Ch 28 Update

"Anyway let's talk about the update." < Random

"Go ahead." < Jay

"There are a few things, first a new section has been added to the system, the achievements and titles section, you have already unlocked some, look at the big screen." < Random


1. Limit breaker - unlocked by performing a limit break (everytime you do so, you get a free roll for items/attributes/skills)

2. First Blood - unlocked by killing for the first time (reward: +3 strength, +500 gold)

3. Assassin - unlocked by killing without being detected (reward: +3 agility, +500 gold)

4. Butcher - unlocked by achieving 10 kills (reward: +5 strength, +1000 gold)

5. Silencer - unlocked by performing 10 undetected kills (reward: +5 agility, +1000 gold)

6. Devil In Disguise - unlocked by achieving 100 kills (reward: +10 strength, +10000 gold)

Bonus: Unique skill --> Nightmare - exposing your target to his/her deepest fear, stunning the target. The closer the target is to you, the stronger the effect, the weaker the target's willpower, the longer the effect lasts.

7. Shadow - unlocked by performing 100 undetected kills (reward:+ 10 agility, +10000 gold) bonus: equipping this title makes you harder to detect in darkness

Current kill count: 108 (all undetected)

"Hmm... I knew I was good but I didn't know I was that good! 108 undetected kills? Oof... I might be the greatest assassin of all time." < Jay

"It really is quite impressive." < Random

"But I'm even more convinced now this system should be given to someone in a fantasy world or something. Wait, I can see the next unlockable achievements too, let's see..." < Jay

ASURA - unlocked by achieving 1000 kills (reward: Unique skill --> Soul collector - every kill you perform will gain you 10 free attribute points)

GRIM REAPER - unlocked by performing 1000 undetected kills (reward: Unique skill --> Eagle's vision - you can see through any surface within the radius of 200 meters including the ground and above)

"Oh yeah, this system is definitely not used to become an idol." < Jay

"It can be used by anyone, you were just the luckiest one to be selected in this universe." < Random

"Whatever... is there any normal achievement or title I have unlocked?" < Random

8. THE GRAND ESCAPE (one of a kind achievement) - unlocked by escaping the afterlife (MC transmigrated) (reward: Unique skill: Second chance - when your health point reaches 0, you will get revived immediately with 10% health, you will also have 10 seconds invulnerability. *cooldown: a month)

"Now this is more like it, you never know what's gonna happen, this will be my insurance. I guess that's the last one... still, I'm kinda surprised my achievements from my past life are brought into this life." < Jay

"The system operates based on your soul, not your body." < Random

"I see. Well, I will claim the rewards when I'm free later, is there any other update?" < Jay

"Yes! Check this out!" < Random

[World Quests]

"As the title says, they are quests that require you to travel around the world to complete them. Just a reminder, these quests are way harder than the normal ones you completed previously, the risks and dangers are higher, but at the same time, the rewards are greater." < Random

"Mind giving me a few examples of the quests?" < Random

"It can be finding ancient artifacts or treasure hunting. And I think it's time I tell you something very important." < Random

"Oh... I don't like the feeling of this." < Jay

"I told you that you aren't the only possessing the system, there are countless others in other universe, remember that?" < Random

"Yeah." < Jay

"And there are good hosts, and there are bad hosts. The good ones are just like you, satisfied with what you have in your current universe, while the bad ones, they wanna eliminate the other hosts, and conquer their universe too." < Random

"Wait, are you telling me that travelling between universe is possible?" < Jay

"Yes, once you met certain requirements." < Random

"...damn, things just got super complicated." < Jay

"And unfortunately for you, one of the type of world quest, is to eliminate any intruder that invades your universe, otherwise it will be you who will be eliminated." < Random

"..." < Jay hangs his head low without saying anything

"Oppa? You okay?" < Random asked worriedly

Hearing her question, he raises his head and looks into her eyes. Suprisingly, she doesn't sense any hint of fear or anger, just by looking at his blue eyes, she feels safe and calm.

"Oppa... you aren't afraid of what's coming?" < Random

"What's there to be afraid of? It's not like there are any ways to stop it from happening. What we should do, is to prepare for it." < Jay

"Aren't you angry I kept this a secret from you? About the world travelling and intruders." < Random

"I'm sure you have your reasons, and didn't you just tell me everything about it? Or is there something else you are hiding?" < Jay

"No, nothing else I swear!" < Random

"Then it's all good! Remember one thing Random, I will never doubt you, my partner, like you always said, you and I, we are one." < Jay

"Oppa... I'm so glad you are my host!" < Random ^3^

"Well, whoever it is that dares to come to my universe, I don't mind adding more kills to my resume. Hehe, this is actually kinda exciting, feels just like when I received my first assignment as an assassin." < Jay

"Kyah~ the way you said it makes you sound like a super villain, it's so cool~!" < Random (>o<)/

"You find this cool? You are weird." < Jay

"Hehehe! Anyway, that concludes this update, you have any question?" < Random

"Nope, but now that I think of it, didn't you tell me before that I won't have to fight any demon lord or something like that? That this is a totally normal world." < Jay

"You misunderstood me oppa, this is what you asked: 'Are you trying to make me fight demon lords and save the world in the future?' And I answered: 'The only magical beings in THIS WORLD are you and me.' Never once did I say you don't have to fight them, and it's true we are the only the magical beings in this world, but there are lots of magical beings in other fantasy worlds, so I didn't lie! I just didn't mention they are able to invade our world that's all." < Random XD

"Hmm... come here." < Random

"Nae oppa?" < Jay


Jay flicks her forehead hard with his fingers.

"Ouch!!!" < Random (´ ; . ; `)

"That's for leaving out the most important detail about our whole conversation during that time." < Jay

"Sob sob, this is gonna leave a mark." < Random (´ ; . ; `)

"Good, then you will remember it the next time you wanna play word games with me." < Jay >:D

"Hmph! I don't wanna see your face for five minutes! Shoo shoo, out you go!" < Random pouts and kicks him out of the dimension (`3´)/


Back to the real world

"Hmm... guess I'll check the rewards before I sleep, got a lot of gold and attribute points to spend." < Jay


P.S Guys, don't worry, this is still a K-Pop story, I just wanna add a little flavour to it that's all, the main story is still going to be about K-Pop.

P.S.S Let me know if you guys are okay with this