Ch 9 Home (2)

That night, Jay chose to meditate instead of sleeping to recover himself to his peak form, when he woke up in the morning, this is his new updated status.

Name: Jay Kim

Birthday: 14 Feb 1986

Age: 15

Health: 100/100

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 34 (31)

2. Agility - 34 (31)

3. Dexterity - 34 (31)

4. Endurance - 34 (31)

5. Stamina - 34 (31)

6. Intelligence - 70

[All base attributes +3 due to meditation]

'Even though this skill is really good, but it doesn't do anything for me in this world except for recovering my health for free. If only this is a fantasy world or a world inside a game.'

'Just be grateful that you have an unlimited potion without a cooldown, do you know how much this reduces the cost of buying potions from the shop?'

'I should still buy some of them from the shop though, just in case there's a situation where I can't meditate or someone else needs them.'

'You are gonna use the potion on someone else?'

'I can always use the potion secretly like mixing it in their drinks or sprinkle it on their wounds when they are sleeping, they don't have to drink it directly for it to work right?'

'That's correct.'

'And it's not like I'm gonna use it on just anyone, I will only use it for Jee Eun and her family.'

'Oppa really cares a lot about her huh? I'm kinda jealous.' (`3´)

'Jealous for what, nothing can replace you in my heart, but you gotta understand, I've been her fan from when she first debuted, you can say I've basically watched her grew up, so she has special place in my heart too. Both of you are special!'

'Don't be so serious oppa, I was just joking~ I kinda like her too, she is very cute.' (*^^*)

[New mission]

1. Push ups x 30 in 1 minute --> + 50 gold

2. Sit ups x 40 in 1 minutes --> + 50 gold

3. Pull ups x 15 in 1 minutes --> + 50 gold

Bonus: complete all three exercises in 5 minutes --> + 2 strength, + 300 gold

'Oh hell nah.'

'I think it might be possible for you oppa, remember you have the +3 buffs from meditation? This +3 buffs might be the slight boost you need to complete the missions. Go for it!'

'Can't I just go with one of the three easy one? I wanna pick the sit ups option, it's easiest for me I think.'

'Ayy oppa, that's not what a real man should say, get your ass up and start working out!'



He barely finishes all three exercises in five minutes.

'Hah... hah... All that just for 300 golds and +2 strength, this is not how I imagined my first morning here would go.'

'Stop acting, it wasn't that hard! You weren't even tired right now.'

'I'm not physically tired, I'm mentally tired, so just leave me alone for a minute to relax my mind.'

*telephone ringing

'Random ah, please pick up the phone.'

'I don't have a body for that! And even if I do, I wouldn't help you! Pick it up yourself!' (`@´)

Jay reluctantly gets up from his spot and picks up the phone.


"Yah! Jay ah! You haven't come to school for a few days, what happened?"

"Who are you?"

"Mwo? I'm U-know, U-know! How can you not recognise my voice?!"

"Mwo? Uno? Erm sorry, you've called the wrong person, go promote the card game somewhere else please." He hangs up the phone after finishing his sentence.

"Promoting Uno card game through phone call? This is the first time for me..."



"Yah Jay Kim! You have some balls hanging up my call like that!"

"Look, I'm surprised you even know my name, you must've done lots of research but it won't change the result, I'm still not gonna buy the card game."

"Yah you little #%*$, it's me Yunho! Ah ssi, you are still as annoying as ever!"

"Mwo? Yunho? Jung Yunho?"

"That's right you idiot! The head teacher wanted me to ask you about your absence in class, that's why I called, but what did I get? Uno?! Ah ssi!"

"Ah... hahaha! Sorry, I just woke up, so I wasn't clear in the head just yet."

"Mwo? Do you know what time it is right now? Don't tell me you skipped school these few days just because you overslept, I'm gonna kill you."

"Oh no, it's not like that, let me explain." He spends 5 minutes telling him the whole story.

"Yah! Why didn't tell me about it when you first wole up?! We are brothers aren't we?!"


"Forget it, where are you right now? Home?"


"Stay there! We are coming to visit!"




30 minutes later, the door bell starts ringing non-stop. Jay looks through the window and sees four boys with very different personalities standing in front of the house gate. He presses the button to open the gate and wait for them at the front door.

"Yah! I thought you wouldn't even be able to walk properly, but you look fine to me!" Yun-ho, a very cheerful looking boy, walks up to him and slaps him on his arm.

"Yunho hyung! Don't you see Jay hyung is still wrapped in bandages? He still hasn't fully recovered, so be careful not to reinjure him by hitting him too hard." That's the maknae of the group, and also the tallest one, Changmin.

"Jay ah, sorry about your parents... anything you need, we are here for you okay? That's what brothers are for!" The only person who think his hairstyle is cool, Hyuk Jae.

"Jay hyung, if you feel lonely, we can take turns to stay with you, we've already told our parents about it and they all agreed to it." And the last person, a shy looking boy, Dong Hae.

"Yah! I'm fine, and I'll be back to school starting the day after tomorrow. I have to attend my parents' funeral tomorrow so I have to skip school for one more day."

"Tomorrow? Let's go send your parents' off together, they always treated us like their own children everytime we came to play, right boys?" Yunho asks the other three.

"Of course!" They immediately agree to his suggestion.

"Then you guys can stay here tonight, and then we will go there together tomorrow morning."

"Nice, but I gotta tell wuli omma about it, let me borrow your telephone."

"Same here!" x3

After the boys finished reporting to their parents, they forget about everything and start partying. Some play PS2, some play gameboy and some put on music and start dancing. Which is until...
