Ch 32 Uncle

Inside the random dimension

"Hello oppa~! And hello Mr. Alfred, welcome to my dimension." < Random

"Er... who is that beside you? Isn't that Irene-ssi?" < Jay

"Ehem... that's uhm... my system." < Alfred

"O-oh! Ehem... hi there!" < Jay

"Annyeonghaseyo Jay-ssi. And by the way Alfy oppa, you were really outmatched out there just now, that was embarassing." < 'Irene'

"Pft... Alfy oppa, pft...!" < Jay

"...please stop laughing sir! She is my only comfort during the dark times!" < Alfred

"It's okay 'Alfy oppa', I've had my system turned into IU and Jisoo before, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Hahaha!" < Jay

"...sir!" < Alfred

"But I'm relieved, really. At least you still have something that you love and hold so dearly, so it's still not too late for you to change. We are not assassins anymore, we have a second chance to enjoy our lives. Let me tell you something funny, I'm gonna become an idol in the next two or three years. Me, the greatest assassin in my generation, me, who never failed a single assassination, me, of all the people out there, is going to be an idol. You should be able to change too." < Jay

"Sir...!" < Alfred

"You should stop sir from now on, makes me feel old! I'm only 15 in this life, and you probably are around 45 by now, man how our role has changed!" < Jay

"You will always be my sir to me!" < Alfred

"Whatever, just don't call me that in front of other people, especially not in front of the girls! Oh right! The girls! Shit it's gonna be a pain trying to explain this to them." < Jay

"Let's check the world quest before we leave the dimension, Irene?" < Alfred

"Nae Alfy oppa." < 'Irene'

"Pft..." < Jay

"Stop!" < Alfred

[World quest - Invasion failed]

Penalty: body gets reverted back into your human form.

"Oppa! Wanna check yours too?" Random

"Sure!" < Jay

[World quest - Intruder defeated]

*ding ding ding

"Ugh, I'll check the rewards later, I need to go get the girls quickly, they must be worried to death by now." < Jay

"What girls?" < Alfred

"You'll see! Ah by the way, you are gonna need a new identity, here's all the information that you need to know about the current me, memorize them quickly." < Jay

"Wait, what's my new identity?" < Alfred

"Follow my lead, and we will improvise." < Jay


"Jee Eun ah! Jess! Open up!" < Jay

"Is that you oppa...?" < Jee Eun

"Yes it's me, it's safe now, you can come out." < Jay


The girls slightly open the door and take a small peek through the gap, and they immediately close the door again when they see Alfred standing behind Jay.

"Oppa! Be careful! The bad guy is still behind you!" < Jee Eun

"...if he really is the bad guy I would've been dead by now, and what's with your reaction? You are gonna close the door on me when you see a bad guy behind me?! Sigh... I'm so disappointed..." < Jay


"Ehe-hehehe, sorry oppa, my hands just moved on their own, hehe!" < Jee Eun :P

"Is this the person that came out of the portal?" < Jess

"Er... this person is um... he is actually my dad's younger brother, yes yes, my uncle! Isn't that right, uncle Alfred?" < Jay

"..." < Alfred

"Uncle Alfred?" < Jay

"Y-yes, I'm his uncle! Nice to meet you two!" < Alfred

"Soo... you are telling me your uncle was the one that walked out of the portal?" < Jee Eun

"And then after that, you just beat your uncle up? Twice?" < Jess

"Err... you two saw all that?" < Jay

"Yeah well, we were worried, so we looked through the window, and that was quite the sight." < Jee Eun

"Ehem, well that's how... our family greets each other I guess? Haha..." < Jay

" you even believe your own words Jay?" < Jess

"...Uncle Alfred, say something!" < Jay

"Si- I mean Jay, come with me for a sec." < Alfred

He drags Jay away from the girls to have a 'private' conversation.

"Stop! What?" < Jay

"First of all, uncle?! Is this what you call improvising? And secondly, isn't it way easier if we just wipe or alter their memories?" < Alfred

"I mean with your current appearance, being my 'uncle' fits you the most. And no! We will not be wiping or altering any of their memories, that will be our last resorts. Plus, I'm actually curious about their reactions." < Jay

"...this is going to be a disaster." < Alfred

"Let's go back to them, we look so damn suspicious right now." < Jay

"...we ARE suspicious!" < Alfred


"So... oppa and your 'uncle' have finished discussing what to say?" < Jee Eun

"Listen Jee Eun and Jess, he really is my uncle, but he is also a wizard and combat master." < Jay

"...are you serious?" < Jee Eun

"That's how he is able to use the portal and the flaming daggers, you saw that right?" < Jay

"...mmhmm, continue?" < Jee Eun

"That's it." < Jay

"That's it? What about your part?" < Jee Eun

"Huh?" < Jay

"If this 'uncle' of yours is really a wizard and combat master whatever, how were you able to beat him up like that just now?" < Jee Eun

"Erm..." < Jay

"Unless, you are just like him, that explains why you were able to heal so quickly after a serious injury! Am I right oppa?" < Jee Eun

"...that's right! Actually, I only found out about my ability after the accident, I kept it a secret from you because I thought you would think I'm a monster or something. And honestly those punches I threw at him just now were all instintive, my body just moved on it's own." < Jay

"I wasn't serious during the fight either, I came here to check on Jay after learning the news about his parents' passing." < Alfred

(He learnt Jay's information in the dimension just now)

"...I see. By the way, I will never think of you as a moster oppa." < Jee Eun

"Wait, your parents are dead? And you two aren't real siblings? What's going on?" < Jess

"Sica unnie, it's already late today, you should stay over at my place tonight, call and inform your parents about this. If you stay, I will also tell you everything about me and oppa." < Jee Eun

"B-but..." < Jess

"She is right, Jess! There are something else I need to do with my uncle over here. I will answer all your question tomorrow when we meet, okay?" < Jay

"...fine!" < Jess

"Follow me Sica unnie. Bye oppa, and bye 'uncle' Alfred~" < Jee Eun

"...wait! Take these!" < Alfred

"What are these devices?" < Jee Eun

"It's a high-tech phone, the only people you can contact using this phone are the four of us. Anything technical you don't know, just speak to the phone and ask, it will give you most of the answers. When you don't need it, press the button on the side, it will change into a bracelet." < Alfred

"These look expensive, are these even something that exist in the world right now? Why do we even need these?" < Jess

"Consider this a gift for being there with Jay during his hardship, thank you both!" < Alfred

"No... it's actually oppa that saved me!" < Jee Eun

"Jay was the one that helped me..." < Jess

"...let's just take the gifts and move on! See you tomorrow Jess! Come on uncle! Let's go! Bye!" < Jay

"Yes si- I mean alright Jay!" < Alfred


Midnight, inside Jee Eun's room

"Jee Eun ah, did you really believe everything Jay said just now?" < Jess

"Nope, oppa was obviously lying." < Jee Eun

"Then why?" < Jess

"Sica unnie, oppa might have a lot of secrets that he doesn't plan to tell me, but one thing I'm sure is that he will never bring me any harm. Even if he's lying, I'm sure he has his own reasons, and when the time is right, I'm sure he will tell me about it willingly." < Jee Eun

"You really trust him a lot huh?" < Jess

"Of course! Afterall, he is the reason why I'm still talking to you right now. Sica unnie! Let me tell you how me and oppa met!" < Jee Eun

"Sure!" < Jess


P.s these few chapters are kinda messy, will be moving back to trainee life from now on. Just wanna give MC the closure he deserves, and also gives him his best bodyguard, uncle Alfy xD