Ch 31 Alfred

"J-junior...?" < Jay

"Hmm? It's been a long time since I last heard someone call me a junior. Are you using some type of mind reading skill to read my memory?" < Junior

He doesn't recognize Jay anymore because Jay's face is different from his past life.

"Since you are able to use skill, I assume you are the blessed one in this world... which means you are my target." < Junior

He pulls out a red flaming dagger out of nowhere with each hand and rushes straight at Jay.

"W-wait! Timeout! Let's talk for a second!" < Jay

"I have no time for that, I got a world to conquer." < Junior

"Oh fuck you Alfred!" < Jay

"Alfred... that's the name I used before I became an assassin. Your mind reading skill is pretty strong huh, you are able to dig up my memories from my childhood." < Alfred

"Wait... you look like you are in your forties! How is that possible, it has only been two months since you shot me!" < Jay

Hearing this, Alfred stops his attack right before it reaches Jay.

"...what do you mean I shot you? Who are you?" < Alfred

"You idiot, I was your senior, I was your partner and I was your brother, for almost 10 years! Right until you fucking betrayed me and shoot me in the head." < Jay

"S-sir?" < Alfred

"Yes, that's me! Your 'sir'." < Jay

"That's impossible! Stop reading my mind!" < Alfred

Agitated, Alfred starts swinging his dagger at him.

"Aw hell nah! That's it! Seems like you've forgotten the fact that you've never beaten one on one in a fair fight! Let me remind you that!" < Jay

So... they start fighting for real.


Thirty minutes later

"Huff... huff... had enough? Seems like the only thing that changed is your face. Your combat skills hasn't improve at all. It makes me kinda sad the fact that I'm the one who taught you all that." < Jay

"Impossible... your moves are exactly the same like that guy..." < Alfred

"How rude! 'That guy' is standing right in front of you." < Jay

"No... no! Prove it!" < Alfred

"Prove it how? Want me to go back in time and shoot you before all that bullshit happened?" < Jay

"No. I used an item that defend my mind from any mind reading skill. If you can answer my questions now, I will believe you." < Alfred

"Fine... go ahead." < Jay

"Who is your favourite artist in the world?" < Alfred

"IU of course! Uaena for life!" < Jay

"Which of them is my bias in SNSD?" < Alfred

"That's a trick question, no matter how much I persuaded you, you were never interested in SNSD. Your favourite group is Red Velvet, and your bias is Irene." < Jay

"Who was your first celebrity crush?!" < Alfred

"Emma Watson! Hmm now that I think about it, maybe I have a chance to see a young Emma in person! The first HP movie will come out next year... I should plan a visit to London next year! Hehehe!" < Jay

"Pick one celebrity you wanna marry the most!" < Alfred

"My first answer for you is that marriage isn't suitable for people with job like us. My second answer for you is that why give up a whole forest for just a single pretty flower.

"Impossible... what was my last gift for you then?" < Alfred

"Oh damn... I personally would say it's a fucking bullet to the head but you probably meant IU concert ticket?" < Jay

"It's really you... but I shot you... I even added a few extra bullets later just to make sure you are dead... I even watched your body burned... wait, this is a different world, which means he was reborned here! Doesn't that just happen in a manga or novel?!" < Alfred

He kneels to the ground and starts talking crazy.

"Hold up! You did what? A few extra bullets? Oi!" < Jay

"Nonono, I must be dreaming, this isn't real! Wake up you fool! You have a world to conquer!" < Alfred

He starts slapping his own face.

"...let me help you with that!" < Jay

Another 30 minutes of beating...


"Believe me now?" < Jay

"Y-yesh shir!" < Alfred

He can't even speak properly because his face is all swollen up, and a few of his teeth are missing.

"First of all, let me just say I'm not really that upset about your betrayal. If I was in your position, I probably would've done the same thing. I was only mad because I didn't even have time to enjoy my retirement, at least let me go to one IU concert before killing me! Now I have to wait so many years to see her perform on stage again. Oh did I tell you we are in the past right now? Year 2000 to be exact." < Jay

He pours a healing potion on Alfred's face

"So, you travelled back in time?" < Alfred

"Crazy isn't it? My last thought before you killed me was I wish I could have a different life, even better if I could meet all the idols and celebrities that I love so much. Then the next thing I know, I was in a damn car accident, talk about unlucky. What about you? You look so much older! What actually happened after you killed me?" < Jay

"I'm pretty sure time works differently in different world. It has been twenty years for me since I killed you." < Alfred

"Damn... did everything go well at least? You know? With the organization." < Jay

"Nope! I killed every single one of them in the organization, took twenty years to accomplish that." < Alfred

"???" < Jay

"You weren't the only one who were betrayed that day. After I reported your death to the higher ups back in the HQ, I was immediately ambushed, I guess they wanted to eliminate anything that's related to you, which includes me, that's when I received the gift (system). After that, I've been planning on how to get revenge on those bastards, and I just succeeded today! That's why I wanted to visit other world as there is nothing left for me to do there." < Alfred

"Correction, you wanted to CONQUER other world. But nevermind that, what should we do now? This can't go on forever." < Jay

"I think we all know what YOU should do, you have to kill me. I've been living my life in regret over the past twenty years, every single day I wished that I never pulled that trigger. This is a perfect ending for me, you are the only one that can end my misery, sir!" < Alfred

"Ayy... I'm retired remember? I wanna avoid any bloodshed in this new life I have. Aren't you tired of all the fightings and killings anyway? So you won't be getting your ending from me." < Jay

"What should I do then? I have no more path. And haven't the rules of this battle? One of us needs to be defeated in order for this to end." < Alfred

"How about this, until you find your own goal in this new world, you will be my driver and bodyguard, when danger comes, you will be my meatshield." < Jay

"...gladly sir!" < Alfred

"But you are right, this situation is definitely a problem. Hmm..." < Jay

"Sir?" < Alfred

"One of us needs to be defeated... I'm sure defeating someone doesn't mean you have to kill someone. What's your penalty if you fail this invasion?" < Jay

"All my base attributes will be reverted back to when I was still a human which means probably around 70." < Alfred

"Oh right, you are not human anymore, what was it? Higher being? Whatever. Then this situation can be solved easily, just surrender, or give up mission and accept the penalty. It's not like you can't earn the attributes and become a higher being again in the future." < Jay

"Let me check if there's an option to surrender... oh there is! As expected of you sir! Comfirm surrender? Yes!"


The barrier finally dissapears.

"Ugh..." < Alfred

Again, he kneels to the ground and groans in pain. His body grows thinner and some of his hair turns white right in front of Jay.

"You okay?" < Jay

"Yeah! I'm still at the peak level of humanity okay? Don't let this appearance fool you." < Alfred

"I wonder how come you couldn't beat when your attributes were overwhelmingly higher than mine? Are you just that bad or what?" < Jay

"Maybe it's true that the disciple can never beat the master, or maybe deep down I already knew you were telling the truth, so I didn't want to hurt you." < Alfred

"Heh... I'm actually kinda disapp-" < Jay

He drops down to the ground face first before he could finish the sentence.

"Sir? Sir?! What's going o-" < Alfred

Same thing happens to Alfred.
