avoid any trouble in the future. I need a new copy too.'

'Oh... as expected of a professional assassin.'

'Okay done, now let's wait for her to return.'


5 mins later, the physician returns.

"Here, your clothes."

"Thank you seonsaengnim, now listen carefully. The moment I leave room, and you hear the sound of door closing, you will forget everything about me and our interaction this whole time."

"What a weird request, but I understand."

"Goodbye seonsaengnim."


"Hmm? What time is it? Omo, it's already 11, I gotta go check on the patients!" The physician gets up from her seat and hurriedly leaves her office.


'Looks like the skill worked.' Jay stayed and hid himself behind the corner to observe her reactions.

'Of course it works.'

'But this skill is seriously dangerous, do you understand what would happen if this falls into the wrong hands?'

'It already did...'

'What did you say?'

'Nothing~' (`3´) *whistle


P.s Just to be clear, I use 'xxx' when it's a thought or conversation with Random, and I use "xxx" when it's a conversation in real life.