Ch 8 Home (1)

"Oppa, are you sure this is your home? Maybe this part of your memories is messed up too?" Jee Eun points at the big double story house in front of her.

"Only one way to find out." He takes out the gate remote he received at the morgue, points it at the gate, and press the button.

*gate opening

"It really is your house... this is the rich people's area, are you a chaebol or something oppa?"

"No no no, I'm nothing compared to them. I would say my family is just slightly above average."

"That's still... I feel like bumpkin right now."

"What kind of nonsense is that? It's just a house, come in!"

"Uwah... it's really big..."

"But it's too big for one person to live in, that's why I wanted you to stay here. You don't even need to pay for the rent."

"I personally don't have any problem staying here but..." Jee Eun sneaks a peek at her grandma while saying that.

"Sigh... let me ask your parents first." Her grandma walks out the house to make the phone call.

"Oppa, I'm gonna follow her and try to convince my parents on the phone, I'll make sure they agree okay?"

"Oh okay, go ahead."


Now, Jay is the only person left in the house, so he takes his time to look around the house.

'Ooh we got a personal home gym over here, that's gonna come in handy. There are also a lot of spare empty rooms, maybe I should make one of them into a mini studio.'

He goes to the second floor.

'This is my parents' room, I should leave their belongings in here. And this should be my room, simple and cozy, just how I like it. Oh, if they decided to stay, I'm gonna need to prepare some empty rooms for them too.'

He goes back downstairs and goes outside to the garden.

'Lovely place, they must've taken really good care of this garden when they were alive, unfortunately I have no knowledge about flowers and plants, it's gonna be a headache trying preserve this scenery. This is also a good place to bury my parents' ashes...'

Next, he goes to the garage.

'An SUV, a mini cooper, a scooter and a bicycle. I probably gonna use the scooter and the bicycle more often than the car.'

Finally, he goes back into the living room to wait for Jee Eun's family decision.

'Hmm, I have make a final big push in order to convince them to stay for sure, I have to do something reckless, something stupid in their eyes. Any idea Random?'

'Hehehe oppa, you can do this...'


When they return to the house, Jay is doing pullups in the gym.

"Oppa!!! You get down right now! Halmeoni! Look at this oppa, if we leave him here alone in this house, he is gonna be back in the hospital in no time!"

"Jay ah, stop what you are doing, we have important something to tell you, it's about our decision."

"Ah, nae!"

"I've talked to her parents and we decided that since they already had the intention to adopt you, they don't see any problem for us to live together. Furthermore, like Jee Eun said, we're concerned about your well-being, and you like someone who doesn't know how to take care of himself, so at least until you are fully recovered, I will personally take care of you. After that, we will see how it goes and decide if we are going to continue staying. How's that sound?"

"Absolutely fantastic! I can't wait!"

"By the way, only me, Jee Eun and her little brother will be staying here because their parents are working out-of-town."

"I see, but I should still prepare a room for them just in case they decided to move here one day."

"That's totally up to you, but for now, we are going home to pack and we will move in tomorrow."

"Then you should take these keys and the spare gate remote, just in case I'm sleeping or outside tomorrow, you can open the gate and the door yourselves."

"Oppa! Don't you dare go out tomorrow, when I'm here tomorrow, I wanna see you in the house."

"I know I know, it was just an example."

"You wouldn't have use it as an example if you weren't thinking about it."


"Just stay home until we arrive tomorrow, and if you wanna go out after that, I will accompany you okay?"

"Erm look, I'm the oppa here, why are you treating me as if I'm the younger one?"

"Then show me you are the oppa by acting as one first! We are leaving! Oh and remember to finish the chicken soup halmeoni bought for you."

"Araseo araseo, haaaa you nag so much!" Jay walks upstairs into his bedroom while waving his hand at her.

"Ah... this oppa!" D:<

"Jee Eun ah, you shouldn't nag at him so much, even though he is still young, he is still a man, too much nagging will eventually makes him gets tired of you."

"I know, but I just instinctively did it, and that oppa deserved to be nag!"

"But there are other ways to give him 'advice', ways that won't annoy him."

"Really? Tell me about it halmeoni!"

"Let me teach you some of my tricks back in the days on our way back."


Back in Jay's bedroom

He finds informations about the school and the class he is attending, he spends some time remembering the names of his classmates and teachers.

'I should start going to school the day after the funeral. Ah... school life, I wonder how it's like? I've never had the chance to experience it in my past life, so I'm very excited you see.'

'Oppa was borned and raised in an institute of assassins right? How was it like?'

'Couldn't see that in my memories? Why ask?'

'Didn't you forbid me from looking at your memories?'

'Oh yeah I did, but I didn't know you would actually listen! Anyway, it was a place where only the strongest and cruelest people could survive, and if you are weak, you get eliminated, literally. K-pop was the only thing that kept me sane during that time.'

'Well oppa, you better be prepared then, because in the entertainment industry, it's the same, only minus the killing part.'

'I'm well aware of that, but we have nothing to worry about do we? I'm confident to say that nobody in this world has more knowledge about K-Pop than the both of us.'

'Of course! With me as the brain, and oppa as the brawn, we are unstoppable!'

'I wanna be the brain though.'

'No oppa, I don't have a body so I can only be the brain, unless you want to swap places with me?'

'No thank you!'
