Ch 13 School (2)

When Jay returns to the class, everyone turns and looks at him with questioning eyes, but he ignores them and goes back to his seat.

"Did you get into trouble again?" < Yunho

"Nah, the teacher just wanted to help after knowing my situation, she even gave me her phone number." < Jay

"Mwo? Really? You lucky *#^%, she is the prettiest teacher in the whole school, almost every students she teaches have a crush on her." < Yunho

"I'm not gonna call her at all, so I don't see why this is considered lucky." < Jay

"Ayy... if you are not gonna call her, give me her phone number, I have a lot questions regarding 'studies' I have to ask her PRIVATELY." < Yunho

"No way, she trusted me when she gave me her number, I can't be the one leaking them, I will get in trouble for that." < Jay

"Ayy~ stingy! Selfish!" < Yunho

"Whatever~" < Jay

Suddenly, the next teacher walks in the class as the bell starts ringing, signalling the start of the next lesson, so both of them stop talking to prevent getting call out again by another teacher, and this one is way stricter than the one before. The class lasted for about 45 minutes, then it's finally the recess time.

"Hey, let's go to the canteen together, we have something really important to talk to you about, something regarding the future of the five of us." < Yunho

"It's that serious?" < Jay

"Yes it is!" < Yunho

"Alright let's go." < Jay

The four of them meet up with Changmin at their regular table in the canteen, he is already waiting for them there with lunch arranged on the table, as expected of the maknae of the group.

"Changmin ah! It's because you keep doing stuff like this, some of the students and teachers think we are bullying you." < Hyuk Jae

"It's okay hyung, my classroom is the closest to the canteen, and I have nothing to do when waiting for all of you, might as well order the food for you guys. Don't worry, I'm doing this willingly." < Changmin

"Aigoo wuli maknae, thank you so much! But sometimes you should let us handle this kind of things, we are still your hyungs afterall." < Dong Hae

"Nae hyung!" < Changmin

(The food are free by the way)

"Alright let's eat!" < Yunho

"Jal meokkessumnida!" x5


"Well? You said you guys have something important to tell me, what is it?" < Jay

"Ehem, you remember last year, Hyuk Jae and I went for an audition at JYP and we failed?" < Yunho

"Yeah...?" < Jay

"I heard that the first ever 'SM Youth Contest' will be held two weeks later, so I was thinking we should participate the contest together this time, just to try our luck at another company." < Yunho

"Together? You mean the five of us?" < Jay

"Of course! And since you were always the one making the decision for us, we wanted to ask your opinion on this." < Yunho

"Hmm, I don't see any problem but... it's an individual contest, we will be competing against each other, what happens if someone of us win and the others failed?" < Jay

"I was think we should try and persuade the officials to give us a chance to perform as a group." < Yunho

"I don't think that would work if we don't perform well individually. Hmm, how about this, we should do our best individually and try to impress the officials, only then we can ask for a chance to perform as a group. Honestly, looking at this group right now, I think it would be fairly easy for us to win the prizes." < Jay

"You think so?" < Hyuk Jae

"Yeah! We got two of the best dancers in our generation (Yunho and Hyuk Jae), we got Changmin, who has the craziest vocal I ever heard, and then hehehe, Dong Hae and I have the best visuals in our generation, so of course we are gonna win the contest!" < Jay

"Agreed!" < Changmin

"What do you mean 'agreed'?! He is saying the three of us are uglier than both of them!" < Yunho

"I mean... that's truth though, and I'm satisfied being the best vocalist in the group." < Changmin ;D

"What about you Hyuk Jae ah?" < Yunho

"Yunho ah, I hate to admit it but, sometimes it's better to accept the truth, I've already accepted the fact that I will never be as good looking as the four of you, but I'm confident that with my dancing and rapping skills, I can overcome my lack of physical attractiveness." < Hyuk Jae

"Hyuk Jae ah, I know that too, but this is about our pride as a man! We should never admit to something like this!" < Yunho

"We got two weeks to prepare for the contest, we need a place to practice, a place we can dance and sing freely." < Dong Hae

"How about my house? We can go practice everyday after school, you can even stay over if you want." < Jay

"I'll go home and ask my parents about it, but I'm pretty sure they will allow it." < Changmin

"Same here, let's go home for today and pick a song or dance we are confident in and start practicing tomorrow." < Hyuk Jae

"Ok, let's go back to class, the lunch break is ending soon." < Jae

The four of them gets up from their seats and left without turning their heads.

"Yah! Stop ignoring me! Yah!!! < Yunho


When they return to the classroom, they might look like they are focusing on the blackboard, but actually their hearts are already somewhere else. All of them are thinking about the contest, including Changmin who always paid full attention in the class.

This continues until the final bell rings, which means the school is finally over. They sprint to their bicycles and leave without saying a word to each other, because all of them already knew what each of them are thinking about, so no words needed to be said.

Now, Jay needs to pick up Jee Eun from her school, so he rides his bicycle as fast as possible so that she won't have to wait for too long.
