Ch 15 Two weeks (1)

15 minutes later, Jay gets out of the bathroom after wrapping a towel around his waist. Suddenly he hears a scream in his bedroom.


He turns his head towards the voice and see Jee Eun covering her eyes with her hands.

" might as well not cover at all if you are gonna leave such a big gap between your fingers."


"Don't ehehe me, why are you here again? You have been coming into my bedroom every night since you moved here, at this point you might as well just sleep here."

"Oh? How did you know I was gonna talk about this?"

"About what?"

"About sleeping here."


"I was only joking."

"Not me, I need your help to move my mattress in here, that's why I'm waiting for you to finish bath here."

"No! What would happen if your grandma finds out about this?"

"Actually, she already knew about this, she saw me exiting your room yesterday in the morning when she came to wake us up for school. I thought I was done but surprisingly she didn't have much reaction to it. So I asked her if I can share the same bedroom with you, and she agreed to it on one condition, we can't sleep on the same bed."

"Ha... what about my privacy?"

"What privacy? You hiding something from me oppa?"

"No, what I meant by privacy is how are we supposed to change our clothes?"

"Oh, you can just change them right now, I don't mind at all. Besides, I didn't notice the other day when removing your bandages but you got a really nice body, so you have nothing to be ashamed about."

"..." Jay grabs Jee Eun by her shirt's collar and tosses her out of the room, then locking her outside.


"Wait outside until I'm finish changing!"

"Boo! I'm going back to my room and wait for you, be quick!"


After wiping his body clean and wearing his pajamas, he reluctantly goes to Jee Eun's bedroom.

'Since I will be moving to the dorm if I become a trainee, I should just cherish the time I have left with Jee Eun as much as possible... it's not like anything can happen between a 15 years old boy and a 8 years old girl... right?'

He knocks on her door, and after he receives the ok, he enters the room.

Everything is new to him because this is the first time he enters a girl's bedroom. It smells nice, it looks nice, it even feels nice, totally different from his room.

"Come on oppa, why are you just standing there? Help me move the mattress! It's very heavy!"

"Let's start by moving the lighter stuffs like pillows and blankets, we will move the mattress and bed at last."

"Nae~ I have to grab my guitar too!"

They spend the next five minutes moving things she needs jnto his bedroom.

"Alright, you can go to sleep first, I have something else to do."

"Hmm? What are you doing this late? Let me accompany you."

"It's nothing, just writing some lyrics."

"Really? I wanna see how you do it!"

"Sure, but it's actually very boring."

"It's okay oppa, I'll just sit quietly beside you! I won't disturb you!" :3

"Okay, I'll be done in just a few minutes, then we can go to sleep."



When Jay finishes writing the lyrics, he looks to his side and sees Jee Eun drowsing in her chair, her head bobbing up and down. He quickly grabs her head to prevent it from hitting the table, he then carries her to her bed.

When Jay wants to go back to his bed, Jee Eun tugs on his sleeves.

"Oppa, wanna sleep together again?" She invites him.

"You can sleep together with this." He grabs a doll she brought from her room and pushes it into her embrace, then he goes straight to his own bed and is finally able to rest.

"Agh... pabo oppa." She whispers softly. >:(

"I can hear you! Goodnight Jee Eunnie~"

"Goodnight oppa~" :P


Next morning, when Jay wakes up, again Jee Eun is no longer in the bedroom. When he goes downstairs after cleaning himself up, she is already eating breakfast beside her brother and grandma.

"Good morning everyone! Aigoo it's rare to see wuli Jong Hoon up so early, you going anywhere later?"

"Good morning Jay ahjussi, my omma and appa are coming to visit later, so halmeoni woke me up early today."


"Pftt... hahaha Jay ahjussi! Hahaha!"

"Jong Hoon ah! You shouldn't call me ahjussi! You should call me hyung!"

"But we have like a eleven years age gap."

"E-eleven?!" Jay freezes on the spot." (/.___.\)

"Pft... Jong Hoon ah, when a person that is older than you allows you to call him oppa or noona, you are free to do so." Even grandma teases Jay.

"Don't worry oppa, you will always be my oppa, not an ahjussi, puahahaha!" Of course Jee Eun won't miss the chance to tease him.

Everything is happening while Jay is feeling depressed all by himself.

(_ _|||)


The depression lasted until he reaches his school and meets his brothers of same age.

"At least you are a few days older than me, heh..." Jay looks at Yunho with pity.


Yunho is the most confused person in the class right now.


Recess time

"Jay! We are going to stay over at your house for two weeks straight, we got permission from our parents yesterday." < Yunho

"Okay, you guys can stay at the guest rooms at first floor. Have you guys thought about what song you gonna perform during the contest?" < Jay

"Yeah! But we are more interested in our group performance. Which sunbaenims' song are we gonna perform together? Turbo? H.O.T? Or Shinhwa?" < Hyuk Jae

"No disrespect but who said anything about performing sunbaenim's song?"

"Mwo? Then you gonna perform a foreigner's song? I can't speak anything but Korean." < Yunho

"I'm composing a new one myself, look, I already wrote the lyrics last night." < Jay

"...mwo?" x4

They snatch away the piece of paper he is holding in his hand, and read the lyrics carefully.

"... are you sure this kind of lyrics would work? I mean... it's kinda repetitive no?" < Dong Hae

"Why wouldn't it work, it's simple and it's catchy, plus, I haven't even show you guys the choreography yet, what makes a good song great is the combination of great choreography. Trust me!" < Jay

"Oh? You even choreographed it? Show us!" < Hyuk Jae

"Not here, I'll show you when we return to my home later." < Jay

"Ah... I won't be able to focus in class if you don't tell me now! I will be thinking about it the whole time! Please, show us just a little bit!" < Yunho

"Well... you weren't able to focus in class in the first place so nothing has changed." < Jay

"Ya! You are really testing my patience today! This morning when you came to class, why did you look at me with such a pityful gaze?!" < Yunho

"Ugh... don't remind me about that, this morning, Jong Hoon just called me ahjussi..." < Jay

"Oh? Hahaha! It must because of your face! He must think you look old! Kids don't lie!" < Yunho

"He said it's because we are eleven years apart..." < Jay

"Ugh...!" < Yunho, Hyuk Jae and Dong Hae (depressed individuals +3) (_ _|||) x3

"Well, since me and Jong Hoon are only nine years apart, he might still call me hyung because it hasn't reach the ten years bridge yet!" < Changmin :D


"... beat him up!" < Jay

"Yes sir!" x3


P.s Guess what song this is