Ch 12 School (1)

"Jee Eun ah, are you ready? Hold on tight so you won't fall."

"Nae oppa."

"You know the direction to your school?"

"Nae~ just go straight for now, and then..."


10 minutes later, they arrive at her school.

"Here, your backpack, stay here after school, I'll come pick you up."

"Araseo oppa, see you later, and be careful on the road!"

"I will! Bye~"


'That was the first time I give someone a ride on a bicycle, yah... that's something you only see in a drama or a movie.'

'You are gonna experience that for a few more years, at least until she is able to drive herself or she decided to quit school.'

'She probably gonna stop her education after graduating from high school just like in the past to pursue her music career. Well... she earns way more choosing that path anyway.'

'Aren't you gonna convince her to continue her education in the future?'

'Why should I? If she already made up her mind, nothing is gonna change her decision, and as brother, I should support decision. And honestly, I think I might choose that path as well, there's nothing for me to learn from college and university that would help me in any way.'

'That's true, anything you need can be bought and learned from the system's shop. However, I still think you should consider pursuing further education, that is gonna boost your reputation and help your career in the future if you are going to be a K-pop artist or an actor. These kind titles (college graduate etc) are very important especially in South Korea.'

'Hmm, we still have a few years to think about that, let's just chill for now.'

'Anyway, I think you should ride faster, you are gonna be late.'

'Oh shit! How much time do I have left?'

'10 minutes till the first bell rings.'

'Oh man! Gonna have to wake up earlier next time!'


At school entrance

"Yah! Why is Jay so late?!" < Yunho

"Yunho ah, just stay still for a moment, you are me feel dizzy, if he doesn't arrive in time, let's just skip school and go look for him at his house." < Hyuk Jae

"Changmin ah, maybe you should go to your class first?" < Dong Hae (Jay, Yunho, Hyuk Jae and Dong Hae are in the same class, all born in 1986, while Changmin is 2 years younger than them, so he is in a different class)

"It's okay hyung, my class is nearby, I can make it even if I have 30 seconds left, I'll stay here and wait until then." < Changmin

5 minutes later

"Hey, look there, isn't that Jay?" < Yunho

"The one riding the bicycle? Yeah it is!" < Hyuk Jae

"Jae hyung! We are here!" < Changmin

"We left a spot for you to park your bike!" < Dong Hae

Jay parks his bicycle at the spot they left for him, and without greeting any of them, he runs pass them, straight to the classroom.


"...Yah! We waited for you and this is how you repay us?" < Yunho

"You stop right there Jay Kim!" < Hyuk Jae

"Changmin ah, we gotta go!" < Dong Hae

"Nae hyung! I'll see you guys during the recess, bye bye!" < Changmin

The four of them are in their last year of the middle school, so their classroom are located on the third floor of the building. They run up the stairs, and just barely make it in time before the bell rings. The teacher is already in the classroom.

"It's the four of you again, well unfortunately for me you boys made it in time this time, go to your seats quickly, the class is starting!" The teacher mocks them, seems like the four of them have always been the troublemakers.

"Nae seonsaengnim!" x4

They are all seated at the back of the class, and Jay's seat is right beside Yunho's.

"Yah, why were you so late today? I thought you weren't gonna come at all!"

"I had to send Jee Eun to her school first before coming here, and it was my first time so I wasn't very familiar with routes yet, it won't happen again. Thanks for waiting for me by the way."

"If I knew you were gonna run away without saying anything, I wouldn't have wait for you. That reminds me, you were running as if you weren't injured at all, I think you were running even faster than before, I couldn't even catch up!"

"Or maybe you are just slow?"



"Mr. Jay Kim and Mr. Jung Yunho, looks like you two are having a very fun conversation, mind sharing it with us? Afterall sharing is caring." The teacher speaks with a very bright smile on her face. (^o^)

"Erm no seonsaengnim!" x2

"Then can you two please pay attention to the class? Or you can continue your conversation outside the classroom."

"We will pay attention to the class!" x2

"Good, then let us continue!"


*bell rings

The first class is over and they have a small five minutes break time until the next one.

"Jay Kim, come with me to my office, there is something I have to talk to you about."

"Ah nae..." Jay follows the teacher to her office.

"Please take a seat."


"So, I heard about what happened to you and your family from Yunho, my deepest condolences."

"Thank you."

"Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe you need someone to talk to, or maybe you need a counseling, or maybe you are facing a financial problem? Anything!"

"Thank you teacher but I think I've moved on quite well, but if I ever need help, I won't hesitate to ask."

"Good, you are a very strong and independent child. Here, this my phone number, anything you wanna talk about whether it's regarding your studies or personal life, feel free to call me okay?"

"I will! Thank you teacher!"

"Okay, you are free to go now, pay attention to the teachers okay?"

"Nae!" Feeling grateful, he bows deeply to the teacher before leaving her office.
