Ch 29 First meeting


All the event that happens during the world quest, will either help develop character relationships, or introduce new characters to the story, and everything will ultimately lead back and be related to the entertainment industry. This episode is a preview of it, see if you are okay with it or not. If you really don't like it, I will update this and the previous chapter, and think of something new (no more other other world invasion). FYI, MC himself will never do any dimensional travel, he will only try and eliminate any threat that comes to his world.


"Okay... I have 18 strength points and 18 agility points to spend, let's max them out for now." < Jay

[Status update]

Name: Jay Kim

Birthday: 14 Feb 1986

Age: 15

Health: 100/100

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 40

2. Agility - 40

3. Dexterity - 32

4. Endurance - 33

5. Stamina - 32

6. Intelligence - 70

12 strength points left

10 agility points left

23150 gold

"Phew, okay... that's pretty much it. Considering everything that I've learnt today, I would say this is a pretty rewarding night, especially all the gold, we are rich!" < Jay

"Without the achievements, you probably would take months to earn that amount of gold, lucky you oppa!" < Random

"Yeah, this gold came at a right timing, after knowing that there can invasion happening at any moment of time, I need gold to buy something from the store to prepare for it. But let's leave that for tomorrow, I'm gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight Random!" < Jay

"Goodnight oppa!" < Random


The next day

Everything went as usual, school, practice, gym, studio, but one thing that's different is Jess has been avoiding Jay the whole day, the moment she sees him, she turns around and walks the other way.

*badaam badaam

'Huff huff... I can't! I really couldn't look at him at all! And I just ignored and dipped on him, he must think I'm a wierdo or something... argh!!!'

Jess scratches her own head in annoyance.

'Hold on, why am I the one that's feeling guilty and dodgy right now? In a sense, he was the one that stole my precious first 'kiss', he should be one apologizing! In the first place, wasn't he the one that passed me the water bottle? Wait, did he plan all this?!?!'

Jess's mind is melting because of all the overthinking, she doesn't notice Jay sneaking up behind her.

"Yo!" < Jay

"Kyaa!!!" < Jess

"Ah!!!" < Jay

Both of them start screaming in the hallway.

"...why were you screaming?" < Jay

"Because you almost gave me a heart attack, why did you scream?" < Jess

"I screamed because you screamed." < Jay

"..." < Jess >:(

She kicks him in his calf and walks away.

"Ouch! What's your problem?!" < Jay

"Hmph!" < Jess

"Yah! Ou... ou! The hell did I even do...? Wait Jess! Wanna ask you something!" < Jay

"What?!" < Jess

"Wanna go have a dinner with me later?" < Jay

"Only the two of us? No!" < Jess

"Of course not! Jee Eun is coming too! Remember the other day we were talking about introducing you girls to each other? Today is your chance!" < Jay

"Hmm..." < Jess

"It's fine if you don't want to, we can arrange a meeting next time, I didn't tell Jee Eun about it yet." < Jay

"No! Let's go see little sister of yours, I was just thinking what should I buy for her." < Jess

"Ayy... you can just pay for the dinner if you wanna spend some money." < Jay

"But I wanna give her a good first impression!" < Jess

"Huh? Why are you trying to impress her?" < Jay

"W-well, if she is your little sister, she is my little sister too! Of course I wanna impress her!" < Jess (or maybe she is just trying to get on the good side of her potential future sister-in-law)

"Whatever you say... Jee Eun loves three things in her life, one's her family, one's music and one's food. Like I said, pay for the lunch, and buy cake or chocolates for her, she absolutely loves them." < Jay

"Okay!" < Jess

"Alright, let's meet at the lobby when you are ready." < Jay

"Araseo!" < Jess


"...she sure is taking her time, the hell is she doing?" < Jay

He has been waiting at the lobby for almost 30 minutes already, and that's after he finish showering.

"H-hi!" < Jess

"Yah! I almost thought you changed your mind about this! What were y- hmm? What's with the makeup and outfit? You planning on meeting someone else after the lunch?" < Jay

Jess puts on some light makeup and changes her clothes into a dress, she even let her hair down which is very rare because she thinks it's annoying when they stick on her face when she gets sweaty during practice.

"H-how do I look?" < Jess

"I mean... You look different..." < Jay

"I-Is it bad?" < Jess

"Let me finish! Different but still very pretty, I'm just not used to it that's all." < Jay

(Did he just call me pretty? Hehe... No! Wake up Jess!) Thoughts in Jess' mind

"Hold on, is that perfume I smell?! You really outdid yourself this time." < Jay

"Ayy! Stop worrying about me and let's go! How are we going to meet her?" < Jess

"She is with her friend right now, her friend's dad will drop her off at the night market." < Jay

"I see~" < Jess

"By the way, have you informed your mother about this? You will be home a little bit late today." < Jay

"She says she ain't worry if I'm with you, just remember to bring me back home in one piece tonight." < Jess (Her mother is trying to ship the two of them so hard)

"Err okay... Oh I see a taxi! Let's go quickly before someone else takes our place!" < Jay

"Nae~" < Jess


When they arrive at the night market, Jee Eun is nowhere to be found. After confirming with her, she still needs around 10 minutes before she can arrive because there's a traffic jam, that gives Jess some time to buy the gifts. She chooses to buy her a box of chocolates.

Jay is very excited because it's the first time in a few days he is going to see his precious little Jee Eun in person.

A few minutes later, Jee Eun finally arrives, and of course, it's Eun Jee's family that drops her off. After saying goodbye to them, Jee Eun rushes to Jay like a lost puppy that finally finds it's owner.

"I miss you oppa~" < Jee Eun

"I miss you too wuli Jee Eunnie~" < Jay

"Err... hi!" < Jess

"..." < Jay

"..." < Jee Eun

Both of them are thinking 'why are you ruining our reunion?!'.

"Err... sorry?" < Jess
