Ch 16 Two weeks (2)

*bell rings

"Hey! I need you guys to buy something before going to my house." < Jay

"Buy what?" < Yunho

"We are gonna need human-sized mirror, around 5 of them, we will line them up together to practice choreography." < Jay

"Oh! Great idea! But any idea where to buy them? Are they expensive?" < Hyuk Jae

"I know a place that sells cheap secondhand furnitures, maybe we can find some there." < Changmin

"Alright lead the way!" < Yunho

"What will you do?" < Dong Hae

"I'll pick Jee Eun up from her school and meet up with you guys at home." < Jay


As always, Jee Eun is waiting at the school entrance, but this time there's a girl who looks somewhat familiar standing beside her.

"Jee Eun ah, I'm here." < Jay

"Ah, oppa! Eun Jee ah! This is the oppa I told you about, Jay oppa. Oppa, this my best friend and classmate, Jung Eun Jee!" < Jee Eun

'Eun Jee? Apink? No wonder she looks familiar. What is this? Jee-Eun-Jee couple?!'

"Annyeong~ nice to meet you! You can follow Jee Eunnie and call me oppa." < Jay

"Nae, Jay oppa." < Eun Jee

"Are you waiting for your parents too?" < Jay

"Yeah, they had to pick my younger brother from the kindergarten before coming to pick me up." < Eun Jee

"Ah I see, then let's wait for them to arrive together, as a thanks for accompanying Jee Eunnie." < Jay

"Oppa doesn't have to thank me because Jee Eun is also keeping me company at the same time, so the feeling's mutual!" < Eun Jee

"Since Jee Eun can be a little clumsy sometimes, please continue to look after her in the future." < Jay

"Nae oppa, please leave it to me!" < Eun Jee

"Mwoya~? I'm not clumsy at all! And I'm always the one who takes care of her!" < Jee Eun

They chatted for about five minutes, only then Eun Jee's family shows up. After saying goodbyes, they go their seperate ways.


When they reach home, five human-sized mirror are leaning on the wall in the living room.

"Jay! Which room should we place these mirrors?" < Yunho

"Come with me." Jay leads them to the mini studio.

"Let's just use this room for now because other rooms are either occupied, too small or too close to someone's bedroom, don't wanna disturb anyone when we are blasting music." < Jay

"Let's line the mirrors up on the wall, make sure to balance them so they won't fall down and break." < Yunho

"Yah... this is literally a low budget practice room!" < Hyuk Jae

"This is going to be the room we start practicing as a group! It's going to be memorable. Let's take a picture!" < Dong Hae

"Jee Eun ah, grab the camera from my room." < Jay

"Nae! Hold on~" Jee Eun rushes out the room immediately and comes back within 30 seconds. She was going to take the picture for them but Jay stops her.

"Yah! What are you doing over there, set the camera to a timer mode and come over here, we are gonna take a group photo!" < Jay

"Eh? Me too?" < Jee Eun

"Of course, you are one of us!" < Jay

"Jay's little sister is also our little sister!" < Yunho

"..." She joins the group with a big smile on her face, she suddenly gains four extra oppas that day.


"Today, we should go through the lyrics of the song, after that, we will record our actual singing voice using this audio recorder. For now, we will simply use hand claps as the beat of the music, until we have more advanced equipments." Jay passes each of them a piece of music sheet.

"Hmm? Why are the lyrics highlighted in different colors?" < Hyuk Jae

"Each color represents different singer, green Yunho, red Changmin, yellow Hyuk Jae, blue Dong Hae and mine are those that weren't highlighted." < Jay

"Ooh... the lines are distributed nicely! But the biggest problem right now is we don't know how to sing this." < Yunho

"Which is why I'm gonna sing this song a cappella for you guys, all you need to do is to remember your parts well." < Jay

4 minutes later

" that I've heard this song, it really feels kinda catchy. Yah! Show us the choreography! You promised us!" < Hyuk Jae

"I'll just show you the choreography for the chorus of the song. Your hands and legs movement are really important, look carefully." < Jay

The boys shut themselves in the room for the whole night except when they need to go to the toilet or they need something to eat. Nobody including Jee Eun knows what they are doing.

It is until 2 a.m. midnight Jay returns to his bedroom. Of course Jee Eun has already fallen asleep. He gently covers her with the blanket that she already kicked to the side before going to bed.


'Random, I suddenly remember about something, I wanna spend 250 gold to upgrade my singing skill to advanced.'

'Understood, your throat might a little itchy, but don't worry about it, it won't hurt. Try not to cough too okay? Are you ready?'

'I guess? Let's do this.'

'Oppa hwaiting~'

'Ergh... it feels like something is crawling in my throat, that's so uncomfortable.'

'It's trying to reform your throat, after the process, you will be able to sing higher or deeper notes.'

'Can I drink some water? Will that affect the reformation process?'

'Go ahead, it won't affect anything.'

*sip... spit! Coughs!

'Ehem! That's not helping at all!'

'I didn't say it would help, I only said you won't have any problem drinking it.'

'I feel like you are pranking me more and more these days.'

'Ehehe, please understand because this is the only fun I can have while being in here~'

'This feels kinda sad all of the sudden, fine you can prank me whenever you want, just nothing serious okay?'

'Yay~' (>o<)/

'Speaking of which, is there any way to get you out?'

'Are you going to throw me away oppa?'


'No! I meant like create a body and transfer you inside.'

'Hmm... it might be possible, but why would I do that? It's more fun being in here anyway.'

'But it will eventually get boring for you too.'

'Oppa, you seem to forget I'm actually an A.I, I won't 'feel' bored.'

'I've never treated you like an A.I, ever since came to this place at Day 1, I've treated you as my partner for life.'


[New mission - The perfect manager/secretary]

1. Successfully become an idol (Reward: A clone (you set gender and appearance) for Random to transfer into.

Time limit: 5 years

*If fail to do so, Random system will self destruct


'Well well, seems like the system also want you to be out here.'

'...this feels kinda weird, why do I feel like crying right now?'

'I think that's what we call happy tears.'
