Ch 10 Home (3)

The sound of the gate opening can be heard.

"Jay ah, is there someone else coming? Relatives?"

"Oh no no, it's... how do I explain this, it will be easier to explain when after I introduce them to you."

*front door opens

"Oppa! We are here, come and help us move the luggages into our room please!" Jee Eun shouts into the living room.

"Alright coming! Yah, you guys come and help too."

The four of them look at each other before following Jay outside, heads filled with questions. Outside, they see a scene where Jay is bickering with a little girl.

"Jee Eun ah, let me handle the heavy one!"

"Nono, you go and help grandma carry those light ones, leave the heavy ones to me."

"Mwo? You wanna carry those heavy ones with this small body frame of yours? Hah, you are funny."

"S-small?! I'm just 8 years old, I still have a lot of room to grow!" D:<

Jay compares her current state and her future state in his mind.

'Yeah, she grew prettier and more mature, but height and body frame... yeah, not that big of a difference.'

"You were thinking about something really rude weren't you oppa? Why are you giving me such a pitying look?!"

"It's nothing, just the heavy ones to me, my friends will help carrying them inside."

"Your friends? What friends? Where are they? Are you hallucinating?"

"Yah you guys, how long are you gonna hide behind that door?! Come out and help!"

The four brothers come out one by one, and Changmin got pushed out to speak as their representative.

"Erm, Jay hyung, who is this little girl?"

"She is my little sister, Lee Jee Eun."

"You never told us you have a little sister."

"Oh, we are not related by blood."

"Ah I see, well since you are Jay hyung's little sister, you are our little sister too. I'm Changmin, and behind me are Yunho hyung, Hyuk Jae hyung and Dong Hae hyung. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you!" x3

"Okay okay, introductions are over, go and get everything inside the house. Aigoo halmeonim! Let me carry the bags for you, you can go ahead and rest in the living room. Jee Eun ah, you take care of your little brother, leave the rest to us boys!"

Meanwhile, the four brothers are having a 'secret' conversation.

"Yah, have you ever seen Jay speaks to a girl this way?"

"No, I have never even seen him speak with a girl before."

"Then what is this? It can't be..."


"What are you guys whispering about, hiding something from me?" Jay appears right behind them.


"Then what are you guys waiting for? Will the luggages and boxes move on their own? Or you want me, a patient, to do all the work by myself? Hmm?!"

"Yes sir! We will get moving right now sir!" x4


They spent an hour moving all the stuffs into Jee Eun's and her grandma's room respectively.

"Thanks for the hard work boys, come to kitchen, me and Jee Eun prepared dinner for all of you." Grandma invites the boys to the kitchen.

"Really?! You are my savior halmeonim! I'm so hungry right now!" < Yunho

"We didn't eat anything today because Yunho hyung urged us to come here as soon as the class is over." < Changmin

"Wow... the two of you made all these in just an hour? How is that possible?!" < Dong Hae

"Ah... I'm so jealous of you right now Jay, you get to enjoy these everyday from now on? Is there any extra empty rooms available here?" < Hyuk Jae

"No, all the rooms here are either occupied or planned for something else." < Jay

"I hate you so much right now." x4

"Wait! Just so you know, you guys can eat everything on the table except for the fish soup, Jee Eun made that specifically for Jay to help him recover better from his surgery."

"...not only do I hate you, I wanna kill you right now." x4

"Gomawo Jee Eun ah!" He pats her head softly.

"Hmph! This is nothing!" (`3´)

"Hehe, okay let's eat! Jal meokkessumnida!" He immediately tries the fish soup Jee Eun made for him.

"Hmm?! What is this?!"

"W-what? Does it taste bad? Spit it out quickly!" Jee Eun got nervous after seeing his reaction.

"Spit what out? This is the best! Yah... I didn't know you could cook so well."

"Phew, mwo ya oppa, can't you finish your sentence properly next time?" She pinches him on his lap.

"Aaah! What did I do this time?"

Grandma completely ignores their interaction and just enjoys her own meal, but the same can't be said to the brothers, except maknae Changmin.

"...suddenly I don't feel hungry anymore, I wonder why?" < Yunho

"They are just acting lovey dovey in front of us, grr..." < Dong Hae

"I take back my words about wanting to stay here, I can't handle seeing this scene happening in front of me every single day." < Hyuk Jae

'What are these hyungs talking about? Well, this works for me, I don't have to fight for the food. Yummy!' (^~^) < Changmin

The dinner ends 'peacefully'.



Jay is browsing the shop in his mind while lying on bed, until someone knocks on his door.

"Oppa, are you still awake?" It's Jee Eun.

"Oh Jee Eun ah, why are you still awake? We have to wake up early tomorrow morning for the funeral." He quickly gets up from his bed and opens the door for her.

"I came to help you change your bandage oppa." She shows him the first aid kit she is carrying.

"I can do it myself."

"It will be easier with my help no? I have to check your wounds too, I have to see it myself to believe what you said yesterday, otherwise I can't stop worrying."


"Just sit on the bed and leave everything to me, take off your shirt."

Jay follows her instuctions, and she starts unwrapping the bandages.

"There are so many scars..." She traces her fingers along the scars on his body. (The potion won't make the scars go away)

"Yah! This makes me look 100 times cooler!"

"Shut up oppa!" She slaps his back.


"As you said, the wounds have healed completely, but I'm sure oppa is hiding something from us."

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw it with my own eyes the day of the accident, it's impossible for that kind of injuries to heal in such a short time, oppa must've did something."


"But as long as oppa is okay, I don't really care about the details, everyone has their own secrets afterall. You don't really need the bandages anymore, but since you are keeping this as a secret, I will play along with you." She wraps new bandages around the wounds for him.

"Done, now I'm really relieved. I'm going back to my room." She carries the first aid kits and prepares to leave the room.

"Jee Eun ah, gomawo!" He thanks her before she leaves.

"No problem oppa! Hehe, goodnight oppa~" She turns her face to him and smiles brightly and finally leaves the room.

'She is a good girl isn't she?' Random speaks suddenly.

'Of course she is.'
